otherWindow.postMessage(message, targetOrigin, [transfer]);
- 指向另一个窗口的引用:。
- 传输给另一个窗口的信息
- 一个字符串,指定消息来源(URL形式)。记住总是提供一个特定的URL地址如果你知道的话,不要总是使用“*”(针对所有的URL),因为指定一个特定的URL可以防止恶意的网站来攻击。
The dispatched event
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event)
var origin = event.origin || event.originalEvent.origin; // For Chrome, the origin property is in the event.originalEvent object.
if (origin !== "http://example.org:8080")
return; // ...
- 从其他窗口传递的data
- 当postMessage调用的时候,发送信息窗口的origin。这个字符串是协议和"://"和主机名和后面用":"连接了一个接口名称,如果这个接口名和默认的接口名不一样的话。比如http://example.org(默认的接口是443),http://example.net(默认的接口是80)和http://example.com:8080。注意,这个origin并不一定要是当前亦或未来的那个窗口的origin,所以这将有可能当调用postMessage的时候,导致跳转到另一个完全不同的地址。
- 发送信息的window对象。你可以使用这个在不同origin之间在两个窗口之间建立两个通信。
Security concerns
* In window A's scripts, with A being on <http://example.com:8080>:
*/ var popup = window.open(...popup details...); // When the popup has fully loaded, if not blocked by a popup blocker: // This does nothing, assuming the window hasn't changed its location.
popup.postMessage("The user is 'bob' and the password is 'secret'",
"https://secure.example.net"); // This will successfully queue a message to be sent to the popup, assuming
// the window hasn't changed its location.
popup.postMessage("hello there!", "http://example.org"); function receiveMessage(event)
// Do we trust the sender of this message? (might be
// different from what we originally opened, for example).
if (event.origin !== "http://example.org")
return; // event.source is popup
// event.data is "hi there yourself! the secret response is: rheeeeet!"
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
* In the popup's scripts, running on <http://example.org>:
*/ // Called sometime after postMessage is called
function receiveMessage(event)
// Do we trust the sender of this message?
if (event.origin !== "http://example.com:8080")
return; // event.source is window.opener
// event.data is "hello there!" // Assuming you've verified the origin of the received message (which
// you must do in any case), a convenient idiom for replying to a
// message is to call postMessage on event.source and provide
// event.origin as the targetOrigin.
event.source.postMessage("hi there yourself! the secret response " +
"is: rheeeeet!",
} window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
For IDN host names only, the value of the origin
property is not consistently Unicode or punycode; for greatest compatibility check for both the IDN and punycode values when using this property if you expect messages from IDN sites. This value will eventually be consistently IDN, but for now you should handle both IDN and punycode forms.
The value of the origin
property when the sending window contains a javascript:
or data:
URL is the origin of the script that loaded the URL.
Using window.postMessage in extensions
is available to JavaScript running in chrome code (e.g., in extensions and privileged code), but the source
property of the dispatched event is always null
as a security restriction. (The other properties have their expected values.) The targetOrigin
argument for a message sent to a window located at a chrome:
URL is currently misinterpreted such that the only value which will result in a message being sent is "*"
. Since this value is unsafe when the target window can be navigated elsewhere by a malicious site, it is recommended thatpostMessage
not be used to communicate with chrome:
pages for now; use a different method (such as a query string when the window is opened) to communicate with chrome windows. Lastly, posting a message to a page at a file:
URL currently requires that the targetOrigin
argument be "*"
. file://
cannot be used as a security restriction; this restriction may be modified in the future.
Browser compatibility
[1] Prior to Gecko 6.0 (Firefox 6.0 / Thunderbird 6.0 / SeaMonkey 2.3), the message
parameter must be a string. Starting in Gecko 6.0 (Firefox 6.0 / Thunderbird 6.0 / SeaMonkey 2.3), themessage
parameter is serialized using the structured clone algorithm. This means you can pass a broad variety of data objects safely to the destination window without having to serialize them yourself.
[2] Gecko 8.0 introduced support for sending File
and FileList
objects between windows. This is only allowed if the recipient's principal is contained within the sender's principal for security reasons.
[3] IE8 and IE9 only support it for <frame>
and <iframe>
[4] IE10 has important limitations: see this article for details.
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