uiautomator UiSelector

Appium enables searching using UiSelectors. UiScrollable is also supported.//Uiselector和UiScrollable两种定位方式。

Note that the index selector is unreliable so prefer instance instead. The following examples are written against the api demos apk using Ruby.

Find the first textview.

 # ruby
first_textview = find_element(:uiautomator, 'new UiSelector().className("android.widget.TextView").instance(0)');

Find the first element by text.

 # ruby
first_text = find_element(:uiautomator, 'new UiSelector().text("Animation")')
first_text.text # "Animation"

Find the first scrollable element, then find a TextView with the text “Tabs”. The “Tabs” element will be scrolled into view.

 # ruby
element = find_element(:uiautomator, 'new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)).getChildByText(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.TextView"), "Tabs")')

As a special case, scrollIntoView returns the element that is scrolled into view. scrollIntoView allows scrolling to any UiSelector.

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