
Given a range [m, n] where 0 <= m <= n <= 2147483647, return the bitwise AND of all numbers in this range, inclusive.

For example, given the range [5, 7], you should return 4.


题目字面意思是给定两个整数构成闭区间, 0 <= m <= n <= 2147483647 均为合法整数,求区间内所有整数的位与结果。


那么,换一种方法,可不可以采用递归呢? 两段分别求出结果,然后相与得到最终结果,遗憾的是再次TLE。。。


5 0101

6 0110

7 0111






class Solution {
//方法一,一次遍历 TLE
int rangeBitwiseAnd1(int m, int n) { int ret = m;
for (int i = m+1; i <= n; ++i)
ret = ret & i;
return ret;
} //方法二,采用递归,TLE again!
int rangeBitwiseAnd2(int m, int n) {
if (m == n)
return m; int mid = (m + n) / 2;
return rangeBitwiseAnd(m, mid) & rangeBitwiseAnd(mid + 1, n);
} //方法三:
int rangeBitwiseAnd(int m, int n) {
int offset = 0;
while (m && n)
if (m == n)
return m << offset;
m >>= 1;
n >>= 1;
return 0;


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