Rush is an ability allowing a minion to attack other minions the same turn it is summoned or brought under a new player's control. Unlike Charge, Rush cannot be used to attack the enemy hero. Rush is represented by a shifting thick green border around the minion.

Rush was first introduced in The Witchwood and has appeared in every set since. It has functionally replaced Charge as an evergreen keyword.

  • Charge will not be overridden by Rush, and Rush has no effect if the minion isn't exhausted. If Rush is given to a minion with Charge or a minion ready to attack, it can still attack the enemy hero.
  • If there are no enemy minions to attack, the Rush visual effect will disappear. However, if a new minion is summoned for them, it will return.
  • Granting Rush to a minion that has already attacked will not allow them to attack again. This includes Rush given through Magnetic buffs, where the original minion could attack if it were normally summoned.

public enum GAME_TAG

// Token: 0x0400627F RID: 25215
    RUSH = 791,
    // Token: 0x04006280 RID: 25216

public abstract class EntityBase

// Token: 0x06007471 RID: 29809 RVA: 0x000E925E File Offset: 0x000E765E
    public bool HasRush()
        return this.HasTag(GAME_TAG.RUSH);

public class TRL_Dungeon_Boss_203h : TRL_Dungeon

protected override IEnumerator RespondToPlayedCardWithTiming(Entity entity)

if (entity.HasTag(GAME_TAG.RUSH))
yield return base.PlayAndRemoveRandomLineOnlyOnce(enemyActor, this.m_RushLines);

if (entity.HasTag(GAME_TAG.RUSH))
this.$current = base.PlayAndRemoveRandomLineOnlyOnce(enemyActor, this.m_RushLines);
if (!this.$disposing)
this.$PC = 9;
return true;

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