1 Pronunciation and Intonation

When's it due?

解析:When’s it due?

2 Key Points

2.1 Due

adj: 到期的,截止的

It's due tomorrow. 明天截止。

I was supposed to keep a journal all summer. It's due today. 我本来该写暑假日记的,今天就得交了。

adj: 预期的,预计的

What time is the next bus due? 下一趟公交什么时候来?

be due to do sth. 预计什么时候做某事。

The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time. 下次会议预计在3个月后召开。

What time is Minister Lee due to arrive? 李总理什么时候到?

adj: 账单应付的,欠债的

And our rent is due... Yesterday. 而且咱们该交房租啦,昨天就该交啦。

adj: 预产期(due date)

When's your due date? 预产期是什么时候? Not until the early fall. 应该不会早于秋前。

3 Useful Expressions

3.1 Deadline (n: 最后期限,截止日期)

We are dealing with an impossible deadline. 我们在做一项不可能完成的事情。

have a deadline. 赶着做某事

Your mom has a deadline. 你妈妈赶时间做XXX。

3.2 Deal with 处理,应付

3.3 Deal with a deadline 赶着做某事(强烈)

3.4 Cutoff (n: 截止日期)

miss the cuttof 错过截止时间

And then I found out that if I told them that your birthday was two weeks later, you missed the cutoff. 然后我发现,如果跟他们说你的生日是两周之后,你就会错过截止日期。

I missed the last bus. 我错过了末班车。

I missed a concert. 我错过了一场演唱会。

3.5 Expire (v: 过期,到期,失效)

I hope it hasn't expired. 希望没有过期。 No, Scotch doesn't expired. 威士忌不会过期。

My passport expires next month. 我得护照下个月就要过期啦。

4 Summary

4.1 When's it due? 什么时候截止?

4.2 Due (adj)




4.3 Due (n)


4.4 拓展

What time is Minister Lee due to  arrive?

When's your due date?

And our rent is due... Yesterday.

Your mon has a deadline.

We are dealing with an impossible deadline.

You missed the cutoff.

I hope it hasn't expired.

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