sqler 在10前发布了,2.2 添加了定时任务以及触发器(webhook),都是比较方便的功能,
同时我也修改了dockerfile, 做了构建,添加了功能支持,同时push 到了dockerhub 仓库


  • docker-compose 文件
    集成了一个测试webhook benthos
version: "3"
    image: dalongrong/sqler:2.2
    - "./config/config-2-2-example.hcl:/app/config.example.hcl"
    - "DSN=root:dalongrong@tcp(mysqldb:3306)/test?multiStatements=true"
    - "3678:3678"
    - "8025:8025"
    image: jeffail/benthos
    - "./configs/webhook.yaml:/benthos.yaml"
    - "4195:4195"
    image: mysql:5.7.16
      - 3306:3306
    command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: dalongrong
      MYSQL_DATABASE: test
      MYSQL_USER: test
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: test
      TZ: Asia/Shanghai
  • benthos webhook 配置
  type: broker
      - type: http_server
          path: /post/customer1
          - type: text
              operator: prepend
              value: "Customer 1 received: "
      - type: http_server
          path: /post/customer2
          - type: text
              operator: prepend
              value: "Customer 2 received: "
      - type: http_server
          path: /post/customer3
          - type: text
              operator: prepend
              value: "Customer 3 received: "
  type: stdout
  • 参考配置文件
// create a macro/endpoint called "_boot",
// this macro is private "used within other macros" 
// because it starts with "_".
_boot {
    // the query we want to execute
    exec = <<SQL
            ID INT PRIMARY KEY,
            data TEXT DEFAULT NULL
addpost {
    include = ["_boot"]
    methods = ["POST"]
    // validators {
    // title_is_empty = "$input.title && $input.title.trim().length > 0"
    // content_is_empty = "$input.content"
    // }
    bind {
        data = <<JS
                "title": $input.title,
                "content": $input.content
    exec = <<SQL
        INSERT INTO datax(ID, data) VALUES(default, :data) RETURNING id, data;
// adduser macro/endpoint, just hit `/adduser` with
// a `?user_name=&user_email=` or json `POST` request
// with the same fields.
adduser {
    validators {
        user_name_is_empty = "$input.user_name && $input.user_name.trim().length > 0"
        user_email_is_empty = "$input.user_email && $input.user_email.trim().length > 0"
        user_password_is_not_ok = "$input.user_password && $input.user_password.trim().length > 5"
    bind {
        name = "$input.user_name"
        email = "$input.user_email"
        password = "$input.user_password"
    methods = ["POST"]
    authorizer = <<JS
            log("use this for debugging")
            token = $input.http_authorization
            response = fetch("http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/zxpjigzx", {
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": token
            if ( response.statusCode != 200 ) {
                return false
            return true
    // include some macros we declared before
    include = ["_boot"]
    exec = <<SQL
        INSERT INTO users(name, email, password, time) VALUES(:name, :email, :password, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
        SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
// list all databases, and run a transformer function
databases {
    // include = ["_boot"]
    exec = "SHOW DATABASES"
    transformer = <<JS
            // $result
            $new = [];
            for ( i in $result ) {
            return $new
// list all tables from all databases
tables {
    exec = "SELECT `table_name` as `table`, `table_schema` as `database` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables"
    transformer = <<SQL
            $ret = []
            for ( i in $result ){
                    table: $result[i].table,
                    database: $result[i].database,
            return $ret
data {
    bind {
        limit = 2
        field = "'id'"
    exec = "SELECT id FROM data limit 5"
// a macro that aggregates `databases` macro and `tables` macro into one macro
databases_tables {
    aggregate = ["databases", "tables"]
_sqlite_tables {
    exec = <<SQL
    cron = "* * * * *"
    trigger {
        webhook = "http://benthos:4195/post/customer1"


  • 启动
docker-compose up -d
  • 准备测试数据表
CREATE TABLE `userinfos` (
  `id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
INSERT INTO test.userinfos
(id, name)
VALUES(1, 'dalong'); 
  • 效果
    查看benthos 容器日志
docker-compose logs -f benthos


sqler 日志



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