SharePoint Content Database简介
SharePoint作为微软主打的企业Portal平台,功能强大,使用简单,非常的方便。对于很多关系数据,我们可以使用自定义列表来维护,如果是非关系数据,可以使用文档库来维护。另外还可以在上面进行版本维护,工作流审批,而这一切可以不用写一行代码,只需要在界面和SharePoint Designer中进行设置即可完成。
- 在SharePoint Server使用C#程序,调用SharePoint对象模型,读取其中的各种数据。
- 在客户端调用SharePoint的WebService,读取其中的数据。
- 直连SQL Server SharePoint Content数据库,使用SQL来读取其中的数据。
前面两种方法,都是官方推荐的,文档详细,介绍较多,我就不讲了,我接下来主要研究如何直接读取SharePoint Content DB的数据。微软官方肯定是不推荐使用这种方法的,因为这个太底层了,完全脱离了SharePoint的控制,如果对其中数据进行直接的修改,那么可能会产生SharePoint无法预期的数据值。不过做数据库应用开发的都明白,这种方法执行效率最高,灵活性最大。为了避免写入无法预期的数据导致SharePoint崩溃,所以我们只是读取SharePoint Content DB,不做任何Update和Delete操作。要读取SharePoint Content DB的数据,首先要对其表结构做给基本的了解。
从网上(找的一个简介的表格,介绍了主要的几个SharePoint Content DB Table:
Features | Table that holds information about all the activated features for each site collection or site. |
Sites | Table that holds information about all the site collections for this content database. |
Webs | Table that holds information about all the specific sites (webs) in each site collection. |
UserInfo | Table that holds information about all the users for each site collection. |
Groups | Table that holds information about all the SharePoint groups in each site collection. |
Roles | Table that holds information about all the SharePoint roles (permission levels) for each site. |
All Lists | Table that holds information about lists for each site. |
GroupMembership | Table that holds information about all the SharePoint group members. |
AllUserData | Table that holds information about all the list items for each list. |
AllDocs | Table that holds information about all the documents (and all list items) for each document library and list. |
RoleAssignment | Table that holds information about all the users or SharePoint groups that are assigned to roles. |
Sched Subscriptions | Table that holds information about all the scheduled subscriptions (alerts) for each user. |
ImmedSubscriptions | Table that holds information about all the immediate subscriptions (alerts) for each user. |
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