终止EBS并发请求后,解锁相关的进程。 还有种方法可以在PLSQL->tools->session 中找到并且kill

Every concurrent Request uses some resources for running. If we find that the concurrent request is taking long time and decided to terminate the concurrent request , the resources may not be released soon. These processes are called runaway processes. So we need to manually kill the processes at database and os level to have the resources released to the system. Terminate the concurrent request from the front end. Then

  1. SQL>select request_id,oracle_process_id,os_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests
  2. where request_id=’&Req_Id’;
  3. SQL>select p.spid , s.sid , s.serial# from v$session s , v$process p
  4. where s.paddr = p.addr and s.process = &os_process_id ;
  5. SQL> alter system kill session session-id,session-serial $ kill -9 <server pid>
  1. SELECT qt.user_concurrent_queue_name,
  2. fcr.Request_Id Request_id,
  3. fu.User_name,
  4. p.spid,
  5. s.sid || ',
  6. ' || s.serial# SIDSERIAL,
  7. SUBSTR(Fcpv.Concurrent_Program_Name || ' – ' ||
  8. Fcpv.User_Concurrent_Program_Name,
  9. 1,
  10. 46) Program,
  11. TO_CHAR(fcr.actual_start_date, 'mm/dd hh24:mi') actual_start_date,
  12. phase_code,
  13. status_code,
  14. TO_CHAR(TRUNC(SYSDATE) + (SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date),
  15. 'hh24:mi:ss') duration
  16. FROM apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Fcq,
  17. apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_tl qt,
  18. apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr,
  19. apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp,
  20. apps.Fnd_User Fu,
  21. apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Processes Fpro,
  22. v$session s,
  23. v$process p,
  24. apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Programs_Vl Fcpv
  25. WHERE phase_code = 'C'
  26. AND status_Code = 'X'
  27. AND s.paddr = p.addr
  28. AND fcr.requested_by = user_id
  29. AND fcq.application_id = qt.application_id
  30. AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = qt.concurrent_queue_id
  31. AND userenv('lang') = qt.language
  32. AND fcr.os_process_id = s.process
  33. AND fcr.Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_Id
  34. AND (fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fpro.concurrent_queue_id AND
  35. fcq.application_id = fpro.queue_application_id)
  36. AND (fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND
  37. fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id)
  38. AND (fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcpv.concurrent_program_id AND
  39. fcr.program_application_id = fcpv.application_id)

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