import math
import re import requests from lxml import etree type = "{}/"
urlList = []
for i in range(1,8):
url = type.format(i)
urlList.append(url) from time import sleep
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
options = Options()
br = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) class ChanyeList(object): User_Agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36"
Refer = "" # 初始化
def __init__(self,br): = br # 使用selenium下载内容
def selenium_download(self,url):
content =
return content def get_total_numbers(self,url):
content = self.selenium_download(url)
html = etree.HTML(content)
totalNumbersTxt = html.xpath('.//div[@class="nw_num"]/text()')
import re
totalNumbers = re.findall(r'\d+',totalNumbersTxt[0])
return totalNumbers[0]
# 解析出列表
def html_parse_list(self,content):
html = etree.HTML(content)
listObj = html.xpath('.//div[@class="area"]//div[@class="con_lst"]')
list = []
for item in listObj:
src = item.xpath('./div/a/img/@src')
href = item.xpath('./div//h2/a/@href')
title = item.xpath('./div//h2/a/text()')
return list def optimizeContent(self,res):
res = res.replace('b\'', '')
res = res.replace('\\n', '')
res = res.replace('\'', '')
return res # 解析出详情
def html_parse_detail(self,content):
html = etree.HTML(content)
detail = html.xpath('.//div[@class="right_nr"]/div[1]//div[@class="kfq_box"]/ul')
detail = etree.tostring(detail[0])
detail = self.optimizeContent(str(detail)) # 区域优势
regionalAdvantages = html.xpath('.//div[@id="tbc_81"]')
regionalAdvantages = etree.tostring(regionalAdvantages[0])
regionalAdvantages = self.optimizeContent(str(regionalAdvantages)) # 基础配套
basicConfiguration = html.xpath('.//div[@id="tbc_82"]')
basicConfiguration = etree.tostring(basicConfiguration[0])
basicConfiguration = self.optimizeContent(str(basicConfiguration)) # 优惠政策
preferentialPolicy = html.xpath('.//div[@id="tbc_83"]')
preferentialPolicy = etree.tostring(preferentialPolicy[0])
preferentialPolicy = self.optimizeContent(str(preferentialPolicy)) # 规划建设
planningInformation = html.xpath('.//div[@id="tbc_84"]')
planningInformation = etree.tostring(planningInformation[0])
planningInformation = self.optimizeContent(str(planningInformation)) res = {'detail': detail,
"regionalAdvantages": regionalAdvantages,
"basicConfiguration": basicConfiguration,
"preferentialPolicy": preferentialPolicy,
"planningInformation": planningInformation,
} return res; def crawl_url(self,url):
print("crawl page {}".format(url))
listContent = self.selenium_download(url)
list = self.html_parse_list(listContent)
return list def get_name(self,index):
nameList = [
return nameList[index] # 保存list 获取到详情 保存为html
def save_list(self,list,type_index):
for item in list:
url = item['href']
print("crawl url :"+url)
content = self.selenium_download(url)
detailList = self.html_parse_detail(content)
item['title'] = self.validateTitle(item['title'])
type_name = self.get_name(type_index)
with open("./txt/"+type_name+"-"+item['title']+".html","w") as f:
f.write("<div> <a href='{}'><img style='height:80px;height:80px;' src={} /></a></div>".format(item['href'],item['src']))
except Exception as e:
def validateTitle(self,title):
rstr = r"[\/\\\:\*\?\"\<\>\|\(\)]" # '/ \ : * ? " < > |'
new_title = re.sub(rstr, "_", title) # 替换为下划线
return new_title
if __name__ == "__main__":
try: rootUrl = "{}/" for k in range(1,8):
chanyeList = ChanyeList(br)
baseUrl = ""+str(k)+"/?publishtime=desc&page={}"
pageUrl = ""+str(k)+"/"
# 获取总页数
totalNumbers = chanyeList.get_total_numbers(pageUrl)
totalPage = math.ceil( int(totalNumbers) / 13)
result = []
for page in range(1,int(totalPage) + 1 ):
realUrl = baseUrl.format(page)
list = chanyeList.crawl_url(realUrl)
chanyeList.save_list(result,k-1) br.quit()
except Exception as e:

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