破解编码面试第六版 - JavaScript

Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions 6th Edition

The Interview Process 面试过程

At most of the top tech companies (and many other companies). algorithm and coding problems form the

largest component of the interview process. Think of these as problem-solving questions. The interviewer

is looking to evaluate your ability to solve algorithmic problems you haven't seen before.

Very often, you might get through only one question in an interview. Forty-five minutes is not a long time,

and it's difficult to get through several different questions in that time frame.

You should do your best to talk out loud throughout the problem and explain your thought process. Your

interviewer might jump in sometimes to help you; let them. It's normal and doesn't really mean that you're

doing poorly. (That said, of course not needing hints is even better.)

At the end of the interview, the interviewer will walk away with a gut feel for how you did.

A numeric score might be assigned to your performance, but it's not actually a quantitative assessment.

There's no chart that says how many points you get for different things. It just doesn't work like that.

Rather, your interviewer will make an assessment of your performance, usually based on the following:

  • Analytical skills: Did you need much help solving the problem? How optimal was your solution? How long did it take you to arrive at a solution? If you had to design/architect a new solution, did you structure the problem well and think through the tradeoffs of different decisions?

  • Coding skills: Were you able to successfully translate your algorithm to reasonable code? Was it clean and well-organized? Did you think about potential errors? Did you use good style?

  • Technical knowledge/ Computer Science fundamentals: Do you have a strong foundation in computer science and the relevant technologies?

  • Experience: Have you made good technical decisions in the past? Have you built interesting, challenging projects? Have you shown drive, initiative, and other important factors?

  • Culture fit/ Communication skills: Do your personality and values fit with the company and team? Did you communicate well with your interviewer?

The weighting of these areas will vary based on the question, interviewer, role, team, and company. In a standard algorithm question, it might be almost entirely the first three of those.


This is one of the most common questions candidates have as they get started with this process. Why do things this way? After all,

  1. Lots of great candidates don't do well in these sorts of interviews









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