
This is not a bug (just very poorly documented :)

Thread.Abort throws an exception only when the thread is in managed code. 
Since calling UdpClient.Receive call a blocking function of the WinSock API 
it will not receive the abort exception. Only after UdpClient.Receive 
finishes (hence you are back in managed code) the Thread.Abort method 
re-throws the exception. Lookup in the help files at Thread.Abort().

How to solve this problem? 
Use a Socket class (instead of UdpClient) and use the asynchronously methods 
BeginReceiveFrom and EndReceiveFrom (of course also for XXXSendTo). These 
methods are a litter harder to use but your thread now remains in managed 
code while waiting for the receive operation (still unmanaged code) to 

Sander Leer

> If a thread is waiting on a call to UdpClient.Receive, there is no way to 
> return from this call unless the UdpClient is closed or data is received. 
> Calling Thread.Abort on the blocked thread has no effect.

> The attached code illustrates the problem.

> Is this a bug?

> DAve



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