IntelliJ IDEA 2014 付费版 免费版比较 Freemarker, Velocity
IDE Features | Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
Darcula — The darker UI theme. | Y | Y |
Android — UI Designer, Layout Refactorings, etc. | Y | Y |
Maven, Gradle, Ant, Gant Build Tools | Y | Y |
Unit Testing and Code Coverage — JUnit, TestNG, Spock; Cucumber (for Java and Groovy), etc. |
Y | Y |
Issue Tracking Integration — YouTrack, JIRA, Lighthouse, Pivotal Tracker, GitHub, Redmine and Trac. |
Y | Y |
Local History | Y | Y |
Context Management | Y | Y |
Eclipse Project Interoperability | Y | Y |
Swing GUI Designer | Y | Y |
Code Spell Checker | Y | Y |
Structural Search & Replace | Y | Y |
OSGi — available via a free plugin. | Y | Y |
Database Tools — SQL Editor, Schema Definition Editor, Diagrams. | Y | N |
UML Designer — Analysis, Modelling, Refactorings | Y | N |
Dependency Structure Matrix | Y | N |
Maven Dependency Diagram | Y | N |
Code Duplicates Detection | Y | N |
Language Support Language support includes Smart Completion, Profound Navigation, On-the-fly Analysis, Intentions, Quick Fixes, Safe Refactorings, Debugger and many other productivity-boosting features. |
Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
Java | Y | Y |
Scala — including ScalaTest, specs2; available via a free plugin. | Y | Y |
Groovy | Y | Y |
Clojure — available via a free plugin. | Y | Y |
XML, XSD, DTD | Y | Y |
Regular Expressions | Y | Y |
Dart — available via a free plugin. | Y | Y |
HTML, CSS | Y | Y |
JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript | Y | Y |
ActionScript | Y | Y |
Freemarker, Velocity | Y | Y |
XSL, XPath | Y | Y |
SQL — PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. | Y | N |
Ruby, JRuby — available via a plugin. | Y | N |
Python — available via a plugin. | Y | N |
PHP — PHPUnit, Smarty, etc. available via a plugin. | Y | N |
Frameworks and Technologies |
Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
Spring Framework — Core, MVC, WebFlow, Web Service, Data, Security, Integration, Roo, etc. | Y | N |
Java EE — Servlets, JSP, JSF, Web Services, CDI, Bean Validation, etc. | Y | N |
JPA, Hibernate — Completion, Navigation, Refactorings, Queries, Diagrams, etc. | Y | N |
GWT — Google Web Toolkit | Y | N |
Vaadin | Y | N |
Grails | Y | N |
Play Framework — Play 1.x and Play 2.x | Y | N |
JBoss Seam | Y | N |
Struts — Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x | Y | N |
Griffon | Y | N |
AspectJ | Y | N |
Thymeleaf | Y | N |
Tapestry | Y | N |
Sass, LESS, Stylus, Compass | Y | N |
Rails, RubyMotion — available via a plugin. | Y | N |
Node.js — available via a plugin. | Y | N |
Django — available via a plugin. | Y | N |
Adobe Flex, AIR — including AIR Mobile for iOS and Android. | Y | N |
Application Servers |
Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
Tomcat | Y | N |
TomEE | Y | N |
GlassFish | Y | N |
JBoss AS, WildFly | Y | N |
Oracle WebLogic | Y | N |
IBM WebSphere | Y | N |
Geronimo | Y | N |
Resin | Y | N |
Jetty | Y | N |
Virgo | Y | N |
Version Control Version control tools includes a unified interface and smart tools for Update, Commit, Merge, Diff and other operations with version control systems. |
Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
Git, GitHub | Y | Y |
Subversion | Y | Y |
Mercurial | Y | Y |
CVS | Y | Y |
Team Foundation Server | Y | N |
ClearCase | Y | N |
Perforce | Y | N |
Visual SourceSafe | Y | N |
Customer Support | Ultimate Edition | Free Community Edition |
IntelliJ IDEA Community Forums and Issue Tracker | Y | Y |
24/7 Support | Y | N |
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