《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第12章:测试——题目5·
2014-04-25 00:41
// 12.5 How would you test a pen?
// Answer:
// 1. A pen uses ink.
// 2. A pen usually writes on paper.
// 3. The volume of ink in the pen is usually small.
// 4. Sometimes when the pen is used for too long, we wash the pen with water and dry it.
// 5. When drawing ink from the ink bottle, we squeeze the ruber tube and releases it to draw the ink up into the pen.
// Above all the things, there are a few things to be tested:
// 1. the ruber tube which contains the ink.
// 1.a. is it elastic enough?
// 2. a very thin pipe, from which ink flows into the pen.
// 2.a. is it easily blocked?
// 2.b. does it break easily?
// 3. the upper cover, which protects the ruber tube inside it.
// 3.a. can the whorl fit tight?
// 3.b. is the cover firm enough? does it crack easily?
// 4. the tip of the pen, through which the ink flow out.
// 4.a. it is actually a pipe, does it block easily?
// 4.b. write it on different paper textures, does it write smoothly?
// 4.c. it is steel, does it rust easily?
int main()
return ;
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