< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../dist/themes/natural.css" > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../dist/natural-gallery.full.css" > < script src = "../dist/natural-gallery.full.js" defer></ script > |
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< svg version = "1.1" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox = "0 0 100 100" xml:space = "preserve" style = "display:none;" > < g id = "icon-search" > < path d="M67.647,61.054c1.74-1.741,3.046-3.706,3.916-5.896c0.87-2.19,1.305-4.422,1.305-6.696c0-2.274-0.435-4.52-1.305-6.738 c-0.87-2.218-2.176-4.197-3.916-5.938c-1.741-1.741-3.706-3.032-5.896-3.874c-2.19-0.842-4.436-1.263-6.738-1.263 c-2.302,0-4.549,0.421-6.738,1.263c-2.19,0.842-4.155,2.134-5.896,3.874s-3.046,3.72-3.916,5.938 c-0.87,2.218-1.305,4.464-1.305,6.738c0,2.274,0.435,4.506,1.305,6.696c0.87,2.19,2.176,4.155,3.916,5.896 c1.741,1.74,3.706,3.046,5.896,3.916c2.19,0.87,4.436,1.305,6.738,1.305s4.548-0.435,6.738-1.305 C63.941,64.1,65.906,62.794,67.647,61.054z M77.754,25.679c3.145,3.144,5.503,6.696,7.075,10.654 c1.572,3.959,2.358,7.987,2.358,12.086s-0.786,8.128-2.358,12.086c-1.572,3.959-3.93,7.51-7.075,10.654 c-2.526,2.527-5.334,4.548-8.422,6.064c-3.088,1.516-6.288,2.526-9.602,3.032c-3.313,0.506-6.64,0.478-9.98-0.084 c-3.341-0.562-6.528-1.628-9.56-3.201L25.703,91.459c-0.842,0.842-1.769,1.459-2.779,1.853c-1.011,0.393-2.064,0.59-3.158,0.59 s-2.148-0.197-3.158-0.59c-1.011-0.393-1.937-1.011-2.779-1.853c-0.842-0.842-1.46-1.769-1.853-2.779 c-0.393-1.011-0.59-2.064-0.59-3.158s0.197-2.147,0.59-3.158c0.393-1.011,1.011-1.937,1.853-2.779l13.981-13.981 c-1.965-3.088-3.341-6.401-4.127-9.939c-0.786-3.538-0.997-7.075-0.632-10.612c0.365-3.537,1.32-6.977,2.864-10.318 c1.544-3.341,3.664-6.359,6.359-9.054c3.144-3.088,6.696-5.418,10.654-6.991c3.959-1.572,7.987-2.358,12.086-2.358 c4.099,0,8.128,0.786,12.086,2.358C71.058,20.261,74.61,22.591,77.754,25.679z"/> </ g > < g id = "icon-next" > < polygon points = "88.126,24.216 50.036,62.306 11.947,24.216 0.355,35.809 50.036,85.49 99.718,35.809 " /> </ g > < g id = "icon-category" > < path d="M98.929,28.421L87.854,17.346c-1.311-1.311-3.436-1.311-4.747,0L36.974,63.48L17.353,43.859 c-1.31-1.311-3.436-1.311-4.746,0L1.532,54.933c-1.311,1.31-1.311,3.436,0,4.747l33.069,33.069 c0.655,0.656,1.514,0.983,2.373,0.983c0.859,0,1.718-0.328,2.373-0.983l59.581-59.582c0.63-0.629,0.983-1.483,0.983-2.373 C99.912,29.904,99.559,29.05,98.929,28.421z"/> </ g > < g id = "icon-pict" > < path d="M8.603,16.406v77.478H91.47V16.406H8.603z M82.018,26.091V72.5l-14.65-17.355L54.369,66.581L36.093,44.649L18.055,69.808 V26.091H82.018z"/> < path d="M60.643,46.263c3.655,0,6.617-3.034,6.617-6.774c0-3.744-2.962-6.779-6.617-6.779c-3.654,0-6.617,3.035-6.617,6.779 C54.026,43.228,56.989,46.263,60.643,46.263z"/> </ g > < g id = "icon-noresults" > < path d="M99.912,6.908L6.821,100l-5.812-5.812L94.1,1.096L99.912,6.908z M68.442,8.462L5.237,71.349V8.462H68.442z M35.174,27.716 c0-6.075-4.925-10.999-10.999-10.999c-6.129,0-10.999,4.988-10.999,10.999c0,6.012,4.87,10.999,10.999,10.999 C30.25,38.716,35.174,33.791,35.174,27.716z M88.514,82.787c-3.364,0-25.162,0-28.576,0l-5.895-11.473l-6.014,5.984l2.738,5.489 c-0.846,0-2.921,0-8.254,0l-9.896,9.847h63.07V29.881L73.257,52.198C78.41,62.531,88.123,82.004,88.514,82.787z"/> </ g > </ svg > |
var containerRef = document.getElementById( 'myGallery' ); // uses HTMLElement reference as container var photoswipeRef = document.getElementById( 'myPhotoswipe' ); // photoswipe template if required // Create your gallery options var options = { format: 'natural | square' , // Max row height. Works for both natural and square format. Prefer this option for a "responsive" approach rowHeight: 350, // Only for square format. Disables responsive imagesPerRow: 4, round: 3, // Rounded corner margin: 3, // Gap between thumbnails limit: 0, // Number of rows, activate pagination (disables infinite scroll) minRowsAtStart: 2, // Initial number of rows. If null, gallery tries to define the number of required rows to fill the viewport. showLabels: 'hover | always | never' , // When to show the labels in thumbnails lightbox: true , // Open a lightbox with a bigger image -> activate a zoom effect on hover on thumbnails zoomRotation: true , // Number of pixels to offset the infinite scroll autoload // If negative, next rows will load before the bottom of gallery container is visible // If 0 the next rows will load when the bottom of the gallery will be visible // If positive, the next rows will load when the bottom of the gallery will be this amount above the end of the viewport. // If positive be sure to always have this number of pixels as margin, padding or more content after the gallery. infiniteScrollOffset: 0, // Header / Search options. showCount: false , searchFilter: false , categoriesFilter: false , showNone: false , showOthers: false , labelCategories: 'Category' , labelNone: 'None' , labelOthers: 'Others' , labelSearch: 'Search' , labelImages: 'Images' , }; var images = [ { "thumbnail" : "thumb.jpg" , "enlarged" : "big.jpg" , "title" : "Antonio Ron" , "categories" : [ { "id" : 4, "title" : "Nature" , "photo_count" : 41787, "links" : { "self" : "https://api.unsplash.com/categories/4" , "photos" : "https://api.unsplash.com/categories/4/photos" } } ], "tWidth" : 443.74009508716324, "tHeight" : 300, "eWidth" : 2800, "eHeight" : 1893 }, {...} ]; // Create a gallery var gallery = new Gallery(containerRef, photoswipeRef, options); |
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