<!doctype html>
body {
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    position: absolute;
    display: none;

.auto_show {
    width: 204px;
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    border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
    border-left: 1px solid #333;
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    position: absolute;
    z-index: 9999; /* 设置对象的层叠顺序 */
    display: block;

.auto_onmouseover {
    color: #ffffff;
    background-color: highlight;
    width: 100%;

.auto_onmouseout {
    color: #000000;
    width: 100%;
    background-color: #ffffff;
<script language="javascript">
    var $ = function(id) {
        return "string" == typeof id ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
    var Bind = function(object, fun) {
        return function() {
            return fun.apply(object, arguments);
    function AutoComplete(obj, autoObj, arr) {
        this.obj = $(obj); //输入框
        this.autoObj = $(autoObj);//DIV的根节点
        this.value_arr = arr; //不要包含重复值
        this.index = -1; //当前选中的DIV的索引
        this.search_value = ""; //保存当前搜索的字符
    AutoComplete.prototype = {
        init : function() {
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                    + "px";
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        deleteDIV : function() {
            while (this.autoObj.hasChildNodes()) {
            this.autoObj.className = "auto_hidden";
        setValue : function(_this) {
            return function() {
                _this.obj.value = this.seq;
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        autoOnmouseover : function(_this, _div_index) {
            return function() {
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                    } else {
                        _this.autoObj.childNodes[j].className = 'auto_onmouseover';
        changeClassname : function(length) {
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        pressKey : function(event) {
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                    this.index = 0;
                } else if (this.index == length) {
                    this.obj.value = this.search_value;
            else if (event.keyCode == 38) {
                if (this.index < -1) {
                    this.index = length - 1;
                } else if (this.index == -1) {
                    this.obj.value = this.search_value;
            else if (event.keyCode == 13) {
                this.autoObj.className = "auto_hidden";
                this.index = -1;
            } else {
                this.index = -1;
        start : function(event) {
            if (event.keyCode != 13 && event.keyCode != 38
                    && event.keyCode != 40) {
                this.search_value = this.obj.value;
                var valueArr = this.value_arr;
                if (this.obj.value.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '') == "") {
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                } catch (e) {
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                        div.seq = valueArr[i];
                        div.onclick = this.setValue(this);
                        div.onmouseover = this.autoOnmouseover(this, div_index);
                        div.innerHTML = valueArr[i].replace(reg,
                        this.autoObj.className = "auto_show";
            window.onresize = Bind(this, function() {
    <h1 align="center">自动完成函数(Autocomplete Function)</h1>
    <div align="center">
        <input type="text"
            style="width: 300px; height: 20px; font-size: 14pt;" id="o"
    <div class="auto_hidden" id="auto">
        <!--自动完成 DIV-->
        var autoComplete = new AutoComplete('o', 'auto', [ 'b0', 'b12', 'b22',
                'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b2', 'abd', 'ab', 'acd',
                'accd', 'b1', 'cd', 'ccd', 'cbcv', 'cxf' ]);



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