





 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxInt = ; int N, D;
struct point
int x, y;
}G[]; struct queue
int arr[];
int head = ;
int tail = ;
}; void enQueue(int i, queue& q);
int deQueue(queue& q);
bool isEmpty(queue q); bool firstJump(int i);
bool jump(int i, int j);
bool toBank(int i);
bool bfs(int s, vector<int>& p);
bool shorter(vector<int> path1, vector<int> path2); int main()
int i;
cin >> N >> D;
for (i = ; i < N; i++)
cin >> G[i].x >> G[i].y; bool first = true;
vector<int> path, minPath;
for (i = ; i < N; i++)
if (firstJump(i) && bfs(i, path))
if (first) //第一个可达到岸边的鳄鱼
minPath = path;
first = false;
else if (shorter(path, minPath))
minPath = path;
} if (first) cout << ; //岸边不可达
else if (7.5 + D >= ) //直接跳到岸边
cout << ;
else {
cout << minPath.size() + << endl;
for (i = minPath.size() - ; i >= ; i--)
int id = minPath[i];
cout << G[id].x << " " << G[id].y << endl;
return ;
} bool firstJump(int i)
bool a = pow(G[i].x, ) + pow(G[i].y, ) <= pow((7.5 + D), );
return a;
} bool jump(int i, int j)
return pow(G[i].x - G[j].x, ) + pow(G[i].y - G[j].y, ) <= D * D;
} bool toBank(int i)
int x = G[i].x, y = G[i].y;
return (x <= D - || x >= - D || y <= D - || y >= - D);
} bool shorter(vector<int> path1, vector<int> path2)
if (path1.size() != path2.size())
return path1.size() < path2.size();
else {
int a = path1[path1.size() - ];
int b = path2[path2.size() - ];
return pow(G[a].x, ) + pow(G[a].y, ) <= pow(G[b].x, ) + pow(G[b].y, );
} bool bfs(int s, vector<int>& p)
queue q;
enQueue(s, q);
bool marked[] = {};
int pathTo[];
marked[s] = true;
pathTo[s] = -; bool success = false;
int v, w;
while (!isEmpty(q))
v = deQueue(q);
if (toBank(v)) //可以到岸边
success = true;
for (w = ; w < N; w++)
if (!marked[w] && jump(v, w))
enQueue(w, q);
marked[w] = true;
pathTo[w] = v;
} if (!success) return false;
vector<int> vec;
while (v != -)
v = pathTo[v];
p = vec;
return true;
} void enQueue(int i, queue& q)
q.tail = (q.tail + ) % ;
q.arr[q.tail] = i;
} int deQueue(queue& q)
q.head = (q.head + ) % ;
return q.arr[q.head];
} bool isEmpty(queue q)
return q.head == q.tail;

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