


判断特征:通过查找后序序列中最后一个结点的前一个在先序中的位置,来确定是否可以划分左右孩子,如果不能,  就将其划分为右孩子(或左孩子),递归建树。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 31; int n, index = 0;
int pre[maxn], post[maxn];
bool flag = true; struct Node {
int data;
Node *lchild, *rchild;
} *root; Node *create(int preL, int preR, int postL, int postR)
if (preL > preR) return NULL;
Node *node = new Node;
node->data = pre[preL];
node->lchild = NULL;
node->rchild = NULL;
if (preL == preR)
return node;
int k = 0;
for (k = preL + 1; k <= preR; k++)
if (pre[k] == post[postR - 1]) break;
if (k - preL > 1)
node->lchild = create(preL + 1, k - 1, postL, postL + k - preL - 2);
node->rchild = create(k, preR, postL + k - preL - 1, postR - 1);
flag = false;
node->rchild = create(k, preR, postL + k - preL - 1, postR - 1);
return node;
} void inOrder(Node *node)
if (node == NULL) return;
if (index < n - 1)
cout << node->data << " ";
else cout << node->data << endl;
} int main()
cin >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> pre[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> post[i];
root = create(0, n - 1, 0, n - 1);
if (flag) cout << "Yes\n";
else cout << "No\n";
return 0;

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