Caocao's Bridges
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5595 Accepted Submission(s):
battle of Chibi. But he wouldn't give up. Caocao's army still was not good at
water battles, so he came up with another idea. He built many islands in the
Changjiang river, and based on those islands, Caocao's army could easily attack
Zhou Yu's troop. Caocao also built bridges connecting islands. If all islands
were connected by bridges, Caocao's army could be deployed very conveniently
among those islands. Zhou Yu couldn't stand with that, so he wanted to destroy
some Caocao's bridges so one or more islands would be seperated from other
islands. But Zhou Yu had only one bomb which was left by Zhuge Liang, so he
could only destroy one bridge. Zhou Yu must send someone carrying the bomb to
destroy the bridge. There might be guards on bridges. The soldier number of the
bombing team couldn't be less than the guard number of a bridge, or the mission
would fail. Please figure out as least how many soldiers Zhou Yu have to sent to
complete the island seperating mission.
In each
test case:
The first line contains two integers, N and M, meaning that
there are N islands and M bridges. All the islands are numbered from 1 to N. ( 2
<= N <= 1000, 0 < M <= N2 )
Next M lines describes
M bridges. Each line contains three integers U,V and W, meaning that there is a
bridge connecting island U and island V, and there are W guards on that bridge.
( U ≠ V and 0 <= W <= 10,000 )
The input ends with N = 0 and M =
Zhou Yu had to send to complete the mission. If Zhou Yu couldn't succeed any
way, print -1 instead.
1 2 7
2 3 4
3 1 4
3 2
1 2 7
2 3 4
0 0
- /*
- hdu4738
- 1.原图可能不联通 这时不需要派人去炸桥 直接输出 0
- 2.有重边
- 3.可能有权值为0的桥 但我们必须要有一个人去带炸弹啊 所以这是输出 1
- */
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #define N 1001
- using namespace std;
- int n,m,cnt,ans,flag;
- int head[N],dfn[N],low[N],fa[N];
- struct edge{
- int u,v,w,net;
- }e[N*N*];
- inline int read()
- {
- int x=,f=;char c=getchar();
- while(c>''||c<''){if(c=='-')f=-;c=getchar();}
- while(c>=''&&c<=''){x=x*+c-'';c=getchar();}
- return x*f;
- }
- inline void add(int u,int v,int w)
- {
- e[++cnt].v=v;e[cnt].w=w;e[cnt].net=head[u];head[u]=cnt;
- }
- void init()
- {
- memset(low,,sizeof low);memset(dfn,,sizeof dfn);
- memset(fa,,sizeof fa);memset(head,,sizeof head);
- memset(e,,sizeof e);cnt=flag=;
- }
- void Tarjan(int u,int father)
- {
- dfn[u]=low[u]=++cnt;
- for(int i=head[u];i;i=e[i].net)
- {
- int v=e[i].v;
- if(i==father+) continue;
- if(!dfn[v])
- {
- Tarjan(v,i);low[u]=min(low[u],low[v]);
- if(low[v]>dfn[u]) ans=min(ans,e[i].w);
- }
- low[u]=min(low[u],dfn[v]);//注意
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- freopen("ly.txt","r",stdin);
- int x,y,z;
- while()
- {
- init();
- n=read();m=read();
- if(!n && !m) break;
- for(int i=;i<=m;i++)
- {
- x=read();y=read();z=read();
- add(x,y,z);add(y,x,z);
- }cnt=;
- ans=0x3f3f3f3f;
- for(int i=;i<=n;i++) if(!dfn[i]) flag++,Tarjan(i,-);
- if(flag>){printf("0\n");continue;}
- ans=ans==0x3f3f3f3f?-:ans;ans=ans==?:ans;
- printf("%d\n",ans);
- }
- return ;
- }
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