
/** A class for environments, instances of which are passed as
 *  arguments to tree visitors.  Environments refer to important ancestors
 *  of the subtree that's currently visited, such as the enclosing method,
 *  the enclosing class, or the enclosing toplevel node. They also contain
 *  a generic component, represented as a type parameter, to carry further
 *  information specific to individual passes.
 *   一个类的环境,它的实例将被作为树访问者的参数进行传递。环境涉及到重要的子树的先祖,
 *   子树是目前被访问过的。例如封闭的方法、封闭的类或者是封闭的顶层结点。它们也包含了
 *   一个一般性的组件,被描述为类型参数,针对个别的传递携带更多的信息
public class Env<A> implements Iterable<Env<A>> {

    /** The next enclosing env.
     *  下一个封闭的环境,和作用域是不同的。这个与语法树的组织嵌套是一样的
    public Env<A> next;

    /** The env enclosing the current class.
     * 参考文章:
    public Env<A>  outer;

    /** The tree with which this environment is associated.
    public JCTree tree;

     * The enclosing toplevel tree.封闭的顶层语法树,语法节点类型为JCCompilationUnit
    public JCCompilationUnit toplevel;

    /** The next enclosing class definition.
    public JCClassDecl enclClass;

    /** The next enclosing method definition.
    public JCMethodDecl enclMethod;

    /** A generic field for further information.
    public A info;

    // ...




/** Create an outermost environment for a given (toplevel)tree,with a given info field.
public Env(JCTree tree, A info) {
    this.next = null;
    this.outer = null;
    this.tree = tree; // 初始化时就赋值
    this.toplevel = null;
    this.enclClass = null;
    this.enclMethod = null;
    this.info = info; // 初始化时就赋值




/** Duplicate this environment into a given Environment,
 *  using its tree and info, and copying all other fields.
public Env<A> dupto(Env<A> that) {
    that.next = this;
    that.outer = this.outer;
    that.toplevel = this.toplevel;
    that.enclClass = this.enclClass;
    that.enclMethod = this.enclMethod;
    return that;




/** Duplicate this environment, updating with given tree,
 *  and copying all other fields.
public Env<A> dup(JCTree tree) { // 更新tree的信息
    return dup(tree, this.info);

/** Duplicate this environment, updating with given tree and info,
 *  and copying all other fields.
public Env<A> dup(JCTree tree, A info) { // 更新tree与info的信息
    return dupto(new Env<A>(tree, info));








class A {
	static class B { // 只有在toplevel类中可用static,所有的内部类不可以使用static关键字
		int b = 2;

		public  void methodB(){
			class C {

				Object c = new Object(){
					int c = b;

				 class D{
						public void t() {
							int c = b;

对于匿名内部类的int c = b语句来说,其outer是JCNewClass(JCNewClass属于类C)。类C的outer为类B的JCBlock。类B的outer为类A。

对于方法t中的int c = b语句来说,语句属于类D,类D的外层为JCBlock(JCBlock{classD{...}},而JCBlock(JCBlock{classD{...}}的outer为methodB的Block。



/** Create a fresh environment for toplevels.
 *  @param tree     The toplevel tree.
public Env<AttrContext> topLevelEnv(JCCompilationUnit tree) {

    // 初始化namedImportScope属性
    tree.namedImportScope = new ImportScope(tree.packge);
    tree.starImportScope = new StarImportScope(tree.packge);

    Env<AttrContext> localEnv = new Env<AttrContext>(tree, new AttrContext());
    localEnv.toplevel = tree;
    // predefClassDef:A dummy class to serve as enclosingClass
    // for toplevel environments.
    localEnv.enclClass = predefClassDef;
    // JCCompilationUnit的环境Scope中使用的是namedImportScope
    localEnv.info.scope = tree.namedImportScope;
    localEnv.info.lint = lint;

    return localEnv;


public Env<AttrContext> classEnv(JCClassDecl tree, Env<AttrContext> env) {
    Scope sp = new Scope(tree.sym);
    AttrContext ac = env.info.dup(sp);
    Env<AttrContext> localEnv =  env.dup(tree, ac);

    localEnv.enclClass = tree;
    localEnv.outer = env;
    localEnv.info.isSelfCall = false;
    localEnv.info.lint = null; // leave this to be filled in by Attr,
                                 // when annotations have been processed
    return localEnv;



interface IA{}
interface IB{}
class CA{}
class CB{}
class TestC<T extends CA&IA&IB>{
	public <B extends CB&IA&IB> void method(B b){}


1、public abstract class T extends CA implements IA,IB{} 最终生成的Env如下截图。

2、public abstract class B extends CB implements IA,IB{} 最终生成的Environment如下截图。


package com.test07;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
class TestScope {

    public int a = 2;

    public void test(int b) {
        int c = 3;
        for (int d = 3; a < 6; a++) {
            int e = 4;




public class Test3{
	static{                      // staticLevel = 1
		// 在static块中不允许再有static出现,如
		// static int a = 1;
		// static class A{}
		// class A{
		//  public static void m1(){}
		// }
		int a = 1;               // staticLevel = 1
	// 这个类的staticLevel为0,与一般类没有任何区别
	static class Inner{          // staticLevel = 0
		public static void m1(){ // staticLevel = 1
			int b = 1;           // staticLevel = 1


interface I{
	void m1();
public class Test3{
	static void t(){}
	static I a = new I(){
		public void m1() {





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