The very essence of romance is uncertainty.


Romance is the glamour that can turn the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.

Romance is the wonderful sauce that can add incomparable flavours to the tasteless daily life and make it delicious.

But how to bring romance and be romantic is quite a big kind of knowledge, like mathematics and physics, that need us to learn and to practice.

Though it is said the essence of romance is uncertainty, sometimes, even your lover can guess what you will do, he or she still feels happy for your good will.

About 30 days ago, I got the date and the weekday wrong, till today, I just make it right.

Once you make a mistake, if you haven't realized it and taken measures to correct it, you may probably continue the error again and agin.

Looking my own face in the mirror, it seems I am getting older and older, but my abilities, seem to get weaker and weaker.

What should I do? Is there any possibility of making my dreams true in my life?

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.


From Scottish Proverb.

When we invest our time in something, we set a goal for our life and make a decision of some achievements we want to accomplish.

Whether it is getting good grades at school, being a good athelete, being a skilled programmer, being an indispensable specialist, or just being a qualified employer, we must take concrete actions and make effective efforts to make sure that we can reach the goal and we can attain the achievements, then the time and energy we spend will be meaningful and valueable.

Otherwise the results may be no better than doing nothing.

Actually, almost every people has some kind of goal or expecation, short-term or long-term, small or big, but some of us failed to reach our goals.

And the very reason may be lack of actions and efforts.

Get rid of your procrsatination, that may be become the biggest barrier for you in your life-road.

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