Beginning DirectX11 Game Programming
DirectX11 or 10 made a big change comparing to DirectX9
The fixed-function pipeline was removed in DirectX10, and totally replaced by programmable shaders. Comparing to DirectX10, DirectX11 add some new features:
- General-purpose computing on the GPU(DirectCompute)
- True mult-threaded rendering
- New hardware tessellation
- Shader Model 5.0, object-oriented programming
- BC6 compression HDR images, BC7 compression for LDR images
- Increased texture resolution sizes
If you checked some new versions samples, you will find that they made huge change for the API. So if you want to port your old-version (like D3D9) with the latest one, you have to re-write the Graphic process interface for your game. If you were family with D3D9 before, you will get touch with D3D11 very easily, the basic fundamental concept still there.
DirectX11 Samples
Those are some samples from the book <Beginning DirectX11 Game Programming> which will give you a good start.
The full source code could be downloaded from here.
Something More
Here are some questions that I uncounted when I tried to use the DirectX11 SDK.
- Error code: S1023 when trying to install DirectX on Win7
Control Panel>Program & Features and uninstall all the
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86/x64 redistributable - 10.0.(number over 30319) then try to install again.
- Failed to create DirectX11 device with flag "D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG".
Beginning DirectX11 Game Programming的更多相关文章
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