c# 多线程 --Mutex(互斥锁)
Public Mutex();
Public Mutex(bool owned);
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading;
- namespace MyTTCon
- {
- class shareRes
- {
- public static int count = ;
- public static Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
- }
- class IncThread
- {
- int number;
- public Thread thrd;
- public IncThread(string name, int n)
- {
- thrd = new Thread(this.run);
- number = n;
- thrd.Name = name;
- thrd.Start();
- }
- void run()
- {
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "正在等待 the mutex");
- //申请
- shareRes.mutex.WaitOne();
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "申请到 the mutex");
- do
- {
- Thread.Sleep();
- shareRes.count++;
- Console.WriteLine("In " + thrd.Name + "ShareRes.count is " + shareRes.count);
- number--;
- } while (number > );
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "释放 the nmutex");
- // 释放
- shareRes.mutex.ReleaseMutex();
- }
- }
- class DecThread
- {
- int number;
- public Thread thrd;
- public DecThread(string name, int n)
- {
- thrd = new Thread(this.run);
- number = n;
- thrd.Name = name;
- thrd.Start();
- }
- void run()
- {
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "正在等待 the mutex");
- //申请
- shareRes.mutex.WaitOne();
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "申请到 the mutex");
- do
- {
- Thread.Sleep();
- shareRes.count--;
- Console.WriteLine("In " + thrd.Name + "ShareRes.count is " + shareRes.count);
- number--;
- } while (number > );
- Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "释放 the nmutex");
- // 释放
- shareRes.mutex.ReleaseMutex();
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- IncThread mthrd1 = new IncThread("IncThread thread ", );
- DecThread mthrd2 = new DecThread("DecThread thread ", );
- mthrd1.thrd.Join();
- mthrd2.thrd.Join();
- }
- }
- }
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