

集合对象是一组无序排列的可哈希的值,集合成员可以做字典中的键。集合支持用in和not in操作符检查成员,由len()内建函数得到集合的基数(大小), 用 for 循环迭代集合的成员。但是因为集合本身是无序的,不可以为集合创建索引或执行切片(slice)操作,也没有键(keys)可用来获取集合中元素的值。


  1. 不重复

  2. 元素为不可变对象


s = set()
s = {11,22,33,44} #注意在创建空集合的时候只能使用s=set(),因为s={}创建的是空字典

b=set(['y', 'b', 'o','o'])
e={('k1', 'k2','k2')}
print(e,type(e)) OUTPUT:
{'o', 'b', 'y'} <class 'set'>
{'o', 'b', 'y'} <class 'set'>
{'k1', 'k2'} <class 'set'>
{'k1', 'k2'} <class 'set'>
{('k1', 'k2', 'k2')} <class 'set'>



se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22, 55}
temp1 = se.difference(be) #找到se中存在,be中不存在的集合,返回新值
print(temp1) #{33, 11}
print(se) #{33, 11, 22} temp2 = se.difference_update(be) #找到se中存在,be中不存在的集合,覆盖掉se
print(temp2) #None
print(se) #{33, 11},



se = {11, 22, 33}
se.discard(44) # 移除不存的元素不会报错
print(se) se = {11, 22, 33}
se.remove(44) # 移除不存的元素会报错
print(se) se = {11, 22, 33} # 移除末尾元素并把移除的元素赋给新值
temp = se.pop()
print(temp) # 33
print(se) # {11, 22}


se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22, 55} temp1 = se.intersection(be) #取交集,赋给新值
print(temp1) # 22
print(se) # {11, 22, 33} temp2 = se.intersection_update(be) #取交集并更新自己
print(temp2) # None
print(se) # 22


se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22} print(se.isdisjoint(be)) #False,判断是否不存在交集(有交集False,无交集True)
print(se.issubset(be)) #False,判断se是否是be的子集合
print(se.issuperset(be)) #True,判断se是否是be的父集合


se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22} temp1 = se.symmetric_difference(be) # 合并不同项,并赋新值
print(temp1) #{33, 11}
print(se) #{33, 11, 22} temp2 = se.symmetric_difference_update(be) # 合并不同项,并更新自己
print(temp2) #None
print(se) #{33, 11}


se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22,44,55} temp=se.union(be) #取并集,并赋新值
print(se) #{33, 11, 22}
print(temp) #{33, 22, 55, 11, 44}


se = {11, 22, 33}
be = {22,44,55} se.update(be) # 把se和be合并,得出的值覆盖se
se.update([66, 77]) # 可增加迭代项


se = set(range(4))
li = list(se)
tu = tuple(se)
st = str(se)
print(st,type(st)) OUTPUT:
[0, 1, 2, 3] <class 'list'>
(0, 1, 2, 3) <class 'tuple'>
{0, 1, 2, 3} <class 'str'>


class set(object):
set() -> new empty set object
set(iterable) -> new set object Build an unordered collection of unique elements.
def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present.
pass def clear(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Remove all elements from this set. """
pass def copy(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return a shallow copy of a set. """
pass def difference(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.)
pass def difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Remove all elements of another set from this set. """
pass def discard(self, *args, **kwargs):
Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing.
pass def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.)
pass def intersection_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Update a set with the intersection of itself and another. """
pass def isdisjoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return True if two sets have a null intersection. """
pass def issubset(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Report whether another set contains this set. """
pass def issuperset(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Report whether this set contains another set. """
pass def pop(self, *args, **kwargs):
Remove and return an arbitrary set element.
Raises KeyError if the set is empty.
pass def remove(self, *args, **kwargs):
Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.
pass def symmetric_difference(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.)
pass def symmetric_difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another. """
pass def union(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.)
pass def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Update a set with the union of itself and others. """
pass def __and__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self&value. """
pass def __contains__(self, y):
""" x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x. """
pass def __eq__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self==value. """
pass def __getattribute__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return getattr(self, name). """
pass def __ge__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self>=value. """
pass def __gt__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self>value. """
pass def __iand__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self&=value. """
pass def __init__(self, seq=()): # known special case of set.__init__
set() -> new empty set object
set(iterable) -> new set object Build an unordered collection of unique elements.
# (copied from class doc)
pass def __ior__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self|=value. """
pass def __isub__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self-=value. """
pass def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Implement iter(self). """
pass def __ixor__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self^=value. """
pass def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return len(self). """
pass def __le__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self<=value. """
pass def __lt__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self<value. """
pass @staticmethod
def __new__(*args, **kwargs):
""" Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. """
pass def __ne__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self!=value. """
pass def __or__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self|value. """
pass def __rand__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return value&self. """
pass def __reduce__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return state information for pickling. """
pass def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return repr(self). """
pass def __ror__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return value|self. """
pass def __rsub__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return value-self. """
pass def __rxor__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return value^self. """
pass def __sizeof__(self):
""" S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes """
pass def __sub__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self-value. """
pass def __xor__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return self^value. """
pass __hash__ = None


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