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<div id="msg_title">您有新文件</div>
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<!-- 弹窗样式 -->
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//function getleader() {
// $.getJSON("/homepage/getleader", {}, function (data) {
// $("#leader").html(data);
// })
//function getpop() {
// $.getJSON("/homepage/Getpop", {}, function (data) {
// $("#msg_content").html(data);
// });
var Message = {
//set: function () {//最小化与恢复状态切换
// var set = this.minbtn.status == 1 ? [0, 1, 'block', this.char[0], '最小化'] : [1, 0, 'none', this.char[1], '展开'];
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// this.minbtn.innerHTML = set[3]
// this.minbtn.title = set[4];
// this.win.style.top = this.getY().top;
close: function () {//关闭
this.win.style.display = 'none';
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setOpacity: function (x) {//设置透明度
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show: function () {//渐显
var me = this, fx = this.fx(0, 100, 0.1), t = 0;
this.timer2 = setInterval(function () {
t = fx();
if (t[1] == 0) { clearInterval(me.timer2) }
}, 10);
fx: function (a, b, c) {//缓冲计算
var cMath = Math[(a - b) > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"], c = c || 0.1;
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moveTo: function (y) {//移动动画
var me = this, a = parseInt(this.win.style.top) || 0;
var fx = this.fx(a, parseInt(y));
var t = 0;
this.timer = setInterval(function () {
t = fx();
me.win.style.top = t[0] + 'px';
if (t[1] == 0) {
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bind: function () {//绑定窗口滚动条与大小变化事件
var me = this, st, rt;
window.onscroll = function () {
st = setTimeout(function () {
me.win.style.top = me.getY().top;
}, 600);
window.onresize = function () {
rt = setTimeout(function () { me.win.style.top = me.getY().top }, 100);
init: function () {//创建HTML
function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id) };
this.win = $('msg_win');
var set = { minbtn: 'msg_min', closebtn: 'msg_close', title: 'msg_title', content: 'msg_content' };
for (var Id in set) { this[Id] = $(set[Id]) };
var me = this;
this.minbtn.onclick = function () { me.set(); this.blur() };
this.closebtn.onclick = function () { me.close() };
this.char = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') + 1 ? ['_', '::', '×'] : ['0', '2', 'r']; //FF不支持webdings字体
this.minbtn.innerHTML = this.char[0];
this.closebtn.innerHTML = this.char[2];
setTimeout(function () {//初始化最先位置
me.win.style.display = 'block';
me.win.style.top = me.getY().foot;
}, 0);
return this;

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