很久没有编译 libvirt了。


[org_ref]: http://libvirt.org/compiling.html 很简单。 编译过程, 还是很多问题。


$ sudo apt-get install libtool libxml-xpath-perl libxml2 libxml2-utils python-dev automake autopoint xsltproc libxml++2.6-dev  libdevmapper-dev  libpciaccess-dev libnl-3-dev  libnl-route-3-dev imagemagick libyajl-dev xmllint uniconvertor


libnl-route-3-200 - library for dealing with netlink sockets - route interface

libnl-3-200: library for dealing with netlink sockets

rpcgen: 这个包不需要安装,但是可以man一下。 之前在公司的wiki中,介绍过rpcgen。 可惜...

$ git grep RPCGEN

在libvirt中,src/remote/remote_protocol.x 产生:

$ tree -f |grep  remote_protocol

$ git show eb826444f90c2563dadf148630b0cd6a9b41ba1e









  1. diff --git a/daemon/libvirtd.conf b/daemon/libvirtd.conf
  2. index d2c439c..aa547bd
  3. --- a/daemon/libvirtd.conf
  4. +++ b/daemon/libvirtd.conf
  5. @@ -, +, @@
  6. # using this capability.
  7. #
  8. # This is enabled by default, uncomment this to disable it
  9. -#listen_tls =
  10. +listen_tls =
  12. # Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port.
  13. # NB, must pass the --listen flag to the libvirtd process for this to
  14. @@ -, +, @@
  15. #
  16. # It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication
  17. # mechanism as well, by using 'sasl' for this option
  18. -#auth_tls = "none"
  19. +auth_tls = "none"
  21. # Change the API access control scheme
  22. @@ -, +, @@
  23. #
  24. # Default is to always run sanity checks. Uncommenting this
  25. # will disable sanity checks which is not a good idea
  26. -#tls_no_sanity_certificate =
  27. +tls_no_sanity_certificate =
  29. # Flag to disable verification of client certificates
  30. #
  31. @@ -, +, @@
  32. #
  33. # Default is to always verify. Uncommenting this will disable
  34. # verification - make sure an IP whitelist is set
  35. -#tls_no_verify_certificate =
  36. +tls_no_verify_certificate =
  38. # A whitelist of allowed x509 Distinguished Names




$ cat /usr/bin/gdb-libvirt

  1. # ps -ef |grep lt-libvirtd |grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs gdb -p
  2. LIBVIRT_PID=`ps -ef |grep lt-libvirtd |grep -v grep | grep -v gdb-libvirt | awk '{print $2}'`
  3. echo $LIBVIRT_PID
  4. LIBVIRT_PID=`cut -d " " -f1 <<< $LIBVIRT_PID`
  5. if [ x$LIBVIRT_PID != x"" ]; then
  6. echo "=================================================="
  7. echo "attach libvirt-d"
  8. echo "sudo gdb -p $LIBVIRT_PID"
  9. sudo gdb -p $LIBVIRT_PID
  10. else
  11. echo "***************************************************"
  12. echo "start libvirt-d"
  13. # sudo ./daemon/libvirtd --listen --verbose -f ./daemon/libvirtd.conf
  14. sudo ./daemon/libvirtd --listen -f ./daemon/libvirtd.conf
  15. fi
  1. # ps -ef |grep lt-libvirtd |grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs gdb -p
  2. LIBVIRT_PID=`ps -ef |grep lt-libvirtd |grep -v grep | grep -v gdb-libvirt | awk '{print $2}'`
  3. echo $LIBVIRT_PID
  4. LIBVIRT_PID=`cut -d " " -f1 <<< $LIBVIRT_PID`
  5. if [ x$LIBVIRT_PID != x"" ]; then
  6. echo "=================================================="
  7. echo "attach libvirt-d"
  8. echo "sudo gdb -p $LIBVIRT_PID"
  9. if [ -f "br" ]; then
  10. sudo gdb -p $LIBVIRT_PID -x br
  11. else
  12. sudo gdb -p $LIBVIRT_PID
  13. fi
  14. else
  15. echo "***************************************************"
  16. echo "start libvirt-d"
  17. # sudo /home/ubuntu/libvirt/daemon/libvirtd --listen --verbose
  18. sudo /home/ubuntu/libvirt/daemon/libvirtd -f /home/ubuntu/libvirt/daemon/libvirtd.conf --listen
  19. fi

$ cat /usr/bin/gdb-virsh

  1. if [ x$ = "x-g" ]; then
  2. sudo /home/shaohe/libvirt/run gdb /home/shaohe/libvirt/tools/virsh
  3. else
  4. sudo /home/shaohe/libvirt/run /home/shaohe/libvirt/tools/virsh
  5. fi
  1. if [ x$ = "x-g" ]; then
  2. sudo ./run gdb ./tools/virsh
  3. else
  4. sudo ./run ./tools/virsh
  5. fi

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