
RANSAC是“RANdom SAmple Consensus(随机抽样一致)”的缩写。它可以从一组包含“局外点”的观测数据集中,通过迭代方式估计数学模型的参数。它是一种不确定的算法——它有一定的概率得出一个合理的结果;为了提高概率必须提高迭代次数。该算法最早由Fischler和Bolles于1981年提出。








1 示例

2 概述

3 算法

4 参数

5 优点与缺点

6 应用

7 参考文献



左图:包含很多局外点的数据集    右图:RANSAC找到的直线(局外点并不影响结果)




  1. 有一个模型适应于假设的局内点,即所有的未知参数都能从假设的局内点计算得出。
  2. 用1中得到的模型去测试所有的其它数据,如果某个点适用于估计的模型,认为它也是局内点。
  3. 如果有足够多的点被归类为假设的局内点,那么估计的模型就足够合理。
  4. 然后,用所有假设的局内点去重新估计模型,因为它仅仅被初始的假设局内点估计过。
  5. 最后,通过估计局内点与模型的错误率来评估模型。





data —— 一组观测数据

model —— 适应于数据的模型

n —— 适用于模型的最少数据个数

k —— 算法的迭代次数

t —— 用于决定数据是否适应于模型的阀值

d —— 判定模型是否适用于数据集的数据数目


best_model —— 跟数据最匹配的模型参数(如果没有找到好的模型,返回null)

best_consensus_set —— 估计出模型的数据点

best_error —— 跟数据相关的估计出的模型错误

iterations = 0
best_model = null
best_consensus_set = null
best_error = 无穷大
while ( iterations < k )
maybe_inliers = 从数据集中随机选择n个点
maybe_model = 适合于maybe_inliers的模型参数
consensus_set = maybe_inliers for ( 每个数据集中不属于maybe_inliers的点 )
if ( 如果点适合于maybe_model,且错误小于t )
if ( consensus_set中的元素数目大于d )
better_model = 适合于consensus_set中所有点的模型参数
this_error = better_model究竟如何适合这些点的度量
if ( this_error < best_error )
best_model = better_model
best_consensus_set = consensus_set
best_error = this_error
返回 best_model, best_consensus_set, best_error




The generic RANSAC algorithm works as follows:

data – a set of observed data points
model – a model that can be fitted to data points
n – the minimum number of data values required to fit the model
k – the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm
t – a threshold value for determining when a data point fits a model
d – the number of close data values required to assert that a model fits well to data Return:
bestfit – model parameters which best fit the data (or nul if no good model is found) iterations = 0
bestfit = nul
besterr = something really large
while iterations < k {
maybeinliers = n randomly selected values from data
maybemodel = model parameters fitted to maybeinliers
alsoinliers = empty set
for every point in data not in maybeinliers {
if point fits maybemodel with an error smaller than t
add point to alsoinliers
if the number of elements in alsoinliers is > d {
% this implies that we may have found a good model
% now test how good it is
bettermodel = model parameters fitted to all points in maybeinliers and alsoinliers
thiserr = a measure of how well model fits these points
if thiserr < besterr {
bestfit = bettermodel
besterr = thiserr
increment iterations
return bestfit

The matlab implementation of 2D line fitting using RANSAC algorithm:

 function [bestParameter1,bestParameter2] = ransac_demo(data,num,iter,threshDist,inlierRatio)
% data: a 2xn dataset with #n data points
% num: the minimum number of points. For line fitting problem, num=2
% iter: the number of iterations
% threshDist: the threshold of the distances between points and the fitting line
% inlierRatio: the threshold of the number of inliers %% Plot the data points
figure;plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'o');hold on;
number = size(data,2); % Total number of points
bestInNum = 0; % Best fitting line with largest number of inliers
bestParameter1=0;bestParameter2=0; % parameters for best fitting line
for i=1:iter
%% Randomly select 2 points
idx = randperm(number,num); sample = data(:,idx);
%% Compute the distances between all points with the fitting line
kLine = sample(:,2)-sample(:,1);% two points relative distance
kLineNorm = kLine/norm(kLine);
normVector = [-kLineNorm(2),kLineNorm(1)];%Ax+By+C=0 A=-kLineNorm(2),B=kLineNorm(1)
distance = normVector*(data - repmat(sample(:,1),1,number));
%% Compute the inliers with distances smaller than the threshold
inlierIdx = find(abs(distance)<=threshDist);
inlierNum = length(inlierIdx);
%% Update the number of inliers and fitting model if better model is found
if inlierNum>=round(inlierRatio*number) && inlierNum>bestInNum
bestInNum = inlierNum;
parameter1 = (sample(2,2)-sample(2,1))/(sample(1,2)-sample(1,1));
parameter2 = sample(2,1)-parameter1*sample(1,1);
bestParameter1=parameter1; bestParameter2=parameter2;
end %% Plot the best fitting line
xAxis = -number/2:number/2;
yAxis = bestParameter1*xAxis + bestParameter2;



w = 局内点的数目 / 数据集的数目

通常情况下,我们事先并不知道w的值,但是可以给出一些鲁棒的值。假设估计模型需要选定n个点,wn是所有n个点均为局内点的概率;1 − wn是n个点中至少有一个点为局外点的概率,此时表明我们从数据集中估计出了一个不好的模型。 (1 − wn)k表示算法永远都不会选择到n个点均为局内点的概率,它和1-p相同。因此,

1 − p = (1 − wn)k










  • Martin A. Fischler and Robert C. Bolles (June 1981). "Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography". Comm. of the ACM 24: 381–395. doi:10.1145/358669.358692.

  • David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce (2003). Computer Vision, a modern approach. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-085198-1.

  • Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman (2003). Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

  • P.H.S. Torr and D.W. Murray (1997). "The Development and Comparison of Robust Methods for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix". International Journal of Computer Vision 24: 271–300. doi:10.1023/A:1007927408552.

  • Ondrej Chum (2005). "Two-View Geometry Estimation by Random Sample and Consensus". PhD Thesis. http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~chum/Teze/Chum-PhD.pdf

  • Sunglok Choi, Taemin Kim, and Wonpil Yu (2009). "Performance Evaluation of RANSAC Family". In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). http://www.bmva.org/bmvc/2009/Papers/Paper355/Paper355.pdf.

From: http://www.cnblogs.com/xrwang/archive/2011/03/09/ransac-1.html


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