AOS Clustering on one Server

Although the time might be near that we do not see the AOS clusters as they are now anymore(4.0 is coming!), here are a few words about clustering AOS in Axapta 3.0:

Normally, you use quite a good server for the AOS, let's say a dual Xeon with 3Ghz. That is, of course, way too much to ever be used by the AOS. So, what can you do ?
--> Just make a second AOS instance on the same machine! Put both instances into the same AOS cluster et voila!

Why does that make sense, you might ask. Well, one AOS instance (which means one ax32serv.exe) can only address 2GB of memory. That will be reached sooner than you think! Starting at around 150-180 users you will get dangerously near the 2GB. If you put 2 AOS instances on the machine, both of them can take about 150 users, that makes 300 users total.

If you have more users, you must add a second server (which you already have, of course).

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