
 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib> #define MAXN 500005
#define MAXL 11
#define TRIEN 26 typedef struct Trie {
int v;
Trie *next[TRIEN];
Trie() {
v = ;
for (int i=; i<TRIEN; ++i)
next[i] = NULL;
} Trie; Trie root;
int pre[MAXN], deg[MAXN], n = ; void create(char str[], int in) {
int i = , id;
Trie *p = &root, *q; while (str[i]) {
id = str[i] - 'a';
if (p->next[id] == NULL) {
q = new Trie();
p->next[id] = q;
p = p->next[id];
p->v = in;
} int Tfind(char str[]) {
int i = , id;
Trie *p = &root; while (str[i]) {
id = str[i] - 'a';
if (p->next[id] == NULL)
return ;
p = p->next[id];
} return p->v;
} int find(int x) {
return x==pre[x] ? x:pre[x]=find(pre[x]);
} void merge(int a, int b) {
a = find(a);
b = find(b);
if (a != b)
pre[b] = a;
} bool judge() {
int cnt = , i;
if (n == )
return true;
for (i=; i<n; ++i) {
if (pre[i] == i)
if (cnt > )
return false;
if (!cnt)
return false;
cnt = ;
for (i=; i<n; ++i)
if (deg[i] & )
if (cnt== || cnt==)
return true;
return false;
} int main() {
char a[MAXL], b[MAXL];
int i, k; memset(deg, , sizeof(deg));
for (i=; i<MAXN; ++i)
pre[i] = i; while (scanf("%s %s", a, b) != EOF) {
k = Tfind(a);
if (k)
else {
create(a, n);
k = n;
deg[n++] = ;
i = Tfind(b);
if (i)
else {
create(b, n);
i = n;
deg[n++] = ;
merge(k, i);
} if (judge())
printf("Impossible\n"); return ;

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