1.with the attribute


2.with the attribute and it's value



CSS 3 further allows you to match an attribute without being exact:

  • [attribute^=something] will match a the value of an attribute that begins with something.
  • [attribute$=something] will match a the value of an attribute that ends with something.
  • [attribute*=something] will match a the value of an attribute that contains something, be it in the beginning, middle, or end.

【CSS3】Advanced6:Attribute Selectors的更多相关文章

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  2. 【HTML】Advanced6:HTML5 Forms Pt. 1: Input Types

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  3. 【CSS3】Advanced11:Media Queries

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  4. 【CSS3】Advanced10:Gradient

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  5. 【CSS3】Advanced9:Transformation

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  6. 【CSS3】Advanced8:CSS Backgrounds: Multiples, Size, and Origin

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  7. 【CSS3】Advanced7:CSS Transitions

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  8. 【CSS3】Advanced5:At Rules:@import, @media, and @font-face

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