



* Redis PHP Bindings - http://code.google.com/p/redis/
* Copyright 2009 Ludovico Magnocavallo
* Released under the same license as Redis.
* Version: 0.1
* $Revision$
* $Date$
******************************************************************************/ class Redis { var $server;
var $port;
var $_sock; function Redis($host, $port=6379) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
} function connect() {
if ($this->_sock)
if ($sock = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr)) {
$this->_sock = $sock;
$msg = "Cannot open socket to {$this->host}:{$this->port}";
if ($errno || $errmsg)
$msg .= "," . ($errno ? " error $errno" : "") . ($errmsg ? " $errmsg" : "");
trigger_error("$msg.", E_USER_ERROR);
} function disconnect() {
if ($this->_sock)
$this->_sock = null;
} function &ping() {
return $this->_simple_response();
} function &do_echo($s) {
$this->_write("ECHO " . strlen($s) . "\r\n$s\r\n");
return $this->_get_value();
} function &set($name, $value, $preserve=false) {
($preserve ? 'SETNX' : 'SET') .
" $name " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n"
return $preserve ? $this->_numeric_response() : $this->_simple_response();
} function &get($name) {
$this->_write("GET $name\r\n");
return $this->_get_value();
} function &incr($name, $amount=1) {
if ($amount == 1)
$this->_write("INCR $name\r\n");
$this->_write("INCRBY $name $amount\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &decr($name, $amount=1) {
if ($amount == 1)
$this->_write("DECR $name\r\n");
$this->_write("DECRBY $name $amount\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &exists($name) {
$this->_write("EXISTS $name\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &delete($name) {
$this->_write("DEL $name\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &keys($pattern) {
$this->_write("KEYS $pattern\r\n");
return explode(' ', $this->_get_value());
} function &randomkey() {
$s =& trim($this->_read());
return $s;
} function &rename($src, $dst, $preserve=False) {
if ($preserve) {
$this->_write("RENAMENX $src $dst\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
$this->_write("RENAME $src $dst\r\n");
return trim($this->_simple_response());
} function &push($name, $value, $tail=true) {
// default is to append the element to the list
($tail ? 'RPUSH' : 'LPUSH') .
" $name " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n"
return $this->_simple_response();
} function <rim($name, $start, $end) {
$this->_write("LTRIM $name $start $end\r\n");
return $this->_simple_response();
} function &lindex($name, $index) {
$this->_write("LINDEX $name $index\r\n");
return $this->_get_value();
} function &pop($name, $tail=true) {
($tail ? 'RPOP' : 'LPOP') .
" $name\r\n"
return $this->_get_value();
} function &llen($name) {
$this->_write("LLEN $name\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &lrange($name, $start, $end) {
$this->_write("LRANGE $name $start $end\r\n");
return $this->_get_multi();
} function &sort($name, $query=false) {
if ($query === false) {
$this->_write("SORT $name\r\n");
} else {
$this->_write("SORT $name $query\r\n");
return $this->_get_multi();
} function &lset($name, $value, $index) {
$this->_write("LSET $name $index " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n");
return $this->_simple_response();
} function &sadd($name, $value) {
$this->_write("SADD $name " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &srem($name, $value) {
$this->_write("SREM $name " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &sismember($name, $value) {
$this->_write("SISMEMBER $name " . strlen($value) . "\r\n$value\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &sinter($sets) {
$this->_write('SINTER ' . implode(' ', $sets) . "\r\n");
return $this->_get_multi();
} function &smembers($name) {
$this->_write("SMEMBERS $name\r\n");
return $this->_get_multi();
} function &scard($name) {
$this->_write("SCARD $name\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &select_db($name) {
$this->_write("SELECT $name\r\n");
return $this->_simple_response();
} function &move($name, $db) {
$this->_write("MOVE $name $db\r\n");
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &save($background=false) {
$this->_write(($background ? "BGSAVE\r\n" : "SAVE\r\n"));
return $this->_simple_response();
} function &lastsave() {
return $this->_numeric_response();
} function &_write($s) {
while ($s) {
$i = fwrite($this->_sock, $s);
if ($i == 0)
$s = substr($s, $i);
} function &_read($len=1024) {
if ($s = fgets($this->_sock))
return $s;
trigger_error("Cannot read from socket.", E_USER_ERROR);
} function _check_for_error(&$s) {
if (!$s || $s[0] != '-')
if (substr($s, 0, 4) == '-ERR')
trigger_error("Redis error: " . trim(substr($s, 4)), E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("Redis error: " . substr(trim($this->_read()), 5), E_USER_ERROR);
} function &_simple_response() {
$s =& trim($this->_read());
if ($s[0] == '+')
return substr($s, 1);
if ($err =& $this->_check_for_error($s))
return $err;
trigger_error("Cannot parse first line '$s' for a simple response", E_USER_ERROR);
} function &_numeric_response($allow_negative=True) {
$s =& trim($this->_read());
$i = (int)$s;
if ($i . '' == $s) {
if (!$allow_negative && $i < 0)
return $i;
if ($s == 'nil')
return null;
trigger_error("Cannot parse '$s' as numeric response.");
} function &_get_value() {
$s =& trim($this->_read());
if ($s == 'nil')
return '';
else if ($s[0] == '-')
$i = (int)$s;
if ($i . '' != $s)
trigger_error("Cannot parse '$s' as data length.");
$buffer = '';
while ($i > 0) {
$s = $this->_read();
$l = strlen($s);
$i -= $l;
if ($l > $i) // ending crlf
$s = rtrim($s);
$buffer .= $s;
if ($i == 0) // let's restore the trailing crlf
$buffer .= $this->_read();
return $buffer;
} function &_get_multi() {
$results = array();
$num =& $this->_numeric_response(false);
if ($num === false)
return $results;
while ($num) {
$results[] =& $this->_get_value();
$num -= 1;
return $results;
} } ?>





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