Asp.Net Design Pattern Studynotes -- Part1
Asp.Net Design Pattern Studynotes -- Part1
let's start with an exampleto entry amazing OO world !
let's saynow we need to implement a small feature which need :
an entityclass: Product
businesslogic : List<Product>GetProductBy(Function<Product,bool> where);
Service : List<Product> GetProductBy(Function<Product,bool>where);
1st Version
public classProduct{}
public classProductRepositoryV1
{ public List<Product>GetProductBy(Func<Product,bool> where )
var products = newList<Product>();
private ProductRepositoryV1 _productRespository;
private List<Product>_cacheProduct ; public ProductServiceV1()
_productRespository = newProductRepositoryV1(); //1.instant
_cacheProduct = newList<Product>();
} public List<Product>GetProductListBy(Func<Product,bool> where)
var productInCache =_cacheProduct.Where(where);// couple with BL
if (!productInCache.Any())
var products =_productRespository.GetProductBy(where);
_cacheProduct.AddRange(products); //2.also care about how to cache
return products;
return productInCache.ToList();
} }
But we cansee the deficiencies :
For 1stVersion (Original Version):
1.productServiceis in couple with ProductRepository .once productRespository changed method signature, service have to change code.
solution: depend onabstract but not on concrete implementation
2.code is untestable .which need data base ready , but if data base can not connect ,meaning can not be tested.
solution: decoupleservice from business class multiple things .
a. cache thedata ,b. provice service .c. instance the repository object .
solution : do only one thing .
ok, nowlet's fix it !
2nd version :
Entity: same with above .
interface IProductRespository//added interface fordependency inversion
List<Product>GetProductBy(Func<Product, bool> where);
class ProductRespositoryV2:IProductRespository
public List<Product>GetProductBy(Func<Product, bool> where)
var products = newList<Product>();
Service :
class ProductServiceV2
private IProductRespository _productRespository;
private List<Product>_cacheProduct ; public ProductServiceV2(IProductRespositorypr)
_productRespository = pr;
_cacheProduct = newList<Product>();
} public List<Product> GetProductListBy(Func<Product,bool> where)
var productInCache =_cacheProduct.Where(where);
if (!productInCache.Any())
var products =_productRespository.GetProductBy(where);
return products;
return productInCache.ToList();
For 2ndVersion (Applydependency inversion + Dependency injection):
.still do multiple things:
a.still need to care about how to store . b. provide service
solution :put the responsibility of cache storage into another class,let service only depends on interface (IStorage)
3rd Version(Adapter pattern + Dependency inversion)
Entity :same with above .
interface IProductRespository
List<Product> GetProductBy(Func<Product, bool> where);
interface IStorage
void Add(IEnumerable<Product>products);
IEnumerable<Product> Get(Func<Product, bool> where);
} class MemoryStorage:IStorage // Take the responsibility ofCache
private List<Product>_cacheProduct;
public MemoryStorage()
_cacheProduct = newList<Product>();
public void Add(IEnumerable<Product> products)
} public IEnumerable<Product> Get(Func<Product, bool> where)
return _cacheProduct.Where(where);
} class ProductRespositoryV3:IProductRespository
public List<Product> GetProductBy(Func<Product, bool> where)
var products = new List<Product>();
return products.Where(where).ToList();
class ProductServiceV3
// only dependson abstract
private IProductRespository_productRespository;
private IStorage_cache; public ProductServiceV3(IProductRespository pr, IStorage storage)
//new objalso do not care
_productRespository = pr;
_cache = storage;
public List<Product> GetProductListBy(Func<Product,bool> where)
var productInCache = _cache.Get(where);
if (!productInCache.Any())
var products = _productRespository.GetProductBy(where);
return products;
return productInCache.ToList();
We Can see ,
1.Service only depends on Interface which is abstract(no more need to care about how to cache the data) ,
2.and for Service, storage and respository class only do one thing
3.for service ,respository ,storage all can be UT .
Whenever weare coding any class,always remember these 3 things :
1.only do one thing
2.depends only on abstract
3.always can be tested
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