解决Win8.1 / Win Server 2012 r2 下安装 Visual Studio 时一直要求重新启动的问题(原创)
今天在x64的英文版Windows Server 2012 r2上安装最新版的 Visual Studio 2015 Exterprise 时,提示需要重新启动:
[0A60:][--10T18::]i000: MUX: Failed to download the update xml file from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=500683 Setup will not be updated.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.3) AND (WindowsBuildNumber < 9600)' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition 'CompatibilityMode = 0' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition 'NOT((VersionNT > v6.1) OR (VersionNT = v6.1 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1))' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '(NOT IsLanguagePack) AND ( CurrentOperation = "Install" ) AND ( FLP_Version > v14.0.22823 )' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition 'RebootPending = 1' evaluates to true.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition 'NOT (IEsvcVersionExists) OR (IEsvcVersion < v10.0)' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '(VersionNT < v6.2) AND ((NetworkAvailable = 0) OR (DisableRootAutoUpdate = 1)) AND NOT ((MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011RootExists OR MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011AuthRootExists) AND (MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2010RootExists OR MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2010AuthRootExists))' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '( CurrentOperation = "Install" AND EnterpriseExists )' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '( CurrentOperation = "Install" AND UltimateExists )' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '( CurrentOperation = "Install" AND NOT EnterpriseExists AND ProfessionalExists)' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.3) AND (KB2919355_amd64_CurrentState <> 112 AND KB2919355_x86_CurrentState <> 112)' evaluates to false.
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.3) AND (netfxfullredist_43_DetectKey < v4.5.22816)' evaluates to false.
发现当VS进行安装前的环境检查时,当结果为 false 时代表检查通过,结果为 true 时代表没有通过安装环境检查。
[0A60:][--10T18::]i052: Condition 'RebootPending = 1' evaluates to true.
这个'RebootPending = 1'代表系统需要重启,可问题是:我重启了之后RebootPending还是等于1,这就是问题之所在。
于是,在网上寻找各种关于'RebootPending = 1'的解决方案,归结于以下几种:
- 重启直接选择 restart 而不是 shut down 再开机。
- 关闭系统的休眠功能:管理员模式运行命令行,输入powercfg.exe /hibernate off 进行关闭休眠。关闭休眠后等于关闭了 win8 及以上系统的快速启动功能,这样能使得系统能真正地重启,而不是休眠之后快速启动。
- 在注册表中将键值HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile 设为0;将键 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations 删除。
在尝试以上方法之后,有可能解决一部分人的问题,可偏偏我就是另外一部分,特别是连键值HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile 都找不到。
其中使用的是 Windows power shell 对注册表进行读取、判断,从而确定 RebootPending 的值。代码如下:
Function Get-PendingReboot
Gets the pending reboot status on a local or remote computer. .DESCRIPTION
This function will query the registry on a local or remote computer and determine if the
system is pending a reboot, from either Microsoft Patching or a Software Installation.
For Windows 2008+ the function will query the CBS registry key as another factor in determining
pending reboot state. "PendingFileRenameOperations" and "Auto Update\RebootRequired" are observed
as being consistant across Windows Server 2003 & 2008. CBServicing = Component Based Servicing (Windows 2008)
WindowsUpdate = Windows Update / Auto Update (Windows 2003 / 2008)
CCMClientSDK = SCCM 2012 Clients only (DetermineIfRebootPending method) otherwise $null value
PendFileRename = PendingFileRenameOperations (Windows 2003 / 2008) .PARAMETER ComputerName
A single Computer or an array of computer names. The default is localhost ($env:COMPUTERNAME). .PARAMETER ErrorLog
A single path to send error data to a log file. .EXAMPLE
PS C:\> Get-PendingReboot -ComputerName (Get-Content C:\ServerList.txt) | Format-Table -AutoSize Computer CBServicing WindowsUpdate CCMClientSDK PendFileRename PendFileRenVal RebootPending
-------- ----------- ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
DC01 False False False False
DC02 False False False False
FS01 False False False False This example will capture the contents of C:\ServerList.txt and query the pending reboot
information from the systems contained in the file and display the output in a table. The
null values are by design, since these systems do not have the SCCM 2012 client installed,
nor was the PendingFileRenameOperations value populated. .EXAMPLE
PS C:\> Get-PendingReboot Computer : WKS01
CBServicing : False
WindowsUpdate : True
CCMClient : False
PendComputerRename : False
PendFileRename : False
PendFileRenVal :
RebootPending : True This example will query the local machine for pending reboot information. .EXAMPLE
PS C:\> $Servers = Get-Content C:\Servers.txt
PS C:\> Get-PendingReboot -Computer $Servers | Export-Csv C:\PendingRebootReport.csv -NoTypeInformation This example will create a report that contains pending reboot information. .LINK
Component-Based Servicing:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc756291(v=WS.10).aspx PendingFileRename/Auto Update:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/hansr/archive/2006/02/17/patchreboot.aspx SCCM 2012/CCM_ClientSDK:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj902723.aspx .NOTES
Author: Brian Wilhite
Email: bcwilhite (at) live.com
Date: 29AUG2012
PSVer: 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0
Updated: 01DEC2014
UpdNote: Added CCMClient property - Used with SCCM 2012 Clients only
Added ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true to the ComputerName Parameter
Removed $Data variable from the PSObject - it is not needed
Bug with the way CCMClientSDK returned null value if it was false
Removed unneeded variables
Added PendFileRenVal - Contents of the PendingFileRenameOperations Reg Entry
Removed .Net Registry connection, replaced with WMI StdRegProv
Added ComputerPendingRename
#> [CmdletBinding()]
) Begin { }## End Begin Script Block
Process {
Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
Try {
## Setting pending values to false to cut down on the number of else statements
$CompPendRen,$PendFileRename,$Pending,$SCCM = $false,$false,$false,$false ## Setting CBSRebootPend to null since not all versions of Windows has this value
$CBSRebootPend = $null ## Querying WMI for build version
$WMI_OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property BuildNumber, CSName -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop ## Making registry connection to the local/remote computer
$HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002"
$WMI_Reg = [WMIClass] "\\$Computer\root\default:StdRegProv" ## If Vista/2008 & Above query the CBS Reg Key
If ([Int32]$WMI_OS.BuildNumber -ge 6001) {
$RegSubKeysCBS = $WMI_Reg.EnumKey($HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\")
$CBSRebootPend = $RegSubKeysCBS.sNames -contains "RebootPending"
} ## Query WUAU from the registry
$RegWUAURebootReq = $WMI_Reg.EnumKey($HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\")
$WUAURebootReq = $RegWUAURebootReq.sNames -contains "RebootRequired" ## Query PendingFileRenameOperations from the registry
$RegSubKeySM = $WMI_Reg.GetMultiStringValue($HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\","PendingFileRenameOperations")
$RegValuePFRO = $RegSubKeySM.sValue ## Query ComputerName and ActiveComputerName from the registry
$ActCompNm = $WMI_Reg.GetStringValue($HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName\","ComputerName")
$CompNm = $WMI_Reg.GetStringValue($HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\","ComputerName")
If ($ActCompNm -ne $CompNm) {
$CompPendRen = $true
} ## If PendingFileRenameOperations has a value set $RegValuePFRO variable to $true
If ($RegValuePFRO) {
$PendFileRename = $true
} ## Determine SCCM 2012 Client Reboot Pending Status
## To avoid nested 'if' statements and unneeded WMI calls to determine if the CCM_ClientUtilities class exist, setting EA = 0
$CCMClientSDK = $null
$CCMSplat = @{
## Try CCMClientSDK
Try {
$CCMClientSDK = Invoke-WmiMethod @CCMSplat
} Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
$CcmStatus = Get-Service -Name CcmExec -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($CcmStatus.Status -ne 'Running') {
Write-Warning "$Computer`: Error - CcmExec service is not running."
$CCMClientSDK = $null
} Catch {
$CCMClientSDK = $null
} If ($CCMClientSDK) {
If ($CCMClientSDK.ReturnValue -ne 0) {
Write-Warning "Error: DetermineIfRebootPending returned error code $($CCMClientSDK.ReturnValue)"
If ($CCMClientSDK.IsHardRebootPending -or $CCMClientSDK.RebootPending) {
$SCCM = $true
} Else {
$SCCM = $null
} ## Creating Custom PSObject and Select-Object Splat
$SelectSplat = @{
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
RebootPending=($CompPendRen -or $CBSRebootPend -or $WUAURebootReq -or $SCCM -or $PendFileRename)
} | Select-Object @SelectSplat } Catch {
Write-Warning "$Computer`: $_"
## If $ErrorLog, log the file to a user specified location/path
If ($ErrorLog) {
Out-File -InputObject "$Computer`,$_" -FilePath $ErrorLog -Append
}## End Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
}## End Process End { }## End End }## End Function Get-PendingReboot
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\RebootPending
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
- 第一个没找到,尝试删除之下的 SessionsPending ,被拒绝;
- 找到了第二个对应的 RebootRequired ,里头有东西,备份后删除之;
- 找到第三个对应的 PendingFileRenameOperations ,同样删除之;
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