HDU 2986 Ballot evaluation(精度问题)
题意 : 给你n个人名,每个名后边跟着一个数,然后m个式子,判断是否正确。
思路 :算是一个模拟吧,但是要注意浮点数容易丢失精度,所以要好好处理精度,不知道多少人死在精度上,不过我实在是不怎么会处理精度,所以我就让那个数变为字符串输入然后在处理,相当于乘上10,但是直接乘上10,数容易变,不知道的自己可以试一下。
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <map>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- string name[] ;
- string score ;
- char ch[] ;
- int yun ;
- int main()
- {
- int p,g ,x,m;
- scanf("%d %d",&p,&g) ;
- map<string,int >mp ;
- for(int i = ; i < p ; i++)
- {
- cin>>name[i]>>score ;
- m = ;
- int len = score.size() ;
- m += score[len-]-'' ;
- int j;
- for(j = ; j < len ; j++)
- if(score[j] == '.') break ;
- int n = ;
- // printf("%d*\n",j) ;
- for(int k = j- ; k >= ; k--)
- {
- m += (score[k]-'')*n ;
- n = n* ;
- }
- mp[name[i]] = m ;
- // printf("#%d#\n",mp[name[i]]) ;
- }
- for(int i = ; i <= g ; i++)
- {
- int sum = ;
- while(true)
- {
- scanf("%s",ch) ;
- if(ch[] == '=' || ch[] == '>'||ch[] == '<')
- {
- if(ch[] == '=')
- yun = ;
- else if(ch[] == '>' && ch[] == '=' )
- yun = ;
- else if(ch[] == '<' && ch[] == '=')
- yun = ;
- else if(ch[] == '>')
- yun = ;
- else if(ch[] == '<')
- yun = ;
- break ;
- }
- if(ch[] != '+')
- sum += mp[ch] ;
- }
- scanf("%d",&x) ;
- x *= ;
- // printf("%d %d\n",sum,x) ;
- if(yun == )
- {
- if(sum > x)
- printf("Guess #%d was correct.\n",i) ;
- else printf("Guess #%d was incorrect.\n",i) ;
- }
- if(yun == )
- {
- if(sum < x)
- printf("Guess #%d was correct.\n",i) ;
- else printf("Guess #%d was incorrect.\n",i) ;
- }
- if(yun == )
- {
- if(sum == x)
- printf("Guess #%d was correct.\n",i) ;
- else printf("Guess #%d was incorrect.\n",i) ;
- }
- if(yun == )
- {
- if(sum >= x)
- printf("Guess #%d was correct.\n",i) ;
- else printf("Guess #%d was incorrect.\n",i) ;
- }
- if(yun == )
- {
- if(sum <= x)
- printf("Guess #%d was correct.\n",i) ;
- else printf("Guess #%d was incorrect.\n",i) ;
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
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