The SCOPE clause lets you specify when the change takes effect. Scope depends on whether you started up the database using a client-side parameter file (pfile) or server parameter file (spfile).

scope可指定对system的修改何时生效,scope=memory|spfile|both ,值取决于数据库使用pfile还是spfile启动


MEMORY indicates that the change is made in memory, takes effect immediately, and persists until the database is shut down. If you started up the database using a parameter file (pfile), then this is the only scope you can specify.



SPFILE indicates that the change is made in the server parameter file. The new setting takes effect when the database is next shut down and started up again. You must specify SPFILE when changing the value of a static parameter that is described as not modifiable in Oracle Database Reference.

scope=spfile ,会修改spfile参数,新设置只有在重新使用spfile启动数据库的时候生效。


ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified



BOTH indicates that the change is made in memory and in the server parameter file. The new setting takes effect immediately and persists after the database is shut down and started up again.


If a server parameter file was used to start up the database, then BOTH is the default. If a parameter file was used to start up the database, then MEMORY is the default, as well as the only scope you can specify.




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