
Slices can be re-sliced, creating a new slice value that points to the same array.

The expression


evaluates to a slice of the elements from lo through hi-1, inclusive. Thus


is empty and


has one element.

package main 

import "fmt"

func main() {
p := []int{, , , , , }
fmt.Println("p ==", p)
fmt.Println("p[1:4] ==", p[:]) //missing low index implies 0
fmt.Println("p[:3] ==", p[:]) // missing high index implies len(s)
fmt.Println("p[4:] ==", p[:])
package main 

import "fmt"

func main() {
p := []int{, , , , , }
fmt.Println("p ==", p)
fmt.Println("p[1:4] ==", p[:]) //missing low index implies 0
fmt.Println("p[:3] ==", p[:]) // missing high index implies len(s)
fmt.Println("p[4:] ==", p[:])
var a []string
a[] = "Hello"
a[] = "World"

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