C. Cinema
time limit per test

2 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Moscow is hosting a major international conference, which is attended by n scientists from different countries. Each of the scientists knows exactly one language. For convenience, we enumerate all languages of the world with integers from 1 to 109.

In the evening after the conference, all n scientists decided to go to the cinema. There are m movies in the cinema they came to. Each of the movies is characterized by two distinct numbers — the index of audio language and the index of subtitles language. The scientist, who came to the movie, will be very pleased if he knows the audio language of the movie, will be almost satisfied if he knows the language of subtitles and will be not satisfied if he does not know neither one nor the other (note that the audio language and the subtitles language for each movie are always different).

Scientists decided to go together to the same movie. You have to help them choose the movie, such that the number of very pleased scientists is maximum possible. If there are several such movies, select among them one that will maximize the number of almost satisfied scientists.


The first line of the input contains a positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 200 000) — the number of scientists.

The second line contains n positive integers a1, a2, ..., an (1 ≤ ai ≤ 109), where ai is the index of a language, which the i-th scientist knows.

The third line contains a positive integer m (1 ≤ m ≤ 200 000) — the number of movies in the cinema.

The fourth line contains m positive integers b1, b2, ..., bm (1 ≤ bj ≤ 109), where bj is the index of the audio language of the j-th movie.

The fifth line contains m positive integers c1, c2, ..., cm (1 ≤ cj ≤ 109), where cj is the index of subtitles language of the j-th movie.

It is guaranteed that audio languages and subtitles language are different for each movie, that is bj ≠ cj.


Print the single integer — the index of a movie to which scientists should go. After viewing this movie the number of very pleased scientists should be maximum possible. If in the cinema there are several such movies, you need to choose among them one, after viewing which there will be the maximum possible number of almost satisfied scientists.

If there are several possible answers print any of them.

2 3 2
3 2
2 3
6 3 1 1 3 7
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 1

In the first sample, scientists must go to the movie with the index 2, as in such case the 1-th and the 3-rd scientists will be very pleased and the 2-nd scientist will be almost satisfied.

In the second test case scientists can go either to the movie with the index 1 or the index 3. After viewing any of these movies exactly two scientists will be very pleased and all the others will be not satisfied.

题意: n个科学家 相应的懂一门语言 m部电影 有对应的音频和字幕 语言不同  当科学家听懂一部电影(同音频语言)时 他很满意 看懂一部电影(同字幕语言)是比较满意   什么懂不懂时 不满意 。

问 播放哪一部电影 使得满意的科学家最多 (当满意的科学家的个数相同时 输出 比较满意的科学家的个数多的电影)

题解:标记存储 每种语言的电影个数

for循环 按要求寻找 或者直接结构体排序


#define ll __int64
#define pi acos(-1.0)
using namespace std;
int n;
int exm;
map<int,int> mp;
int m;
struct node
int a;
int s;
int main()
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=;i<=m;i++)
for(int i=;i<=m;i++)
int ans=;
int ce=,se=;
for(int i=;i<=m;i++)
return ;

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