using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace 接口
interface IDrivingLicenceB
void GetLicence();
interface IDrivingLicenceA : IDrivingLicenceB
new void GetLicence();
class Teacher : IDrivingLicenceA
void IDrivingLicenceB.GetLicence()
void IDrivingLicenceA.GetLicence()
public void GetLicence()
class Student : IDrivingLicenceB
void IDrivingLicenceB.GetLicence()
public void GetLicence()
class Program
static void DriveCar(string name, IDrivingLicenceB o)
IDrivingLicenceB d1 = o as IDrivingLicenceB;
if (d1 != null) //实现了IDrivingLicenceB接口的情况
Console.WriteLine(name + "开动了卡车");
Console.WriteLine(name + "没有驾驶执照,不能开卡车");
static void DriveBus(string name, IDrivingLicenceB o)
IDrivingLicenceA d1 = o as IDrivingLicenceA;
if (d1 != null) //实现了IDrivingLicenceA接口的情况
Console.WriteLine(name + "开动了公共汽车");
Console.WriteLine(name + "没有驾驶执照,不能开公共汽车");
static void Main(string[] args)
Teacher t = new Teacher();
DriveCar("教师", t);
DriveBus("教师", t);
Student s = new Student();
DriveCar("学生", s);
DriveBus("学生", s);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; namespace 接口的多继承
interface IA
void F();
interface IB : IA
new void F();
interface IC : IA
void G();
interface IBC : IB, IC
{ }
class Derive : IBC
public void F()
public void G()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Derive d = new Derive();
((IA)d).F(); //"IB.F()"
((IB)d).F(); //"IB.F()"
((IC)d).F(); //"IB.F()"
((IBC)d).F(); //"IB.F()"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace 接口的多继承1
interface IA
void F();
class B : IA
void IA.F()
class C : B, IA
//void IA.F()
// Console.WriteLine("C.B.F()");
public void F()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
C c = new C();
((IA)c).F(); //"C.F()"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace 接口的多态
interface IEmployee
void StartWork();
class Manager : IEmployee
private string _name;
public Manager(string name)
_name = name;
public void StartWork()
Console.WriteLine(_name + "给员工下达任务");
class Secretary : IEmployee
private string _name;
public Secretary(string name)
_name = name;
public void StartWork()
Console.WriteLine(_name + "协助经理");
class Seller : IEmployee
private string _name;
public Seller(string name)
_name = name;
public void StartWork()
Console.WriteLine(_name + "销售产品");
class Accountant : IEmployee
private string _name;
public Accountant(string name)
_name = name;
public void StartWork()
Console.WriteLine(_name + "管理公司财政");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IEmployee[] emp = new IEmployee[];
emp[] = new Manager("张三");
emp[] = new Secretary("李四");
emp[] = new Seller("王五");
emp[] = new Seller("马六");
emp[] = new Accountant("钱七");
foreach (IEmployee e in emp)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
//Array.Sort(Array array)使用IComparable接口CompareTo方法,实现对象类型排序。
//Array.Sort(Array array, IComparer comparer) 使用IComparer接口Compare方法,进行排序。
namespace 接口应用
class Student : IComparable
private string _name;
private int _age;
public Student(string name, int age)
_name = name;
_age = age;
} public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
} public int Age
get { return _age; }
set { _age = value; }
int IComparable.CompareTo(object right)
if (!(right is Student))
throw new ArgumentException("参数必须为Student类型");
return _name.CompareTo(((Student)right)._name);
public int CompareTo(Student right)
return _name.CompareTo(right._name);
private static AgeIComparer _ageCom = null; //创建一个私有的静态的AgeIComparer类对象,并设置为空。 public static IComparer AgeCom //给_ageCom字段加上属性
if (_ageCom == null)
_ageCom = new AgeIComparer(); //实例化内部类
return _ageCom;
private class AgeIComparer : IComparer
int IComparer.Compare(object left, object right)
if (!(left is Student) || !(right is Student))
throw new AccessViolationException("参数必须为Student类型");
return ((Student)left)._age.CompareTo(((Student)right)._age); //根据年龄排序
} public override string ToString()
return _name + " " + _age;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Student[] arr = new Student[];
arr[] = new Student("张三", );
arr[] = new Student("李四", );
arr[] = new Student("王五", );
arr[] = new Student("马六", );
arr[] = new Student("钱七", );
foreach (Student i in arr)
Array.Sort(arr, Student.AgeCom);
foreach (Student i in arr)
Console.WriteLine(i.Name + " " + i.Age);

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