PyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts. It currently supports line plots, bar plots, range-fill plots, and pie charts. Because it is based on Python, you can make full use of Python's scripting power. See some examples.
I've used PyChart to draw some real graphs to publish some real papers (see my SOSP and TOCS papers for example). So it's for real!
PyChart is distributed under GNU General Public License.
Download Pychart
- The latest version is pychart-1.39 (1/1/2006). Available from the download area. This version adds a Unicode support, although currently limited to European (i.e., single-byte) characters.
- Pychart is maintained using the Bzr revision control system at To obtain the latest copy, install bzr and do
% bzr get
- Download pychart-1.26.1 (10/25/2002) (tar.gz)
This is an old version that runs on Python 1.5 and Jython 2.1.
- Change log
- Reference manual (HTML tgz) (1/1/2006)
- Reference manual (HTML) (1/1/2006)
- Examples
- Frequently asked questions.
Related links
Here are links to some competitors, in case you don't like PyChart:
- Dislin.
Dislin does 3-D plots, but it's not as configurable or as pretty as pychart.
- Ploticus.
Ploticus inspired PyChart most. It can produce a very pretty output, but writing a script for Ploticus is incredibly cumbersome.
- Gnuplot.
A long-time favorite of researchers. But its output is not up to publishing standard, in my opinion.
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