第一次调用Web service响应速度慢的解决办法
Client: WinForm(Net Framework 2.0)
Server:Web Service(Net Framework 4.0)
Client use proxy to invoke a simple method in web services, this method only take a few milliseconds but the first invoke may take more than 10 seconds.
The defult proxy was enable by default (if the element is not specified)in configure, so client will wait the default proxy timeout then use the proxy we defined at the first time.
Add the following code in configure:
<defaultProxy enabled="false" useDefaultCredentials="false">
or Add the following code in application:
HttpWebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = null; //========================= WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Proxy = null;
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第一次调用Web service响应速度慢的解决办法的更多相关文章
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