class EdgeMinibatchIterator

    """ This minibatch iterator iterates over batches of sampled edges or
random pairs of co-occuring edges. G -- networkx graph
id2idx -- dict mapping node ids to index in feature tensor
placeholders -- tensorflow placeholders object
context_pairs -- if not none, then a list of co-occuring node pairs (from random walks)
batch_size -- size of the minibatches
max_degree -- maximum size of the downsampled adjacency lists
n2v_retrain -- signals that the iterator is being used to add new embeddings to a n2v model
fixed_n2v -- signals that the iterator is being used to retrain n2v with only existing nodes as context

def __init__(self, G, id2idx, placeholders, context_pairs=None, batch_size=100, max_degree=25,

n2v_retrain=False, fixed_n2v=False, **kwargs) 中具体介绍以下:

1 self.nodes = np.random.permutation(G.nodes())
2 # 函数shuffle与permutation都是对原来的数组进行重新洗牌,即随机打乱原来的元素顺序
3 # shuffle直接在原来的数组上进行操作,改变原来数组的顺序,无返回值
4 # permutation不直接在原来的数组上进行操作,而是返回一个新的打乱顺序的数组,并不改变原来的数组。
1 self.adj, self.deg = self.construct_adj()


 def construct_adj(self):
adj = len(self.id2idx) * \
np.ones((len(self.id2idx) + 1, self.max_degree))
# 该矩阵记录训练数据中各节点的邻居节点的编号
# 采样只取max_degree个邻居节点,采样方法见下
# 同样进行了行数加一操作 deg = np.zeros((len(self.id2idx),))
# 该矩阵记录了每个节点的度数 for nodeid in self.G.nodes():
if self.G.node[nodeid]['test'] or self.G.node[nodeid]['val']:
neighbors = np.array([self.id2idx[neighbor]
for neighbor in self.G.neighbors(nodeid)
if (not self.G[nodeid][neighbor]['train_removed'])])
# Graph.neighbors() Return a list of the nodes connected to the node n.
# 在选取邻居节点时进行了筛选,对于G.neighbors(nodeid) 点node的邻居,
# 只取该node与neighbor相连的边的train_removed = False的neighbor
# 也就是只取不是val, test的节点。
# neighbors得到了邻居节点编号数列。 deg[self.id2idx[nodeid]] = len(neighbors)
# deg各位取值为该位对应nodeid的节点的度数,
# 也即经过上面筛选后得到的邻居数 if len(neighbors) == 0:
if len(neighbors) > self.max_degree:
neighbors = np.random.choice(
neighbors, self.max_degree, replace=False)
# range: neighbors; size = max_degree; replace: replace the origin matrix or not
# np.random.choice为选取size大小的数列 elif len(neighbors) < self.max_degree:
neighbors = np.random.choice(
neighbors, self.max_degree, replace=True)
# 经过choice随机选取,得到了固定大小max_degree = 25的直接相连的邻居数列 adj[self.id2idx[nodeid], :] = neighbors
# 把该node的邻居数列,赋值给adj矩阵中对应nodeid位的向量。
return adj, deg

construct_test_adj()  函数中,与上不同之处在于,可以直接得到邻居而无需根据val/test/train_removed筛选.

 neighbors = np.array([self.id2idx[neighbor]
for neighbor in self.G.neighbors(nodeid)])

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