C# 6.0 demo
*/ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using static System.Console; //C# 6.0: Using static members
using static System.Math; //C# 6.0: Using static members
using static ConsoleApplication1.MyClass; //C# 6.0: Using static members
using static ConsoleApplication1.MyStruct; //C# 6.0: Using static members namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WriteLine("C# 6.0 Demo"); //C# 6.0: Using static members
WriteLine(RefUrl); //C# 6.0: Using static members var dictionary = new JObject {["x"] = 3 }; //C# 6.0: Dictionary initializer
WriteLine("dictionary[\"x\"]: {0}", dictionary["x"]); var myClass = new MyClass();
PrintMyClass(myClass); //C# 6.0: Using static members
myClass.X = 100;
PrintMyClass(myClass); var anotherDist = myClass.AnotherMyClass?.Dist; //C# 6.0: Null propagation
WriteLine("myClass.AnotherMyClass?.Dist: {0}", anotherDist);
// anotherDist == null
//anotherDist > 0
//anotherDist == 0
//anotherDist < 0
//anotherDist = 0
myClass.AnotherMyClass = new MyClass(y: 0);
anotherDist = myClass.AnotherMyClass?.Dist;
WriteLine("myClass.AnotherMyClass?.Dist: {0}", anotherDist); string s = nameof(Console.Write); //C# 6.0: nameof operator
WriteLine("nameof(Console.Write) = {0}", s); var p = new {Name = "Bob", Age = 30};
WriteLine($"{p.Name} is {p.Age - 10} years old."); //C# 6.0: String interpolation try
throw new Exception("hi!");
throw new Exception("wah!");
catch (Exception e) when (e.Message == "hi!") //C# 6.0: Exception filters
WriteLine("Catch a message is \"hi!\" exception. ");
catch (Exception e)
WriteLine("Catch other message exception. Message is \"{0}\"", e.Message);
} Write("Press any key to EXIT...");
} public struct MyStruct
public static string RefUrl = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/wiki/Languages-features-in-C%23-6-and-VB-14";
} public class MyClass
public int X { get; set; } = 90; //C# 6.0: Auto-property initializers public int Y { get; } = 100; //C# 6.0: Getter-only auto-properties public MyClass(int y)
Y = y; //C# 6.0: Ctor assignment to getter-only autoprops
} public MyClass()
{ } public double Dist => Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y); //C# 6.0: Expression-bodied members public MyClass AnotherMyClass { get; set; } public static void PrintMyClass(MyClass myClass)
WriteLine($"PrintMyClass: X = {myClass.X}, Y = {myClass.Y}, Dist = sqrt(x*x+y*y) = {myClass.Dist}");
} }


C# 6.0 Demo
dictionary["x"]: 3
PrintMyClass: X = 90, Y = 100, Dist = sqrt(x*x+y*y) = 134.536240470737
PrintMyClass: X = 100, Y = 100, Dist = sqrt(x*x+y*y) = 141.42135623731
myClass.AnotherMyClass?.Dist: 90
nameof(Console.Write) = Write
Bob is 20 years old.
Catch a message is "hi!" exception.
Press any key to EXIT...

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