Sencha Touch MVC 中 store 的使用
I have a UserStore that I want to load after succesful login of a user. I can't get this to work i.e. find a pattern to do this. I now have the UserStore in the app.js like this:
The store
The user is retrieved based on the php $_SESSION['userid'] which is not set before a user is loggedin. When starting up the app the store is loaded but it doesn't find any data. I need to go back to the beginning to log in again and then of course the session id was set in the previous login. What I am trying to accomplish is either to lazy load the store or to autoload only when needed by the View. I have tried this but I can't get it to work. This is what I did: option 1 I removed the UserStore from app.js and added a require and xtype item to the View but then I get [WARN][Ext.dataview.DataView#applyStore] The specified Store cannot be found The View
Option 2 try to find out if I can set the autoload to false and load in on demand via some listener. But I can't find out exactly how. So, how can this be achieved and what is the best pattern to do this. Thanks for your help! Ext.dataview.DataView#applyStore The specified Store cannot be found |
I actually never assign stores this way:
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