- >encode和decode
- a = "你好"
- s = a.encode("GBK")
- print(s)
- # b'\xc4\xe3\xba\xc3' 每一个\x是一个字节,每一个GBK占16bit,2个bytes,那么两个中文就是4个bytes,验证成功
- s1 = a.encode("UTf-8")
- print(s1)
- # b'\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd' 每一个\x是一个字节,每一个UTF-8中文占24bit,3个bytes,那么两个中文就是6个bytes,验证成功
- b = "hello"
- b1 = b.encode("utf-8")
- print(b1)
- # b'hello' 在编解码英文时,不会换成16进制,会直接传输
- b2 = b.encode("gbk")
- print(b2)
- # b'hello'
- c = b'\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd' # 解码,
- c1 = c.decode("utf-8")
- print(c1)
- # 你好
- is和==
- # == 双等表⽰示的是判断是否相等, 注意. 这个双等比较的是具体的值.⽽而不是内存地址
- # is 比较的是数据存储在内存中的地址
- id
- aaa = "hello,world"
- bbb = "hello,world"
- print(id(aaa))
- #
- print(id(bbb)
- # 31339568 #返回的是同一个id,证明在内存中两个变量指向了同一个数据,这个就是针对字符串特有的小数据池
- lst = [1, 2, 4]
- print(id(lst))
- #
- lst1 = [1, 2, 4]
- print(id(lst1))
- #
- # 虽然两个列表的值是一样的,但是列表是不一样的, 两个列表中的值都是相同的指向
- [LeetCode] Encode and Decode Strings 加码解码字符串
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent over th ...
- 【python】python新手必碰到的问题---encode与decode,中文乱码[转]
转自: 为什么会报错“UnicodeEncodeError:'ascii' codec ...
- LeetCode Encode and Decode Strings
原题链接在这里: 题目: Design an algorithm to encode a ...
- Encode and Decode Strings
Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent over th ...
- encode和decode
Python字符串的encode与decode研究心得乱码问题解决方法 为什么会报错“UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters ...
- 【python】浅谈encode和decode
对于encode和decode,笔者也是根据自己的理解,有不对的地方还请多多指点. 编码的理解: 1.编码:utf-8,utf-16,gbk,gb2312,gb18030等,编码为了便于理解,可以把它 ...
- 271. Encode and Decode Strings
题目: Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sent ove ...
- [LeetCode#271] Encode and Decode Strings
Problem: Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sen ...
- Encode and Decode Strings 解答
Question Design an algorithm to encode a list of strings to a string. The encoded string is then sen ...
- python encode和decode函数说明【转载】
python encode和decode函数说明 字符串编码常用类型:utf-8,gb2312,cp936,gbk等. python中,我们使用decode()和encode()来进行解码和编码 在p ...
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