-- leetcode

follow up question: find the minimum element in a rotated array with duplicate elements

Idea: [3,3,1,3] compared to [3,4,1,2]  -> l = mid+1 --1

[1,3,3] compared to [1,3,4] - > r = mid;  -- 2

If we used the previous solution, it will complain with the above cases because one case is : nums[mid] > nums[r] l = mid+1; violating the 2nd case to update r ot l

So here is the hadful problem.

At first, I am trying to seperate this case with one conditon:  nums[mid] == nums[r] or..... However that is not general

Totally, (nums[l] == nums[mid]) && (nums[r] == nums[mid]) {left++, right--} skip相同的元素。知道不同为止。

Dealing with special case [1,1] or [1] -- determine the case of left and right.

Idea is from the -- search in rotated array.

public int findMin(int[] nums) {
int l =0, r = nums.length-1;
int mid = l+(r-l)/2;
while((nums[l] == nums[mid]) && (nums[r] == nums[mid]) ) {
++l; --r;
if(l>=nums.length || r<0) break;
if(l==r) return nums[l];
else if(l>r) return nums[r+1];
if(nums[mid] > nums[r]) l = mid+1;
else r = mid;
return nums[l];

follow up: find the minimum value index

Other thoughts for this problem: if(nums[mid] == nums[r]) h--; /./skip the current high one..


to be continued...

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