






利用powerdesigner创建表模型后导出sql语句方法,以及报错 Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the model.的解决办法的更多相关文章

  1. powerdesigner导出sql时报错 Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the model.

    powerdesigner导出sql时报错 Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the model ...

  2. PowerDesigner在PDM转换为sql脚本时报错Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the mod

    在设计概念数据模型(CDM)之后,转换为物理数据模型(PDM),之后转换为sql脚本时报错Generation aborted due to errors detected during the ve ...

  3. PowerDesigner15(16)在生成SQL时报错Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the mod

    1.用PowerDesigner15建模,在Database—>Generate Database (或者用Ctrl+G快捷键)来生产sql语句,却提示“Generation aborted d ...

  4. PowerDesigner在生成SQL时报错Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the mod

    一.本章节要用到  ODBC连接数据库直接创建表,请先创建连接库的ODBC 请参考  新建  http://www.cnblogs.com/wdw31210/p/7580286.html 二.生成 去 ...

  5. PowerDesigner15在生成SQL时报错Generation aborted due to errors detected during the verification of the mod

    转载: http://blog.csdn.net/successful555/article/details/7582154 PowerDesigner中如何设置字符编码为GBK或者GB2312 ht ...

  6. powerdesigner 绘制表关系和导出sql

    1.生成图(A图,B图) 2.创建关系(palette工具栏里有个线条,主表子表关系连接即可,拖动是由顺序的,一对多即从A表往B表连接) 3.这里小说一下   一开始是CDM模式,可以在软件最顶层看到 ...

  7. sql server数据库创建、删除,创建表,数据库的sql语句

    create database test on primary -- 默认就属于primary文件组,可省略(/*--数据文件的具体描述--*/ name='test', -- 主数据文件的逻辑名称 ...

  8. 解决thinkphp query()执行原生SQL语句成功结果报错的问题

    1.query方法 query方法用于执行SQL查询操作,如果数据非法或者查询错误则返回false,否则返回查询结果数据集(同select方法). 2.execute方法 execute用于更新和写入 ...

  9. sql语句Order by 报错列名不明确

    select top 10 column1,column2,column3 from table1 where table1.id not in(select top 0 table1.id from ...


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