
Reducing the Number of Gray Levels in an Image


To understand how the number of gray levels affect the image perceptual quality.

Main requirements:

Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab.

Instruction manual:

(a) Write a computer program capable of reducing the number of gray levels in a image from 256 to 2, in integer powers of 2. The desired number of gray levels needs to be a variable input to your program.

(b) Download Fig. 2.21(a) and duplicate the results shown in Fig. 2.21 of the book.



function img_o = reduceGrayLevel( img_i, level )
%UNTITLED2 此处显示有关此函数的摘要
% 此处显示详细说明
imagesize = size(img_i);
num = 256 / level; %创建新的图像,与原图像大小相同
img_o = uint8(zeros(imagesize(1), imagesize(2))); % 灰度变换
for r = 1:1:imagesize(1)
for c = 1:1:imagesize(2)
img_o(r, c) = fix(double(img_i(r,c))/num) * 255 / (level-1);
end end


clear all;
close all; %%
image_name = 'general_img.jpg';
image = imread(image_name); image_level_128 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 128);
image_level_64 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 64);
image_level_32 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 32);
image_level_16 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 16);
image_level_8 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 8);
image_level_4 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 4);
image_level_2 = reduceGrayLevel(image, 2); figure(1)
subplot(2,4,1), imshow(image)
subplot(2,4,2), imshow(image_level_128)
subplot(2,4,3), imshow(image_level_64)
subplot(2,4,4), imshow(image_level_32)
subplot(2,4,5), imshow(image_level_16)
subplot(2,4,6), imshow(image_level_8)
subplot(2,4,7), imshow(image_level_4)
subplot(2,4,8), imshow(image_level_2)



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