C primer plus 6 编程练习答案
- /**编程练习2**/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- printf("张三\n");
- printf("张\n三\n");
- printf("张");
- printf("三\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- printf("姓名:张三\n地址:中国\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int age = , days = ;
- printf("请输入您的年龄:");
- scanf_s("%d", &age);
- days = age * ;
- printf("您的年龄为:%d\n您的年龄转换成天数为:%d\n", age, days);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void jolly(void);
- void deny(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- jolly();
- jolly();
- jolly();
- deny();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void jolly(void)
- {
- printf("For he's a jolly good fellow!\n");
- }
- void deny(void)
- {
- printf("Which nobagy can deny!\n");
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void br(void);
- void ic(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- br();
- ic();
- printf("India,China,\n");
- printf("Brazil,Russia\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void br(void)
- {
- printf("Brazil,Russia,");
- }
- void ic(void)
- {
- printf("India,China\n");
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int toes = ;
- printf("toes为:%d\ntoes的2倍为:%d\ntoes的平方为:%d\n", toes, * toes, toes*toes);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void smile(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- smile();
- smile();
- smile();
- printf("\n");
- smile();
- smile();
- printf("\n");
- smile();
- printf("\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void smile(void)
- {
- printf("Smile!");
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void one_three(void);
- void two(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- printf("starting now:\n");
- one_three();
- printf("done!\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void one_three(void)
- {
- printf("one\n");
- two();
- printf("three\n");
- }
- void two(void)
- {
- printf("two\n");
- }
- /**编程练习3**/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int a;
- float b,c;
- a = ;//整数上溢
- b = 3.4E38 + 10.0f;//浮点数上溢
- c = 0.1234E-10 / ;//浮点数下溢
- printf("%d\n%f\n%f\n",a, b, c);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int a = ;
- printf("请输入一个0-127中的一个整数:");
- scanf_s("%d", &a);
- printf("该数对应的ASCLL码为:%c\n", a);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- printf("\a");//警报
- printf("Startled by the sudden sound,Sally shouted,\n");
- printf("\"By the Grate Pumpkin,what was that!\"");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- float a;
- printf("输入一个小数:");
- scanf_s("%f", &a);
- printf("%f\n%e\n%.2a\n", a, a, a);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int age = ;
- long min = ;
- printf("请输入您的年龄:");
- scanf_s("%ld", &age);
- min = age * 3.156E7;
- printf("转换为秒为:%ld秒\n", min);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- double a,c;
- int b;
- printf("请输入水的夸脱数:");
- scanf_s("%d", &b);
- a = * 3.0E-23;
- c = a * b;
- printf("水分子数量为:%e\n", c);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- float tall_m, tall_cm;
- printf("请输入您的身高:");
- scanf_s("%f", &tall_m);
- tall_cm = 2.54*tall_m;
- printf("%.2f英寸转化为厘米为:%f厘米",tall_m, tall_cm);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- float cup,p,a,t,c;
- printf("请输入杯数:");
- scanf_s("%f", &cup);
- p = cup/;
- a = * cup;
- t = * a;
- c = * t;
- printf("%f杯等于%f品脱,%f杯等于%f盎司,%f盎司等于%f大汤勺,%f大汤勺等于%f茶勺\n", cup, p, cup, a, a, t, t, c);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**编程练习4**/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char surname[] ;
- char name[];
- printf("请输入您的名:\n");
- scanf_s("%s",name,);////////////////////////////////注意!!!scanf_s()在输入数组时需要指明字段大小/////////////////////////////////////////
- printf("请输入您的姓:\n");
- scanf_s("%s",surname,);
- printf("您的名为:%s\n姓为:%s\n", name, surname);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- //getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char name[];
- printf("请输入名字:\n");
- scanf_s("%s", name, );
- printf("\"%20s\"\n", name);
- printf("\"%-20s\"\n", name);
- printf("\"%*s\"\n", strlen(name) + , name);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- float a;
- printf("输入一个小数:21.29\n");
- scanf_s("%f", &a);
- printf("输入的数是:%.1f或%.1e\n", a,a);
- printf("输入的数是:%2.2f或%.3E\n", a, a);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- float heigh;
- char name[];
- printf("请输入你的姓名:\n");
- scanf_s("%s", name, );
- printf("请输入你的身高(米):\n");
- scanf_s("%f", &heigh);
- printf("%s,你有%.3f米高", name,heigh);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(xoid)
- {
- float speed, size, time;
- printf("请输入以兆位每秒(Mb/s)为单位的下载速度和以兆(MB)为单位的文件大小\n");
- scanf_s("%f %f", &speed,&size);
- time = * size / speed;
- printf("At %.2f megabits per second,a file of %.2f megabytes\n\
- downloads in %.2f seconds.\n",speed,size,time);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char surname[];
- char name[];
- int length1,length2;
- printf("输入姓:\n");
- scanf_s("%s", surname, );
- printf("输入名:\n");
- scanf_s("%s", name, );
- length1 = strlen(surname);
- length2 = strlen(name);
- printf("%s %s\n", surname, name);
- printf("%*d %*d\n", length1, length1,length2,length2);
- printf("%s %s\n", surname, name);
- printf("%-*d %-*d\n", length1, length1, length2, length2);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<float.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- double a=1.0 / 3.0;
- float b=1.0 / 3.0;
- printf("a=%.6f\tb=%.6f\n", a, b);
- printf("a=%.12f\tb=%.12f\n", a, b);
- printf("a=%.16f\tb=%.16f\n", a, b);
- printf("float类型的最小有效数字为:%d\tdouble类型的最小有效数字为:%d\n", FLT_DIG, DBL_DIG);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define GALLON 3.785 //1加仑等于3.785升
- #define MILE 1.609 //1英里等于1.609千米
- int main(void)
- {
- float gallon, mile;
- printf("输入旅行里程:\n");
- scanf_s("%f", &mile);
- printf("输入消耗汽油量:\n");
- scanf_s("%f", &gallon);
- printf("油耗为:%.1f英里/加仑\n", mile / gallon);
- printf("油耗转换为:%.1f升/100公里\n", gallon*GALLON / (mile*MILE) * );
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /****编程练习5****/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- const int m_to_h = ;
- int m,h,left;
- printf("输入一个时间(分钟):\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &m);
- while (m>)
- {
- h = m/m_to_h;
- left=m%m_to_h;
- printf("%d分钟转化为小时为:%d小时%d分钟\n", m, h,left);
- scanf_s("%d", &m);
- }
- getchar();
- //getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int a,b;
- printf("请输入一个整数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &a);
- b = a + ;
- while (a<=b)
- {
- printf("打印比该数大10的整数为:%d\n", a);
- a++;
- }
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- const int day_to_week = ;
- int days,week,left;
- printf("请输入天数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &days);
- while (days>)
- {
- week = days/day_to_week;
- left = days%day_to_week;
- printf("%d天转化为%d周%d天\n", days, week, left);
- scanf_s("%d", &days);
- }
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define FEET_TO_CM 30.48
- #define INCHE_TO_CM 2.54
- int main(void)
- {
- float heigh,inches;//inches英寸
- int foot;//英尺
- printf("输入身高(cm):\n");
- scanf_s("%f", &heigh);
- while (heigh>)
- {
- foot = heigh / FEET_TO_CM;
- inches = (heigh - foot * FEET_TO_CM) / INCHE_TO_CM;
- printf("%.2fcm=%d英尺%.2f英寸", heigh, foot, inches);
- scanf_s("%f", &heigh);
- }
- getchar();
- //getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int sum=, count=,day=;
- printf("输入天数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &day);
- while (count++<day)
- {
- sum = sum + count;
- }
- printf("%d天挣了%d元钱\n", day, sum);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int sum = , count = , day = ;
- printf("输入天数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &day);
- while (count++ < day)
- {
- sum = sum + count*count;
- }
- printf("%d天挣了%d元钱\n", day, sum);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void value3(double a);
- int main(void)
- {
- double a;
- printf("输入一个小数:\n");
- scanf_s("%lf", &a);
- value3(a);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void value3(double a)
- {
- double b;
- b = a * a*a;
- printf("%lf立方为:%lf\n", a, b);
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int a, b;
- printf("\t*****求模运算*****\t\n");
- printf("输入一个数作为第2个运算对象:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &a);
- printf("输入第二个数作为第1个运算对象:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &b);
- printf("求模运算%d%%%d=%d\n", b, a, b%a);
- printf("输入下一个数作为第1个运算对象:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &b);
- while (b>)
- {
- printf("求模运算%d%%%d=%d\n", b, a, b%a);
- printf("输入下一个数作为第1个运算对象:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &b);
- }
- printf("结束\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void Temperatures(double h_tem);
- int main(void)
- {
- double h_tem;//华氏度
- printf("请输入华氏温度(输入非数字以退出):\n");
- while (scanf_s("%lf", &h_tem)==)
- {
- Temperatures(h_tem);
- printf("请输入华氏温度(输入非数字以退出):\n");
- }
- printf("程序退出\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void Temperatures(double h_tem)
- {
- double s_tem;//摄氏度
- double k_tem;//开氏度
- const double h_to_s = 32.0;//华氏度转摄氏度要用到的常量值
- const double s_to_k = 273.16;//摄氏度转开氏度要用到的常量值
- s_tem = 5.0 / 9.0 * (h_tem - h_to_s);
- k_tem = s_tem + s_to_k;
- printf("%.2lf华氏度等于%.2lf摄氏度和%.2lf开氏度\n", h_tem, s_tem, k_tem);
- }
- /****编程练习6****/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define size 26
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch[size];
- int a;
- for (a = ; a<size; a++)
- ch[a] = 'a' + a;
- for (a = ;a < size;a++)
- printf("%c", ch[a]);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int row, clo;
- char ch = '$';
- for (row=; row< ; row++)
- {
- for (clo = ; clo < row + ; clo++)
- printf("%c",ch);
- printf("\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch = 'F';
- char start, end;
- for (end=ch;end>='A'; end--)
- {
- for (start=ch;start>=end;start--)
- printf("%c", start);
- printf("\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- const char end = 'U';
- char start;
- int row, clo;
- for (row=,start = 'A'; start<=end;row++ )
- {
- for (clo = ;clo <= row;clo++)
- {
- printf("%c", start);
- start++;
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char start = 'A';
- char end;
- char ch = start;
- int row, clo;
- printf("输入一个大写字母:\n");
- scanf_s("%c", &end);
- printf(" 字母金字塔\n");
- for ( row=; row <= end-start; row++,ch = start)
- {
- for (clo = ;clo < end - start - row;clo++)
- printf(" ");
- for (int k = ;k <= row;k++)
- {
- printf("%c", ch);
- ch++;
- }
- ch -= ;
- for (int c = ;c < row;c++)
- {
- printf("%c", ch);
- ch--;
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include <stdio.h>
- int main( void )
- {
- int start, end;
- printf("输入开始的数字:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &start);
- printf("输入结束数字:\n");
- scanf_s("%d", &end);
- printf("原数\t平方\t立方\n");
- for (start;start <= end;start++)
- {
- printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", start, start*start, start*start*start);
- }
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- #define SIZE 40
- int main(void)
- {
- char word[SIZE];
- int i;
- printf("请输入一个单词:\n");
- scanf_s("%s", word, );
- printf("该单词有%d个字母,单词是%s\n", strlen(word), word);
- printf("倒序为:");
- for (i = strlen(word - );i >= ;i--)//strlen(word - 1)跳过字符串后面的空格
- printf("%c", word[i]);
- printf("\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- double a, b;
- int status;//输入状态
- printf("输入2个浮点数(输入q退出):\n");
- while (scanf_s("%lf%lf", &a, &b) == )//验证是否输入了2个值
- {
- printf("结果是%.3lf", (a - b) / (a*b));
- printf("继续输入2个浮点数(输入q退出):\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- float result(float a, float b);
- int main(void)
- {
- double a, b;
- int status;//输入状态
- printf("输入2个浮点数(输入q退出):\n");
- while (scanf_s("%lf%lf", &a, &b) == )//验证是否输入了2个值
- {
- printf("结果是%.3lf", result(a,b));
- printf("继续输入2个浮点数(输入q退出):\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- float result(float a, float b)
- {
- float result;//result名称不唯一
- result = (a - b) / (a*b);
- return result;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int up, down;//上限和下限
- printf("输入上限整数和下限整数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d %d", &up, &down);
- while (up>down)
- {
- int sum = ;//初始化平方和sum
- for (int i = sum;i <= up;i++)
- sum = sum + i * i;
- printf("平方和从%d到%d是%d\n", up*up, down*down, sum);
- printf("继续输入上限整数和下限整数:\n");
- scanf_s("%d %d", &up, &down);
- }
- printf("结束!\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 8
- int main(void)
- {
- int a[SIZE];
- int i;
- for ( i = ; i < SIZE; i++)
- scanf_s("%d", &a[i]);
- for (i = SIZE - ;i >= ;i--)
- printf("%d", a[i]);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int times;
- float count1 = 1.0f;//分母
- float count2 = 1.0f;//分母
- float sum1 = 0.0;
- float sum2 = 0.0;
- printf("输入计算次数(输入0或负数退出):\n");
- scanf_s("%d", ×);
- for (int i = ;i <= times;i++, count1++)
- sum1 = sum1 + 1.0 / count1;
- for (int j = ;j <= times;j++, count2++)
- {
- if (j%==)
- {
- sum2 = sum2 - 1.0 / count2;
- }
- else
- {
- sum2 = sum2 + 1.0 / count2;
- }
- }
- printf("第一个公式的计算结果为:%f\n", sum1);
- printf("第二个公式的计算结果为:%f\n", sum2);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 8
- int main(void)
- {
- int arry[SIZE];
- int i, n;
- for (i = , n = ;i < SIZE;i++, n *= )
- arry[i] = n;
- i = ;
- do
- {
- printf("%d\n", arry[i]);
- i++;
- } while (i<SIZE);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 8
- int main(void)
- {
- double arry1[SIZE];
- double arry2[SIZE];
- int i;
- printf("输入值:\n");
- for (i = ;i < SIZE;i++)
- scanf_s("%lf", &arry1[i]);//读入第一个数组
- arry2[] = arry1[];//初始化第二个数组
- for (i = ;i < SIZE;i++)
- arry2[i] = arry2[i - ] + arry1[i];//计算第二个元组各数之和
- for (i = ;i < SIZE;i++)
- printf("%8.2lf", arry1[i]);
- printf("\n");
- for (i = ;i < SIZE;i++)
- printf("%8.2lf", arry2[i]);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 255
- int main(void)
- {
- char arry[SIZE];
- int i = -;
- printf("输入一个单词:\n");
- do
- {
- i++;//由arry[0]开始循环读入
- scanf_s("%c", &arry[i]);
- } while (arry[i]!='\n');
- for (;i >= ;i--)
- printf("%c", arry[i]);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define Daphne_RATE 0.10 //Daphne利率
- #define Deiedre_RATE 0.05 //Deiedre利率
- #define MONEY 100.0 //投资100元
- int main(void)
- {
- int year=;
- double Daphne_money=MONEY; //Daphne的投资额
- double Deiedre_money=MONEY; //Deiedre的投资额
- while (Deiedre_money <= Daphne_money) //当Deiedre投资额超过Daphne的投资额退出循环
- {
- year++;
- Daphne_money = Daphne_money + MONEY * Daphne_RATE;
- Deiedre_money = Deiedre_money + Deiedre_money * Deiedre_RATE;
- }
- printf("用了%d年Deiedre的投资额超过Daphne的投资额\n", year);
- printf("Daphne的投资额为:%f\tDeiedre的投资额为%f\n", Daphne_money, Deiedre_money);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define RATE 0.08
- int main(void)
- {
- double money = ;
- int year = ;
- while (money>)
- {
- year++;
- money = money + money * RATE;
- money = money - ;
- }
- printf("%d年后Chuckie会取完账户里的钱\n", year);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define DB_NUMBER 150 //邓巴数
- int main(void)
- {
- int weeks = ;
- int friends = ;
- while (friends<DB_NUMBER)
- {
- friends = (friends - weeks) * ;
- printf("%d周后,Rabnud博士有%d个朋友\n", weeks, friends);
- weeks++;
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /*****编程练习7*****/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int spa_count=, lin_count=, oth_count=; //空格数,换行符数,其他字符数
- printf("输入字符进行统计(输入字符‘#’退出程序):\n");
- while ((ch=getchar())!='#')
- {
- if (ch == ' ')
- spa_count++;
- else if (ch == '\n')
- lin_count++;
- else
- oth_count++;
- }
- printf("你输入的字符中空格数有%d个,换行符有%d个,其他字符数有%d个\n", spa_count, lin_count, oth_count);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- const int line = ;
- int chsum = ;//统计字符数
- printf("输入字符进行统计(输入‘#’字符结束):\n");
- while ((ch=getchar())!='#')
- {
- printf("%c:%d\t", ch, ch);
- chsum++;
- if (chsum%line == )
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int a;
- int ou_count = ;//偶数个数
- int ji_count = ;//奇数个数
- int ou_sum = ;//偶数的和
- int ji_sum = ;//奇数和
- float ou_average;//偶数平均值
- float ji_average;//奇数平均值
- printf("输入整数进行计算(输入‘0’结束):");
- while (scanf_s("%d", &a) == && a != )
- {
- if (a % == )
- {
- ou_count++;
- ou_sum += a;
- }
- else
- {
- ji_count++;
- ji_sum += a;
- }
- }
- printf("偶数个数:%d\n", ou_count);
- if (ou_count>)
- {
- ou_average = ou_sum / ou_count;
- printf("偶数平均值为:%.2f\n", ou_average);
- }
- printf("奇数个数:%d\n", ji_count);
- if (ji_count>)
- {
- ji_average = ji_sum / ji_count;
- printf("奇数平均值为:%.2f\n", ji_average);
- }
- printf("结束\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int count1=;//替换句号的次数
- int count2=;//替换感叹号的次数
- printf("输入字符进行统计(输入‘#’结束):\n");
- while ((ch=getchar())!='#')
- {
- if (ch == '.')
- {
- putchar('!');
- count1++;
- }
- else if (ch == '!')
- {
- putchar('!');
- putchar('!');
- count2++;
- }
- else
- putchar(ch);
- }
- printf("\n'!'替代'.'进行了%d次\n", count1);
- printf("'!!'替代'!'进行了%d次\n", count2);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int count1 = ;//替换句号的次数
- int count2 = ;//替换感叹号的次数
- printf("输入字符进行统计(输入‘#’结束):\n");
- while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
- {
- switch (ch)
- {
- case'.':
- putchar('!');
- count1++;
- break;
- case'!':
- putchar('!');
- putchar('!');
- count2++;
- break;
- default:
- putchar(ch);
- }
- }
- printf("\n'!'替代'.'进行了%d次\n", count1);
- printf("'!!'替代'!'进行了%d次\n", count2);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- char fir, sec;//第一个接收到的字符和第二个字符
- int count = ;//ei出现的次数
- printf("输入进行统计(输入‘#’结束):\n");
- while ((ch=getchar())!='#')
- {
- if (ch=='e')
- {
- fir = ch;
- continue;
- }
- if (ch=='i')
- {
- sec = ch;
- if (fir == 'e'&&sec == 'i')
- count++; //判断前一个字符是‘e’,第二个是‘i’,则次数加1
- //初始化fir和sec
- fir = 'a';
- sec = 'a';
- continue;
- }
- continue;
- }
- printf("'ei'出现了%d次\n",count);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define BASE_MONEY 10.00//基本工资
- #define BASE_TIME 40//基本加班时间
- #define OVER_TIME 1.5//超过基本时间
- #define MONY1 300//税率分界线1
- #define MONY2 150//税率分界线2
- #define RATE1 0.15//MONY1前的税率
- #define RATE2 0.20//MONY2的税率
- #define RATE3 0.25//剩下的税率
- int main(void)
- {
- double hours;//一周工作时间
- double sum;//工资总数
- double rate_mony;//税金
- double income;//净收入
- printf("输入一周工作小时数:\n");
- scanf_s("%lf", &hours);
- if (hours <= BASE_TIME)
- sum = hours * BASE_MONEY;
- else
- if (sum <= MONY1)
- rate_mony = sum * RATE1;
- else if (sum <= MONY1 + MONY2)
- rate_mony = MONY1 * RATE1 + (sum - MONY1)*RATE2;
- else
- rate_mony = MONY1 * RATE1 + MONY2 * RATE2 + (sum - MONY1 - MONY2)*RATE3;
- income = sum - rate_mony;
- printf("工资总额是:%.2lf\t税金是:%.2lf\t净收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_mony, income);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define BASE_TIME 40 //基本加班时间
- #define OVER_TIME 1.5 //超过基本时间
- #define MONY1 300 //税率分界线1
- #define MONY2 150 //税率分界线2
- #define BASE_LEVEL1 8.75
- #define BASE_LEVEL2 9.33
- #define BASE_LEVEL3 10.00
- #define BASE_LEVEL4 11.20
- #define RATE1 0.15 //MONY1前的税率
- #define RATE2 0.20 //MONY2的税率
- #define RATE3 0.25 //剩下的税率
- int main(void)
- {
- int choice;
- double basy_money;
- double hours; //一周工作时间
- double sum; //工资总数
- double rate_money; //税金
- double income; //净收入
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- printf("输入与薪资或操作对应的编号进行操作:\n");
- printf("1) $8.75/hours \t2) $9.33/hours\n");
- printf("3) $10.00/hours \t4) $11.20/hours\n");
- printf("5) 退出\n");
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- while (scanf_s("%d",&choice) == && choice != )
- {
- switch (choice)
- {
- case :
- basy_money = BASE_LEVEL1;
- break;
- case :
- basy_money = BASE_LEVEL2;
- break;
- case :
- basy_money = BASE_LEVEL3;
- break;
- case :
- basy_money = BASE_LEVEL4;
- break;
- default:
- printf("请输入1-4数字进行选择(输入数字5退出)。\n请输入正确的数字\n");
- continue;
- }
- printf("输入一周工作小时数:\n");
- scanf_s("%lf", &hours);
- if (hours <= BASE_TIME)
- sum = basy_money * hours;
- else
- sum = BASE_TIME * basy_money + (hours - BASE_TIME)*basy_money*OVER_TIME;
- if (sum <= MONY1)
- rate_money = sum * RATE1;
- else if (sum <= (MONY1 + MONY2))
- rate_money = MONY1 * RATE1 + (sum - MONY1) * RATE2;
- else
- rate_money = MONY1 * RATE1 + MONY2 * RATE2 + (sum - MONY1 - MONY2)*RATE3;
- income = sum - rate_money;
- printf("工资总额是:%.2lf\t税金是:%.2lf\t净收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income);
- printf("输入下一个数字继续\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<stdbool.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int limit;//输入的数
- int num;
- int div;
- bool numIsPrime; //判断是否为素数
- printf("输入正整数:");
- while (scanf_s("%d",&limit) == && limit > )
- {
- if (limit > )
- printf("以下为素数:\n", limit);
- else
- printf("没有素数\n");
- for (num= ; num <= limit; num++)
- {
- for (div = , numIsPrime = true;(div*div) <= num;div++)
- if (num%div == )
- numIsPrime = false;
- if (numIsPrime)
- printf("%d是素数。\n", num);
- }
- printf("输入正整数(输入q退出):");
- }
- printf("结束\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define LEVEL1 17850
- #define LEVEL2 23900
- #define LEVEL3 29750
- #define LEVEL4 14875
- #define RATE1 0.15
- #define RATE2 0.28
- int main(void)
- {
- int choice; //选择号码
- long level; //税金等级
- double income; //收入
- double taxmoney; //税金
- printf("****************************************************************************\n");
- printf("输入类别编号:\n");
- printf("1) 单身 \t2) 户主 \t3) 已婚,共有 \t4) 已婚,离异\n");
- printf("5) 退出\n");
- printf("****************************************************************************\n");
- while (scanf_s("%d",&choice) == && choice != )
- {
- switch (choice)
- {
- case :
- level = LEVEL1;
- break;
- case :
- level = LEVEL2;
- break;
- case :
- level = LEVEL3;
- break;
- case :
- level = LEVEL4;
- break;
- default:
- printf("请输入1-4数字进行选择(输入数字5退出)。\n请输入正确的数字\n");
- break;
- }
- printf("请输入你的收入:");
- scanf_s("%lf", &income);
- if (income <= level)
- taxmoney = income * RATE1;
- else
- taxmoney = level * RATE1 + (income - level)*RATE2;
- printf("你的税金为%.2lf元\n", taxmoney);
- printf("继续输入选择(输入5退出):\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define Y_PRICE 2.05 //洋蓟 单价
- #define T_PRICE 1.15 //甜菜
- #define H_PRICE 1.09 //胡萝卜
- #define DISCOUNT 0.05 //折扣优惠
- #define WEIGHT_LEVEL1 5 //重量层次
- #define WEIGHT_LEVEL2 20
- #define TRANS_LEVEL1 6.5 //运费和包装费层次
- #define TRANS_LEVEL2 14
- #define TRANS_LEVEL3 0.5 //额外增费
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch; //选择字符
- float input; //输入磅数
- float y_weight = ; //洋蓟磅数
- float t_weight = ; //甜菜磅数
- float h_weight = ; //胡萝卜磅数
- float total_weight; //总重
- float cost; //花费
- float total_cost; //总花费:买菜+运费
- float discount; //折扣
- float tran_cost; //运费
- float total_all;
- printf("************************************************\n");
- printf("输入编号进行选择:\n");
- printf("a:洋蓟\tb:甜菜\tc:胡萝卜\nq:退出并打印账单\n");
- printf("************************************************\n");
- while ((ch = getchar()) != 'q')
- {
- if (ch == '\n')
- continue;
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'a':
- printf("输入洋蓟的磅数:");
- scanf_s("%f", &input);
- y_weight = y_weight + input;
- break;
- case 'b':
- printf("输入甜菜的磅数:");
- scanf_s("%f", &input);
- t_weight = t_weight + input;
- break;
- case 'c':
- printf("输入胡萝卜的磅数:");
- scanf_s("%f", &input);
- h_weight = h_weight + input;
- break;
- default:
- printf("输入错误,请输入a,b,c选择蔬菜,q退出\n");
- break;
- }
- printf("继续输入进行购物\n");
- }
- total_weight = y_weight + t_weight + h_weight;
- cost = y_weight * Y_PRICE + t_weight * T_PRICE + h_weight * H_PRICE;
- if (cost >= )
- discount = cost * DISCOUNT;
- else
- discount = ;
- if (total_weight <= )
- tran_cost = ;
- else if (total_weight <= WEIGHT_LEVEL1)
- tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL1;
- else if (total_weight <= WEIGHT_LEVEL2)
- tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL2;
- else
- tran_cost = TRANS_LEVEL2 + TRANS_LEVEL3 * total_weight;
- total_all = cost + tran_cost - discount;
- printf("你的订单如下:\n");
- printf("2.05美元/磅的洋蓟订购了%.2f磅\n", y_weight);
- printf("1.15美元/磅的甜菜订购了%.2f磅\n", t_weight);
- printf("1.09美元/磅的胡萝卜订购了%.2f磅\n", h_weight);
- printf("买蔬菜的费用为:%.2f\n", cost);
- if(cost>)
- printf("折扣为:%.2f\n", discount);
- printf("运费和包装费为:%.2f\n", tran_cost);
- printf("所有费用为:%.2f\n", total_all);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /****编程练习8****/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int a = ;
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- a++;
- printf("读取到%d个字符。\n", a);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int i=; //统计每行的值
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- if (ch == '\n')
- {
- putchar('\\');
- putchar('n');
- printf(" %d\n", ch);
- i = ;
- }
- else if (ch == '\t')
- {
- putchar('\\');
- putchar('t');
- printf("%d\n", ch);
- }
- else if (ch < ' ')
- {
- putchar('^');
- putchar(ch + );
- printf("%d\t", ch);
- }
- else
- printf("%c %d\t", ch, ch);
- if (++i == )
- {
- printf("\n");
- i = ;
- }
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int ch;
- //统计个数,用不到负数
- unsigned A_count = ; //大写
- unsigned a_count = ; //小写
- unsigned oth_count = ; //其他字符个数
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- //if (isupper(ch)) //用isupper()函数判断是否为大写
- if(ch>='A'&&ch<='Z') //可以用该行替换上一行,这种方法不用再调用ctype.h
- A_count++;
- else if (islower(ch)) //用islower()函数判断是否为小写
- a_count++;
- else
- oth_count++;
- }
- printf("输入中大写字母有%d个\n", A_count);
- printf("小写字母有%d个\n", a_count);
- printf("其他字符有%d个\n", oth_count);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- #include<stdbool.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int words = , count = ; //单词 字母总数
- bool inword = false; //判断是否是一个单词
- float average;
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- if (isalpha(ch))
- count++; //如果是个字符,字母+1
- if (!isspace(ch) && !inword)
- {
- inword = true;
- words++; //如果不是空格且inword为true,单词+1
- }
- if (isspace(ch) && inword)
- inword = false; //如果是个空格,且inword为true,此时并不是个完整单词,需要初始化inword
- if (ispunct(ch))
- continue; //如果是字符,中断本次循环
- }
- average = count / words;
- printf("平均每个单词有%.2f个字母", average);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int high = ;
- int low = ;
- int guess=(low+high)/;
- char response;
- printf("你在1-100中选一个数字,我能猜出那个数字!");
- printf("\n如果我回答正确,就输入'y'");
- printf("\n如果我猜的数太高,就输入'h'");
- printf("\n如果我猜的数太小,就输入'l'\n");
- printf("你选择的数字是 %d?\n", guess);
- while ((response=getchar())!='y')
- {
- if (response == '\n')
- continue;
- if (response != 'h'&&response != 'l')
- {
- printf("对不起,输入错误!请重新输入!\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (response == 'h')
- high = guess - ;
- else if (response == 'l')
- low = guess + ;
- guess = (high + low) / ;
- printf("你选择的数字是 %d?\n", guess);
- }
- printf("哈哈!我猜对了!\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- char get_first(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- ch = get_first();
- putchar(ch);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- char get_first(void)
- {
- char ch;
- ch = getchar();
- while (isspace(ch))
- ch = getchar();
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- #include<math.h>
- #define BASY_MONEY1 8.75 //基本工资
- #define BASY_MONEY2 9.33
- #define BASY_MONEY3 10.00
- #define BASY_MONEY4 11.20
- #define BASY_TIME 40 //基本工作时间
- #define EXTR_TIME 1.5 //加班
- #define LIN_MONEY1 300 //税率分界线
- #define LIN_MONEY2 150
- #define RATE1 0.15 //税率
- #define RATE2 0.20
- #define RATE3 0.25
- int get_first(void); //创建函数,如果输入为空,则丢弃
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- double basy_money;
- double hours;
- double sum; //工资总数
- double rate_money; //税金
- double income; //净收入
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- printf("输入与薪资或操作对应的编号进行操作:\n");
- printf("a) $8.75/hours \tb) $9.33/hours\n");
- printf("c) $10.00/hours \td) $11.20/hours\n");
- printf("q) 退出\n");
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- while ((ch=get_first())!='q') //调用get_first()函数
- {
- if (ch =='\n')
- continue;
- ch = tolower(ch); //将大写字母转为小写
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'a':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY1; break;
- case 'b':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY2; break;
- case 'c':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY3; break;
- case 'd':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY4; break;
- default:
- printf("请输入a-d进行选择(输入q退出)。\n请输入正确的数字\n"); break;
- }
- printf("输入一周工作小时数:\n");
- scanf_s("%lf", &hours);
- if (hours <= BASY_TIME)
- sum = basy_money * hours;
- else
- sum = basy_money * BASY_TIME + (hours - BASY_TIME)*basy_money*EXTR_TIME;
- if (sum <= LIN_MONEY1)
- rate_money = sum * RATE1;
- else if (sum <= (LIN_MONEY1 + LIN_MONEY2))
- rate_money = LIN_MONEY1*RATE1 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1)*RATE2;
- else
- rate_money = LIN_MONEY1 * RATE1 + LIN_MONEY2 * RATE2 + BASY_MONEY2 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1 - LIN_MONEY2)*RATE3;
- income = sum - rate_money;
- printf("工资总额是:%.2lf\t税金是:%.2lf\t净收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income);
- printf("输入下一个数字继续\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int get_first(void)
- {
- int ch;
- ch = getchar();
- while (isspace(ch))
- ch = getchar();
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- int get_first(void);
- float get_num(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- float first, second;
- printf("输入你想进行运算的选项:\n");
- printf("a.加法\ts.减法\n");
- printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n");
- printf("q.退出\n");
- while ((ch=get_first())!='q')
- {
- ch = tolower(ch);
- if (ch != 'a'&& ch != 's'&& ch != 'm'&& ch != 'd')
- {
- printf("你只能输入a,s,m,d,q中的一个:");
- continue;
- }
- printf("输入第一个数:");
- first = get_num();
- printf("输入第二个数:");
- second = get_num();
- if (ch == 'd')
- {
- while (second == )
- {
- printf("输入一个大于0的数:");
- second = get_num();
- }
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'a':
- printf("%.1f+%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first + second); break;
- case 's':
- printf("%.1f-%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first - second); break;
- case 'm':
- printf("%.1f*%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first*second); break;
- case 'd':
- printf("%.1f/%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first / second); break;
- default:
- ;
- break;
- }
- printf("输入你想进行运算的选项:\n");
- printf("a.加法\ts.减法\n");
- printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n");
- printf("q.退出\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int get_first(void)
- {
- int ch;
- while ((ch = getchar()) == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n')
- continue;
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- float get_num(void)
- {
- float input;
- char ch;
- while (scanf_s("%f",&input)!=)
- {
- while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
- putchar(ch);
- printf("%c不是数字\n请输入例如2.5,-1.78E8,3之类的数字:",ch);
- }
- return input;
- }
- /****编程练习8****/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int a = ;
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- a++;
- printf("读取到%d个字符。\n", a);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int i=; //统计每行的值
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- if (ch == '\n')
- {
- putchar('\\');
- putchar('n');
- printf(" %d\n", ch);
- i = ;
- }
- else if (ch == '\t')
- {
- putchar('\\');
- putchar('t');
- printf("%d\n", ch);
- }
- else if (ch < ' ')
- {
- putchar('^');
- putchar(ch + );
- printf("%d\t", ch);
- }
- else
- printf("%c %d\t", ch, ch);
- if (++i == )
- {
- printf("\n");
- i = ;
- }
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int ch;
- //统计个数,用不到负数
- unsigned A_count = ; //大写
- unsigned a_count = ; //小写
- unsigned oth_count = ; //其他字符个数
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- //if (isupper(ch)) //用isupper()函数判断是否为大写
- if(ch>='A'&&ch<='Z') //可以用该行替换上一行,这种方法不用再调用ctype.h
- A_count++;
- else if (islower(ch)) //用islower()函数判断是否为小写
- a_count++;
- else
- oth_count++;
- }
- printf("输入中大写字母有%d个\n", A_count);
- printf("小写字母有%d个\n", a_count);
- printf("其他字符有%d个\n", oth_count);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- #include<stdbool.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int words = , count = ; //单词 字母总数
- bool inword = false; //判断是否是一个单词
- float average;
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- if (isalpha(ch))
- count++; //如果是个字符,字母+1
- if (!isspace(ch) && !inword)
- {
- inword = true;
- words++; //如果不是空格且inword为true,单词+1
- }
- if (isspace(ch) && inword)
- inword = false; //如果是个空格,且inword为true,此时并不是个完整单词,需要初始化inword
- if (ispunct(ch))
- continue; //如果是字符,中断本次循环
- }
- average = count / words;
- printf("平均每个单词有%.2f个字母", average);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main(void)
- {
- int high = ;
- int low = ;
- int guess=(low+high)/;
- char response;
- printf("你在1-100中选一个数字,我能猜出那个数字!");
- printf("\n如果我回答正确,就输入'y'");
- printf("\n如果我猜的数太高,就输入'h'");
- printf("\n如果我猜的数太小,就输入'l'\n");
- printf("你选择的数字是 %d?\n", guess);
- while ((response=getchar())!='y')
- {
- if (response == '\n')
- continue;
- if (response != 'h'&&response != 'l')
- {
- printf("对不起,输入错误!请重新输入!\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (response == 'h')
- high = guess - ;
- else if (response == 'l')
- low = guess + ;
- guess = (high + low) / ;
- printf("你选择的数字是 %d?\n", guess);
- }
- printf("哈哈!我猜对了!\n");
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- char get_first(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- ch = get_first();
- putchar(ch);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- char get_first(void)
- {
- char ch;
- ch = getchar();
- while (isspace(ch))
- ch = getchar();
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- #include<math.h>
- #define BASY_MONEY1 8.75 //基本工资
- #define BASY_MONEY2 9.33
- #define BASY_MONEY3 10.00
- #define BASY_MONEY4 11.20
- #define BASY_TIME 40 //基本工作时间
- #define EXTR_TIME 1.5 //加班
- #define LIN_MONEY1 300 //税率分界线
- #define LIN_MONEY2 150
- #define RATE1 0.15 //税率
- #define RATE2 0.20
- #define RATE3 0.25
- int get_first(void); //创建函数,如果输入为空,则丢弃
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- double basy_money;
- double hours;
- double sum; //工资总数
- double rate_money; //税金
- double income; //净收入
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- printf("输入与薪资或操作对应的编号进行操作:\n");
- printf("a) $8.75/hours \tb) $9.33/hours\n");
- printf("c) $10.00/hours \td) $11.20/hours\n");
- printf("q) 退出\n");
- printf("*******************************************************\n");
- while ((ch=get_first())!='q') //调用get_first()函数
- {
- if (ch =='\n')
- continue;
- ch = tolower(ch); //将大写字母转为小写
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'a':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY1; break;
- case 'b':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY2; break;
- case 'c':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY3; break;
- case 'd':
- basy_money = BASY_MONEY4; break;
- default:
- printf("请输入a-d进行选择(输入q退出)。\n请输入正确的数字\n"); break;
- }
- printf("输入一周工作小时数:\n");
- scanf_s("%lf", &hours);
- if (hours <= BASY_TIME)
- sum = basy_money * hours;
- else
- sum = basy_money * BASY_TIME + (hours - BASY_TIME)*basy_money*EXTR_TIME;
- if (sum <= LIN_MONEY1)
- rate_money = sum * RATE1;
- else if (sum <= (LIN_MONEY1 + LIN_MONEY2))
- rate_money = LIN_MONEY1*RATE1 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1)*RATE2;
- else
- rate_money = LIN_MONEY1 * RATE1 + LIN_MONEY2 * RATE2 + BASY_MONEY2 + (sum - LIN_MONEY1 - LIN_MONEY2)*RATE3;
- income = sum - rate_money;
- printf("工资总额是:%.2lf\t税金是:%.2lf\t净收入是:%.2lf\n", sum, rate_money, income);
- printf("输入下一个数字继续\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int get_first(void)
- {
- int ch;
- ch = getchar();
- while (isspace(ch))
- ch = getchar();
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- int get_first(void);
- float get_num(void);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- float first, second;
- printf("输入你想进行运算的选项:\n");
- printf("a.加法\ts.减法\n");
- printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n");
- printf("q.退出\n");
- while ((ch=get_first())!='q')
- {
- ch = tolower(ch);
- if (ch != 'a'&& ch != 's'&& ch != 'm'&& ch != 'd')
- {
- printf("你只能输入a,s,m,d,q中的一个:");
- continue;
- }
- printf("输入第一个数:");
- first = get_num();
- printf("输入第二个数:");
- second = get_num();
- if (ch == 'd')
- {
- while (second == )
- {
- printf("输入一个大于0的数:");
- second = get_num();
- }
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'a':
- printf("%.1f+%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first + second); break;
- case 's':
- printf("%.1f-%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first - second); break;
- case 'm':
- printf("%.1f*%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first*second); break;
- case 'd':
- printf("%.1f/%.1f=%.1f\n", first, second, first / second); break;
- default:
- ;
- break;
- }
- printf("输入你想进行运算的选项:\n");
- printf("a.加法\ts.减法\n");
- printf("m.乘法\td.除法\n");
- printf("q.退出\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int get_first(void)
- {
- int ch;
- while ((ch = getchar()) == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n')
- continue;
- while (getchar() != '\n')
- continue;
- return ch;
- }
- float get_num(void)
- {
- float input;
- char ch;
- while (scanf_s("%f",&input)!=)
- {
- while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
- putchar(ch);
- printf("%c不是数字\n请输入例如2.5,-1.78E8,3之类的数字:",ch);
- }
- return input;
- }
- /*********编程练习9***********/
- /*复习题9*/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void mennu(void); //菜单函数
- int limt(int up, int down); //上下限函数
- int main(void)
- {
- int ch;
- mennu();
- while ((ch=limt(,))!=)
- {
- printf("%d一个正确的选择!\n",ch);
- mennu();
- }
- getchar();
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void mennu(void)
- {
- printf("请选择列表中对应的数字:\n");
- printf("1) 复制文件 \t2) 移动文件\n");
- printf("3) 删除文件 \t4) 退出\n");
- printf("输入你选择的数字:\n");
- }
- int limt(int up, int down)
- {
- int input;
- int a=scanf_s("%d", &input);
- while (a==&&(input > up || input < down))
- {
- printf("输入数值超过限制!\n");
- mennu();
- scanf_s("%d", &input);
- }
- if (a!=)
- {
- printf("没有数字输入!\n");
- input = ;
- }
- return input;
- }
- /*编程练习1*/
- #include<stdio.h>
- double min(double x, double y);
- int main(void)
- {
- double a, b;
- printf("输入两个小数,将输出较小的值(输入q退出):\n");
- while (scanf_s("%lf %lf", &a, &b)==)
- {
- printf("%lf和%lf中较小的数是:%lf", a, b, min(a, b));
- printf("继续输入进行比较(输入q退出):\n");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- double min(double x, double y)
- {
- return x < y ? x : y;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void chline(char ch, int i, int j);
- int main(void)
- {
- char c;
- int row;
- int clum;
- printf("该程序要求输入一个字符并按输入的行列数打印\n");
- printf("输入你想打印的字符:");
- scanf_s("%c", &c);
- printf("输入你想打印的行和列(用空格分开):");
- scanf_s("%d %d", &row, &clum);
- printf("\n");
- chline(c, row, clum);
- getchar();
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void chline(char ch, int i, int j)
- {
- for (int x = ; x < i; x++)
- {
- for (int y = ; y < j; y++)
- putchar(ch);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void chline(char ch, int i, int j);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int row, clo;
- printf("输入想要打印的字符:");
- while ((ch=getchar())!='#')
- {
- if (ch == '\n')
- continue;
- printf("输入想要打印的次数和行数:");
- if (scanf_s("%d %d", &clo, &row) != )
- break;
- chline(ch, clo, row);
- printf("继续输入下一个想打印的字符(输入#退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void chline(char ch, int i, int j)
- {
- for (int x = ; x < i; x++)
- {
- for (int y = ; y < j; y++)
- putchar(ch);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- double Har_average(double num1, double num2); //调和平均数
- int main(void)
- {
- double a = 3.14, b = 3.15, c;
- c=Har_average(a, b);
- printf("%lf", c);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- double Har_average(double num1, double num2)
- {
- double down_num1, down_num2, down_avweage;
- down_num1 = / num1;
- down_num2 = / num2;
- down_avweage = / ((down_num1 + down_num2) / );
- return down_avweage;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void large_of(double *p1, double *p2);
- int main(void)
- {
- double a, b;
- printf("输入两个值:");
- while (scanf_s("%lf %lf",&a,&b)==)
- {
- large_of(&a, &b);
- printf("交换后的值为%lf和%lf\n", a, b);
- printf("继续输入(输入q退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void large_of(double *p1, double *p2)
- {
- if (*p1 > *p2)
- *p2 = *p1;
- else
- *p1 = *p2;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void change(double *p1, double *p2, double*p3);
- int main(void)
- {
- double a, b, c;
- while (scanf_s("%lf %lf %lf", &a, &b,&c) == )
- {
- change(&a, &b, &c);
- printf("交换后的值为%lf和%lf和%f\n", a, b,c);
- printf("继续输入(输入q退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void change(double *p1, double *p2, double *p3)
- {
- double max, min, mid;
- max = *p1;
- if (max < *p2)
- max = *p2;
- if (max < *p3)
- max = *p3;
- min = *p1;
- if (min > *p2)
- min = *p2;
- if (min > *p3)
- min = *p3;
- mid = *p1 + *p2 + *p3 - max - min;
- *p1 = min;
- *p2 = mid;
- *p3 = max;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<ctype.h>
- int report(char ch);
- int main(void)
- {
- char ch;
- int pos; //数值位置
- printf("请输入字符:");
- while ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
- {
- if (ch == '\n')
- {
- continue;
- }
- pos = report(ch);
- if (pos == -)
- {
- printf("%c不是字母!\n", ch);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("%c在字母表中的位置是%d!\n", ch, pos);
- }
- printf("继续输入:");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int report(char ch)
- {
- if (isalpha(ch)) //判断是否为字母
- {
- return toupper(ch) - 'A' + ; //将小写转换为大写;也可以将大写转换为小写,‘A’要改为‘a’
- }
- else
- {
- return -;
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- double power(double n, int p);
- int main(void)
- {
- double x, xpow;
- int exp;
- printf("输入数字和指数,计算整数幂结果(q退出):");
- while (scanf_s("%lf %d",&x,&exp)==)
- {
- xpow = power(x, exp);
- if (xpow == )
- continue;
- printf("%.3g的%d次幂为%.5g\n", x, exp, xpow);
- printf("继续输入(q退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- double power(double n, int p)
- {
- double pow = ;
- if (p == )
- {
- if (n==)
- {
- printf("0的0次幂未定义,请输入其它值:\n");
- }
- pow = ;
- }
- else if (p==)
- {
- pow = ;
- }
- else if (p>)
- {
- for (int i = ; i <= p; i++)
- {
- pow *= n;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pow = / power(n, -p); //运用了递归
- ///////不用递归的写法:for(int i=1; i <= -p; i++)
- ////////////////// {
- //////////////////////////// pow*=n;
- //////////////////////////// } //此种方法返回的是 1/pow
- }
- return pow;
- }
- /**/
- ////上题所示/////////
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void to_base_n(int x, int system);
- int main(void)
- {
- int num;
- int system_num;
- int status;
- printf("输入一个整数:");
- while (scanf_s("%d",&num)==)
- {
- printf("输入进制(2-10):");
- while ((status=scanf_s("%d",&system_num))==&&(system_num<||system_num>))
- {
- printf("输入进制超过限定值,请输入2-10之间的数字:");
- }
- if (status != )
- break;
- to_base_n(num, system_num);
- printf("\n");
- printf("继续输入一个整数(q退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void to_base_n(int x, int system)
- {
- int r;
- r = x % system;
- if (x >= system)
- {
- to_base_n(x / system, system); //递归
- }
- putchar('' + r); //因为putchar()函数只能输出字符,我们要输出的是字符,所以运用ASCALL码值加上r
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void Fibonacci(int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- int n;
- printf("输入整数:");
- while ((scanf_s("%d",&n)==))
- {
- Fibonacci(n);
- printf("继续输入(q退出):");
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void Fibonacci(int n)
- {
- int f1, f2, f3;
- printf("斐波那契是:");
- for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
- {
- if (i == )
- {
- f1 = ;
- printf("%d", f1);
- }
- else if (i==)
- {
- f2 = ;
- printf("%d", f2);
- }
- else
- {
- f3 = f2 + f1;
- f1 = f2;
- f2 = f3;
- printf("%d", f3);
- }
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /********编程练习10**********/
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define MONTHS 12
- #define YEARS 5
- int main(void)
- {
- const float rain[YEARS][MONTHS] = //2010-2014年降水量
- {
- {4.3,4.3,4.3,3.0,2.0,1.2,0.2,0.2,0.4,2.4,3.5,6.6},
- {8.5,8.2,1.2,1.6,2.4,0.0,5.2,0.9,0.3,0.9,1.4,7.3},
- {9.1,8.5,6.7,4.3,2.1,0.8,0.2,0.2,1.1,2.3,6.1,8.4},
- {7.2,9.9,8.4,3.3,1.2,0.8,0.4,0.0,0.6,1.7,4.3,6.2},
- {7.6,5.6,3.8,2.8,3.8,0.2,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.3,2.6,5.2}
- };
- int year, month;
- float subtot, total; //初始化要放在循环中
- printf("年份\t降水量\n");
- for (year = ,total=; year < YEARS; year++)
- {
- for (month = ,subtot = ; month < MONTHS; month++)
- subtot += *(*(rain + year) + month); //每年每月降水量
- printf("%d\t%.1f\n", + year, subtot);
- total += subtot; //5年总降水量
- }
- printf("\n每年的平均降水量为:%.1f\n", total / YEARS);
- printf("每月5年中平均降水量:\n");
- printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12\n");
- for (month = ; month < MONTHS; month++)
- {
- for (year = , subtot = ; year < YEARS; year++)
- {
- subtot += *(*(rain + year) + month);
- }
- printf("%4.1f", subtot / YEARS);
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void copy_arr(double target[], double source[], int n);
- void copy_ptr(double *target, double *source, int n);
- void copy_ptrs(double *target, double *source_begin, int *source_end );
- int main(void)
- {
- int i;
- double source[] = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 };
- double target1[];
- double target2[];
- double target3[];
- printf("source: ");
- for ( i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%.1lf", source[i]);
- printf(" ");
- }
- putchar('\n');
- copy_arr(target1, source, );
- printf("target1:");
- for (i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%.1lf", target1[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- copy_ptr(target2, source, );
- printf("target2:");
- for ( i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%.1lf", *(target2 + i));
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- copy_ptrs(target3, source, source+);
- printf("target3:");
- for (i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%.1lf", target3[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void copy_arr(double target[], double source[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- target[i] = source[i];
- }
- }
- void copy_ptr(double *target, double *source, int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- *(target + i) = *(source + i);
- }
- }
- void copy_ptrs(double *target, double *source_begin, int *source_end)
- {
- while (source_begin < source_end)
- {
- *target = *source_begin;
- target++;
- source_begin++;
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 10
- void show_arr(const arr[], int n);
- int max_arr(const arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- int arr[SIZE] = { ,,,,,,,,, };
- int max;
- show_arr(arr, SIZE);
- max = max_arr(arr, SIZE);
- printf("%d是数组中的最大值。\n", max);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- int max_arr(const arr[], int n)
- {
- int max = arr[];
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- if (max < arr[i])
- max = arr[i];
- }
- return max;
- }
- void show_arr(const arr[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- printf("%d", arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 10
- double max(const arr[], int n);
- void show_arr(const arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- int arr[SIZE] = { ,,,,,,,,, };
- int max_sub;
- show_arr(arr, SIZE);
- max_sub = max(arr, SIZE);
- printf("最大值的下标是%d\n", max_sub);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- double max(const arr[], int n)
- {
- int max = arr[];
- int sub; //最大值下标
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- if (max < arr[i])
- max = arr[i];
- sub = i;
- }
- return sub;
- }
- void show_arr(const arr[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- printf("%d", arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 10
- double diff_val(const double arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- double arr[SIZE] = { ,,,,,,,,, };
- double value;
- value = diff_val(arr, SIZE);
- printf("最大值与最小值的差是%lf\n", value);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- double diff_val(const double arr[], int n)
- {
- double max = arr[];
- double min = arr[];
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- if (max < arr[i])
- {
- max = arr[i];
- }
- else if(min>arr[i])
- {
- min = arr[i];
- }
- }
- return max - min;
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE 10
- void reverse(double arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- double arr[SIZE] = { ,, ,,,,,,, };
- printf("排序前的结果是:");
- for (int i = ; i < SIZE; i++)
- {
- printf("%.2lf", arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- reverse(arr, SIZE);
- printf("排序后的结果是:");
- for (int i = ; i < SIZE; i++)
- {
- printf("%.2lf", arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void reverse(double arr[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n / ; i++)
- {
- double tmp = arr[i];
- arr[i] = arr[n - - i];
- arr[n - - i] = tmp;
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define ROWS 3 //行
- #define COLS 4 //列
- void copy_arr(double target_arr[][COLS], double source_arr[][COLS], int row);
- int main(void)
- {
- double source_arr[ROWS][COLS] =
- {
- {1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4},
- {2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5},
- {3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6}
- };
- double target_arr[ROWS][COLS];
- copy_arr(target_arr, source_arr, ROWS);
- printf("结果为:\n");
- for (int i = ; i < ROWS; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < COLS; j++)
- {
- printf("%.2lf", target_arr[i][j]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void copy_arr(double target_arr[][COLS], double source_arr[][COLS], int row)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < row; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < COLS; j++)
- {
- target_arr[i][j] = source_arr[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define SIZE1 7
- #define SIZE2 3
- void copy_arr(int target_arr[],const int source_arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- int source_arr[SIZE1] = { ,,,,,, };
- int target_arr[SIZE2];
- int values;
- copy_arr(target_arr, source_arr + , SIZE2);
- for (int i = ; i < SIZE2; i++)
- {
- printf("%d", target_arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- printf("\n");
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void copy_arr(int target_arr[], const int source_arr[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- target_arr[i] = source_arr[i];
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void copy_arr(int rows, double target_arr[][],double source_arr[][]);
- void show_arr(int rows, double target_arr[][], double source_arr[][]);
- int main(void)
- {
- double source_arr[][] =
- {
- {1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5},
- {2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6},
- {3.3,4.4,5.5,6.6,7.7}
- };
- double target_arr[][];
- copy_arr(, target_arr, source_arr);
- show_arr(, target_arr, source_arr);
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void copy_arr(int rows, double target_arr[][], double source_arr[][])
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- target_arr[i][j] = source_arr[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- void show_arr(int rows, double target_arr[][], double source_arr[][])
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- printf("%.2lf", source_arr[i][j]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- printf("%.2lf", target_arr[i][j]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void add_arr(int source_arr1[], int source_arr2[], int target_arr[], int n);
- int main(void)
- {
- int source_arr1[] = { ,,, };
- int source_arr2[] = { ,,, };
- int target_arr[];
- add_arr(source_arr1, source_arr2, target_arr, );
- for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%d", target_arr[i]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void add_arr(int source_arr1[], int source_arr2[], int target_arr[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- target_arr[i] = source_arr1[i] + source_arr2[i];
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void times2_arr(int source_arr[][], int target_arr[][], int rows);
- void show_arr(int source_arr[][], int target_arr[][], int rows);
- int main(void)
- {
- int source_arr[][] =
- {
- {,,,,},
- {,,,,},
- {,,,,}
- };
- int target_arr[][];
- times2_arr(source_arr, target_arr, );
- show_arr(source_arr, target_arr, );
- putchar('\n');
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void times2_arr(int source_arr[][], int target_arr[][], int rows)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- target_arr[i][j] = *source_arr[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- void show_arr(int source_arr[][], int target_arr[][], int rows)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- printf("%4d", source_arr[i][j]);
- //putchar(' ');
- //putchar(' ');
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- printf("%4d", target_arr[i][j]);
- //putchar(' ');
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define YEARS 5
- #define MONTHS 12
- void total_rain(const float rain[][MONTHS], int years);
- void average(const float rain[][MONTHS], int years);
- int main(void)
- {
- const float rain[YEARS][MONTHS] = //2010-2014年降水量
- {
- {4.3,4.3,4.3,3.0,2.0,1.2,0.2,0.2,0.4,2.4,3.5,6.6},
- {8.5,8.2,1.2,1.6,2.4,0.0,5.2,0.9,0.3,0.9,1.4,7.3},
- {9.1,8.5,6.7,4.3,2.1,0.8,0.2,0.2,1.1,2.3,6.1,8.4},
- {7.2,9.9,8.4,3.3,1.2,0.8,0.4,0.0,0.6,1.7,4.3,6.2},
- {7.6,5.6,3.8,2.8,3.8,0.2,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.3,2.6,5.2}
- };
- total_rain(rain, YEARS);
- average(rain, YEARS);
- putchar('\n');
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void total_rain(const float rain[][MONTHS], int years)
- {
- int i, j;
- float subtotal,total = ;
- for ( i = ; i < years; i++) //每次循环需要将total归零。因为计算的是每年每月降水量
- {
- for ( j = , subtotal = ; j < MONTHS; j++)
- {
- subtotal += rain[i][j];
- }
- printf("%d\t%.1f\n", + i, subtotal);
- total += subtotal;
- }
- printf("5年总降水量为%.1f\n", total / years);
- }
- void average(const float rain[][MONTHS], int years)
- {
- int i, j;
- float subtotal;
- for ( i = ; i < MONTHS; i++)
- {
- for ( j = , subtotal = ; j < years; j++)
- {
- subtotal += rain[j][i];
- }
- printf("%-4.1f", subtotal / years);
- }
- }
- /**/
- #include<stdio.h>
- void input_arr(double arr[][], int rows);
- double average_cols(double arr[], int cols);
- double average_all(double arr[][], int rows);
- double max_arr(double arr[][], int rows);
- void show_arr(double arr[][], int rows);
- int main(void)
- {
- double arr[][];
- printf("输入15个浮点值:\n");
- input_arr(arr, );
- putchar('\n');
- for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
- {
- printf("%d组数据的平均值是%lf\n", i+, average_cols(arr[i], ));
- }
- printf("所有数据的平均值是%lf\n", average_all(arr, ));
- printf("15个数据中最大值为:%lf\n", max_arr(arr, ));
- show_arr(arr, );
- getchar();
- return ;
- }
- void input_arr(double arr[][], int rows)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- printf("请输入第%d组数据:\n", i + );
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- scanf_s("%lf", &arr[i][j]);
- getchar();
- }
- }
- }
- double average_cols(double arr[], int cols)
- {
- double sum = 0.0;
- for (int i = ; i < cols; i++)
- {
- sum += arr[i];
- }
- return (sum / cols);
- }
- double average_all(double arr[][], int rows)
- {
- double sum = 0.0;
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- sum += arr[i][j];
- }
- }
- return (sum / ( * rows));
- }
- double max_arr(double arr[][], int rows)
- {
- double max = 0.0;
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- if (max<arr[i][j])
- {
- max = arr[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- return max;
- }
- void show_arr(double arr[][], int rows)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < rows; i++)
- {
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- printf("%lf", arr[i][j]);
- putchar(' ');
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- /**/
- //////////////我的vs2017似乎不支持变长数组,但大致定义如下
- /*#include<stdio.h>
- #define ROWS 3
- #define COLS 5
- void input_arr(int rows,int cols, double arr[rows][cols]);
- double average_cols(int cols,double arr[cols]);
- double average_all(int rows, int cols, double arr[rows][cols]);
- double max_arr(int rows, int cols, double arr[rows][cols]);
- void show_arr(int rows, int cols, double arr[rows][cols]);
- int main(void)
- {
- getchar();
- return 0;
- }*/
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