
using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e6+;
vector<int> g[maxn];
int visit[maxn],N,M,x,y,flag;
void init () {
fill (visit,visit+maxn,);
for (int i=;i<maxn;i++) g[i].clear();
void dfs (int v) {
if (g[v].size()!=) flag=;
for (int i=;i<g[v].size();i++)
if (!visit[g[v][i]]) dfs (g[v][i]);
int dfsTrave () {
int block=;
for (int i=;i<=N;i++)
if (!visit[i]) {
dfs (i);
if (!flag) block++;
return block;
int main () {
while (~scanf ("%d %d",&N,&M)) {
init ();
for (int i=;i<M;i++) {
scanf ("%d %d",&x,&y);
printf ("%d\n",dfsTrave());
return ;

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