This interface shows how a spring animation can be created by specifying a “damping” (bounciness) and “response” (speed).



  Key Features(关键特性)

  1. Uses “design-friendly” parameters.(使用友好的参数)。
  2. No concept of animation duration.(没有动画持续时间的概念)。
  3. Easily interruptible.(容易中断)。

  Design Theory(设计理论)

  Springs make great animation models because of their speed and natural appearance. A spring animation starts incredibly quickly, spending most of its time gradually approaching its final state. This is perfect for creating interfaces that feel responsive—they spring to life!


  A few additional reminders when designing spring animations:


  1. Springs don’t have to be springy. Using a damping value of 1 will create an animation that slowly comes to rest without any bounciness. Most animations should use a damping value of 1. 译:弹簧不一定有弹性。使用阻尼值1将创建一个动画,它会慢慢地停止,没有任何弹性,大多数动画应该使用阻尼值1.
  2. Try to avoid thinking about duration. In theory, a spring never fully comes to rest, and forcing a duration on the spring can cause it to feel unnatural. Instead, play with the damping and response values until it feels right. 译:尽量避免考虑持续时间。从理论上讲,弹簧永远不会完全静止,强迫弹簧持续一段时间会让它感到不自然。相反,使用阻尼和响应值,直到感觉正确为止。

  3. Interruption is critical. Because springs spend so much of their time close to their final value, users may think the animation has completed and will try to interact with it again.中断是至关重要的,因为弹性花费了如此多的时间来接近它们的最终价值,用户可能认为动画已经完成,并将再次尝试与它交互。

  Critical Code(关键代码)

  In UIKit, we can create a spring animation with a UIViewPropertyAnimatorand a UISpringTimingParameters object. Unfortunately, there is no initializer that just takes a damping and response. The closest we can get is the UISpringTimingParameters initializer that takes a mass, stiffness, damping, and initial velocity.


UISpringTimingParameters(mass: CGFloat, stiffness: CGFloat, damping: CGFloat, initialVelocity: CGVector)

  We would like to create a convenience initializer that takes a damping and response, and maps it to the required mass, stiffness, and damping.

  With a little bit of physics, we can derive the equations we need:


  With this result, we can create our own UISpringTimingParameters with exactly the parameters we desire.


extension UISpringTimingParameters {
convenience init(damping: CGFloat, response: CGFloat, initialVelocity: CGVector = .zero) {
let stiffness = pow( * .pi / response, )
let damp = * .pi * damping / response
self.init(mass: , stiffness: stiffness, damping: damp, initialVelocity: initialVelocity)

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