
  1. package com.ztesoft.iotcmp.util;
  3. import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp;
  4. import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
  5. import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
  6. import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;
  7. import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException;
  9. import java.io.*;
  10. import java.net.SocketException;
  11. import java.util.ArrayList;
  12. import java.util.List;
  13. import java.util.Properties;
  14. import java.util.Vector;
  15. import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
  17. public class SftpUtil implements AutoCloseable {
  18. private Session session = null;
  19. private ChannelSftp channel = null;
  21. private String userName = "bi";
  22. private String passWord = "bi";
  23. private String hostName = "";
  24. private String port = "";
  25. private String workDir = "test/download";
  27. public SftpUtil(String hostName, String port, String userName
  28. , String passWord, String workDir) throws IOException, JSchException {
  29. this.hostName = hostName;
  30. this.port = port;
  31. this.userName = userName;
  32. this.passWord = passWord;
  33. this.workDir = workDir;
  34. connectServer(hostName, Integer.parseInt(port), userName, passWord);
  35. }
  37. /**
  38. * 连接sftp服务器
  39. *
  40. * @param serverIP 服务IP
  41. * @param port 端口
  42. * @param userName 用户名
  43. * @param password 密码
  44. * @throws SocketException SocketException
  45. * @throws IOException IOException
  46. * @throws JSchException JSchException
  47. */
  48. public void connectServer(String serverIP, int port, String userName, String password) throws JSchException {
  49. JSch jsch = new JSch();
  50. // 根据用户名,主机ip,端口获取一个Session对象
  51. session = jsch.getSession(userName, serverIP, port);
  52. // 设置密码
  53. session.setPassword(password);
  54. // 为Session对象设置properties
  55. Properties config = new Properties();
  56. config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
  57. session.setConfig(config);
  58. // 通过Session建立链接
  59. session.connect();
  60. // 打开SFTP通道
  61. channel = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp");
  62. // 建立SFTP通道的连接
  63. channel.connect();
  65. }
  67. /**
  68. * 自动关闭资源
  69. */
  70. public void close() {
  71. if (channel != null) {
  72. channel.disconnect();
  73. }
  74. if (session != null) {
  75. session.disconnect();
  76. }
  77. }
  79. /**
  80. * @param path
  81. * @throws SftpException
  82. * @return获取目录下文件名称
  83. */
  84. public List<String> getDirFileList(String path) throws SftpException {
  85. List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
  86. if (channel != null) {
  87. Vector vv = channel.ls(path);
  88. if (vv == null && vv.size() == 0) {
  89. return list;
  90. } else {
  91. Object[] aa = vv.toArray();
  92. for (int i = 0; i < aa.length; i++) {
  93. System.out.print(aa[i].toString());
  94. ChannelSftp.LsEntry temp = (ChannelSftp.LsEntry) aa[i];
  95. //获取文件名称
  96. String fileName = temp.getFilename();
  97. //判断文件名称是否为点
  98. if (!fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")) {
  99. //判断文件是否为目录
  100. if (!temp.getAttrs().isDir()) {
  101. list.add(fileName);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. }
  105. }
  106. }
  107. return list;
  108. }
  110. /**
  111. * 下载文件
  112. *
  113. * @param remotePathFile 远程文件
  114. * @param localPathFile 本地文件[绝对路径]
  115. * @throws SftpException SftpException
  116. * @throws IOException IOException
  117. */
  118. public void downloadFile(String remotePathFile, String localPathFile) throws SftpException, IOException {
  119. try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File(localPathFile))) {
  120. if (channel == null)
  121. throw new IOException("sftp server not login");
  122. channel.get(remotePathFile, os);
  123. }
  124. }
  126. /**
  127. * 下载文件
  128. *
  129. * @param downloadFile 下载的文件
  130. * @param saveFile 存在本地的路径
  131. */
  132. public void download(String downloadFile, String saveFile) throws SftpException, FileNotFoundException {
  133. if (workDir != null && !"".equals(workDir)) {
  134. channel.cd(workDir);
  135. }
  136. File file = new File(saveFile);
  137. channel.get(downloadFile, new FileOutputStream(file));
  138. System.out.println("下载文件到"+saveFile+"目录完成!");
  139. }
  141. /**
  142. * 下载文件
  143. *
  144. * @param downloadFile 下载的文件
  145. */
  146. public InputStream download(String downloadFile) {
  147. InputStream in = null;
  148. try {
  149. channel.cd(workDir);
  150. in = channel.get(downloadFile);
  151. } catch (Exception e) {
  152. e.printStackTrace();
  153. throw new RuntimeException(e);
  154. }
  155. return in;
  156. }
  158. /**
  159. * 上传文件
  160. *
  161. * @param remoteFile 远程文件
  162. * @param localFile
  163. * @throws SftpException
  164. * @throws IOException
  165. */
  166. public void uploadFile(String remoteFile, String localFile) throws SftpException, IOException {
  167. try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(localFile))) {
  168. if (channel == null)
  169. throw new IOException("sftp server not login");
  170. channel.put(in, remoteFile);
  171. }
  172. }
  174. /**
  175. * 下载流文件
  176. *
  177. * @param remoteFileName
  178. * @return
  179. * @throws SftpException
  180. * @throws IOException
  181. */
  182. public BufferedReader downloadGZFile(String remoteFileName) throws SftpException, IOException {
  183. BufferedReader returnValue = null;
  185. //跳转目录
  186. Boolean state = openDir(this.workDir, channel);
  188. //判断是否跳转到指定目录
  189. if (state) {
  190. InputStream in = new GZIPInputStream(channel.get(remoteFileName));
  191. if (in != null) {
  192. returnValue = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
  193. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: download " + this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName + " from ftp : succeed! ----------->");
  194. } else {
  195. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download " + this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName + " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  196. }
  197. }
  199. return returnValue;
  200. }
  202. /**
  203. * 跳转到指定的目录
  204. *
  205. * @param directory
  206. * @param sftp
  207. * @return
  208. */
  209. public static boolean openDir(String directory, ChannelSftp sftp) {
  210. try {
  211. sftp.cd(directory);
  212. return true;
  213. } catch (SftpException e) {
  214. return false;
  215. }
  216. }
  218. public String getWorkDir() {
  219. return this.workDir;
  220. }
  221. }



  1. SftpUtil sftpUtil = new SftpUtil(host,port,userName,passWord,dir);


  1. List<String> fileList = sftpUtil.getDirFileList(sftpUtil.getWorkDir());
  2. if (fileList == null || fileList.isEmpty()) {
  3. throw new RuntimeException("没有文件要处理!");
  4. }


  1. boolean flag = SftpConfigUtil.checkFileIsDeal(fileName);//此处是根据表数据查询


  1. if (!flag){
  2. BufferedReader reader = sftpUtil.downloadGZFile(fileName);//下载压缩文件并转化为流
  4. List<TempPaymentDayAuditFileDTO> dataList = paseReader(reader, fileName);//解析文件字段,注意关闭文件流reader.close();
  5. tempPaymentDayAuditService.insertPaymentDayAudits(dataList);//插入数据库
  6. SftpConfigUtil.insertFileIsDeal(fileName);//插入文件已处理标记到数据表中
  7. }


  1. sftpUtil.close();


  1. package com.ztesoft.iotcmp.util;
  3. import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
  4. import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP;
  5. import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
  6. import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;
  7. import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;
  9. import java.io.*;
  10. import java.util.ArrayList;
  11. import java.util.Iterator;
  12. import java.util.List;
  13. import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
  15. /**
  16. * Ftp操作工具类
  17. *
  18. * @author easonwu
  19. *
  20. */
  21. public class FtpUtil {
  23. private String userName = "bi";
  24. private String passWord = "bi";
  25. private String hostName = "" ;
  26. private String port = "" ;
  27. private String workDir = "test/download" ;
  28. private FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
  30. public FtpUtil() throws IOException {
  31. initailCheck() ;
  32. }
  34. public FtpUtil(String hostName , String port , String userName
  35. , String passWord , String workDir) throws IOException {
  36. this.hostName = hostName ;
  37. this.port = port ;
  38. this.userName = userName ;
  39. this.passWord = passWord ;
  40. this.workDir = workDir ;
  41. initailCheck() ;
  42. }
  44. private void initailCheck() throws IOException {
  45. connectToServer();
  46. if( this.workDir != null && !"".endsWith(this.workDir )){
  47. checkPathExist(this.workDir);
  48. }
  49. closeConnect();
  50. }
  52. /**
  53. * 查找指定目录是否存在
  54. * @param filePath 要查找的目录
  55. * @return boolean:存在:true,不存在:false
  56. * @throws IOException
  57. */
  58. private boolean checkPathExist(String filePath) throws IOException {
  59. boolean existFlag = false;
  60. try {
  61. if (!ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath)) {
  62. ftpClient.makeDirectory(filePath);
  63. }
  64. } catch (Exception e) {
  65. e.printStackTrace();
  66. }
  67. return existFlag;
  68. }
  70. /**
  71. * 连接到ftp服务器
  72. */
  73. private void connectToServer() throws IOException{
  74. if(!ftpClient.isConnected()){
  75. int reply;
  76. try{
  77. ftpClient = new FTPClient();
  78. ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();
  80. if(this.port == null || "".equals(this.port)){
  81. ftpClient.connect(this.hostName);
  82. }
  83. else{
  84. ftpClient.connect(this.hostName, Integer.parseInt(this.port));
  85. }
  87. ftpClient.login(userName, passWord);
  88. reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
  90. if(!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)){
  91. ftpClient.disconnect();
  92. System.err.println("FTP server refused connection.");
  93. }
  94. }
  95. catch(IOException e){
  96. // System.err.println("登录ftp服务器【" + this.hostName + "】失败");
  97. e.printStackTrace();
  98. throw new IOException("登录ftp服务器【" + this.hostName + "】失败");
  99. }
  100. }
  101. }
  103. /**
  104. * 关闭连接
  105. */
  106. private void closeConnect() {
  107. try {
  108. if (ftpClient != null) {
  109. ftpClient.logout();
  110. ftpClient.disconnect();
  111. }
  112. } catch (Exception e) {
  113. e.printStackTrace();
  114. }
  115. }
  117. /**
  118. * 转码[GBK -> ISO-8859-1]
  119. * 不同的平台需要不同的转码
  120. * @param obj
  121. * @return
  122. */
  123. private static String gbkToIso8859(Object obj) {
  124. try {
  125. if (obj == null)
  126. return "";
  127. else
  128. return new String(obj.toString().getBytes("GBK"), "iso-8859-1");
  129. } catch (Exception e) {
  130. return "";
  131. }
  132. }
  134. /**
  135. * 转码[ISO-8859-1 -> GBK]
  136. * 不同的平台需要不同的转码
  137. * @param obj
  138. * @return
  139. */
  140. private static String iso8859ToGbk(Object obj) {
  141. try {
  142. if (obj == null)
  143. return "";
  144. else
  145. return new String(obj.toString().getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "GBK");
  146. } catch (Exception e) {
  147. return "";
  148. }
  149. }
  151. /**
  152. * 设置传输文件的类型[文本文件或者二进制文件]
  153. * @param fileType--BINARY_FILE_TYPE、ASCII_FILE_TYPE
  154. */
  155. private void setFileType(int fileType) {
  156. try {
  157. ftpClient.setFileType(fileType);
  158. } catch (Exception e) {
  159. e.printStackTrace();
  160. }
  161. }
  163. private void changeDir(String filePath) throws IOException {
  164. // 跳转到指定的文件目录
  165. if (filePath != null && !filePath.equals("")) {
  166. if (filePath.indexOf("/") != -1) {
  167. int index = 0;
  168. while ((index = filePath.indexOf("/")) != -1) {
  169. System.out.println("P:"+ filePath.substring(0,
  170. index)) ;
  171. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath.substring(0,
  172. index));
  174. filePath = filePath.substring(index + 1, filePath.length());
  175. }
  176. if (!filePath.equals("") && !"/".equals(filePath)) {
  177. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath);
  178. }
  179. } else {
  180. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath);
  181. }
  182. }
  183. }
  184. /**
  185. * check file
  186. * @param filePath
  187. * @param fileName
  188. * @return
  189. * @throws IOException
  190. */
  191. private boolean checkFileExist(String filePath, String fileName)
  192. throws IOException {
  193. boolean existFlag = false;
  194. changeDir( filePath ) ;
  195. String[] fileNames = ftpClient.listNames();
  196. if (fileNames != null && fileNames.length > 0) {
  197. for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
  198. System.out.println("File:" + iso8859ToGbk(fileNames[i])) ;
  199. if (fileNames[i] != null
  200. && iso8859ToGbk(fileNames[i]).equals(fileName)) {
  201. existFlag = true;
  202. break;
  203. }
  204. }
  205. }
  206. ftpClient.changeToParentDirectory();
  207. return existFlag;
  208. }
  210. /**
  211. * download ftp file as inputstream
  212. * @param remoteFileName
  213. * @return
  214. * @throws IOException
  215. */
  216. public InputStream downloadFile(
  217. String remoteFileName) throws IOException {
  218. InputStream returnValue = null;
  219. //下载文件
  220. BufferedOutputStream buffOut = null;
  221. try {
  222. //连接ftp服务器
  223. connectToServer();
  224. if (!checkFileExist(this.workDir, remoteFileName)) {
  225. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : file " + this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName+ " does not exist, download failed!----------->");
  226. return null;
  227. } else {
  228. changeDir( this.workDir ) ;
  229. String[] fileNames = ftpClient.listNames();
  231. //设置传输二进制文件
  232. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  233. //获得服务器文件
  234. InputStream in = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(remoteFileName);
  235. //输出操作结果信息
  236. if (in != null) {
  237. returnValue = new ByteArrayInputStream(IOUtils.toByteArray(in));
  238. in.close();
  239. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: download "+ this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : succeed! ----------->");
  240. } else {
  241. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download "+ this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  242. }
  243. }
  244. //关闭连接
  245. closeConnect();
  246. } catch (Exception e) {
  247. e.printStackTrace();
  248. returnValue = null;
  249. //输出操作结果信息
  250. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download " + this.workDir + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  251. } finally {
  252. try {
  253. if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
  254. closeConnect();
  255. }
  256. } catch (Exception e) {
  257. e.printStackTrace();
  258. }
  259. }
  260. return returnValue;
  261. }
  263. /**
  264. *
  265. * @param remoteFilePath
  266. * @param remoteFileName
  267. * @param localFileName
  268. * @return
  269. * @throws IOException
  270. */
  271. public boolean downloadFile(String remoteFilePath,
  272. String remoteFileName, String localFileName) throws IOException {
  273. boolean returnValue = false;
  274. //下载文件
  275. BufferedOutputStream buffOut = null;
  276. try {
  277. //连接ftp服务器
  278. connectToServer();
  279. File localFile = new File(localFileName.substring(0, localFileName
  280. .lastIndexOf("/")));
  281. if (!localFile.exists()) {
  282. localFile.mkdirs();
  283. }
  284. if (!checkFileExist(remoteFilePath, remoteFileName)) {
  285. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : file " + remoteFilePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " does not exist, download failed!----------->");
  286. return false;
  287. } else {
  288. changeDir( remoteFilePath ) ;
  289. String[] fileNames = ftpClient.listNames();
  291. //设置传输二进制文件
  292. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  293. //获得服务器文件
  294. buffOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
  295. localFileName));
  296. returnValue = ftpClient.retrieveFile(
  297. remoteFileName, buffOut);
  298. //输出操作结果信息
  299. if (returnValue) {
  300. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: download "+ remoteFilePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : succeed! ----------->");
  301. } else {
  302. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download "+ remoteFilePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  303. }
  304. }
  305. //关闭连接
  306. closeConnect();
  307. } catch (Exception e) {
  308. e.printStackTrace();
  309. returnValue = false;
  310. //输出操作结果信息
  311. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download " + remoteFilePath+ "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  312. } finally {
  313. try {
  314. if (buffOut != null) {
  315. buffOut.close();
  316. }
  317. if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
  318. closeConnect();
  319. }
  320. } catch (Exception e) {
  321. e.printStackTrace();
  322. }
  323. }
  324. return returnValue;
  325. }
  327. /**
  328. *
  329. * @param remoteFileNameList
  330. * @return
  331. * @throws IOException
  332. */
  333. public List batchDownloadFile(
  334. List remoteFileNameList) throws IOException {
  335. InputStream resultIs = null ;
  336. List inputStreamList = null ;
  337. String remoteFileName = null ;
  339. if( remoteFileNameList == null ||remoteFileNameList.isEmpty() ) return null ;
  341. inputStreamList = new ArrayList() ;
  342. for( Iterator it = remoteFileNameList.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) {
  343. remoteFileName = (String)it.next() ;
  344. resultIs = this.downloadFile(remoteFileName);
  345. if (resultIs != null ) {
  346. inputStreamList.add(resultIs) ;
  347. }
  348. }
  349. return inputStreamList;
  350. }
  352. /**
  353. * 删除服务器上文件
  354. *
  355. * @param fileDir
  356. * 文件路径
  357. * @param fileName
  358. * 文件名称
  359. * @throws IOException
  360. */
  361. public boolean delFile(String fileDir, String fileName) throws IOException {
  362. boolean returnValue = false;
  363. try {
  364. //连接ftp服务器
  365. connectToServer();
  366. //跳转到指定的文件目录
  367. if (fileDir != null) {
  368. if (fileDir.indexOf("/") != -1) {
  369. int index = 0;
  370. while ((index = fileDir.indexOf("/")) != -1) {
  371. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(fileDir.substring(0,
  372. index));
  373. fileDir = fileDir
  374. .substring(index + 1, fileDir.length());
  375. }
  376. if (!fileDir.equals("")) {
  377. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(fileDir);
  378. }
  379. } else {
  380. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(fileDir);
  381. }
  382. }
  383. //设置传输二进制文件
  384. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  385. //获得服务器文件
  386. returnValue = ftpClient.deleteFile(fileName);
  387. //关闭连接
  388. closeConnect();
  389. //输出操作结果信息
  390. if (returnValue) {
  391. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: delete " + fileDir + "/"
  392. + fileName + " at ftp:succeed! ----------->");
  393. } else {
  394. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : delete " + fileDir + "/"
  395. + fileName + " at ftp:failed! ----------->");
  396. }
  397. } catch (Exception e) {
  398. e.printStackTrace();
  399. returnValue = false;
  400. //输出操作结果信息
  401. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : delete " + fileDir + "/"
  402. + fileName + " at ftp:failed! ----------->");
  403. } finally {
  404. try {
  405. if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
  406. closeConnect();
  407. }
  408. } catch (Exception e) {
  409. e.printStackTrace();
  410. }
  411. }
  412. return returnValue;
  413. }
  415. /**
  416. * upload file to ftp
  417. * @param uploadFile
  418. * @param fileName
  419. * @return
  420. * @throws IOException
  421. */
  422. public boolean uploadFile(String uploadFile , String fileName ) throws IOException{
  423. if(uploadFile == null || "".equals(uploadFile.trim())){
  424. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : uploadFile:" + uploadFile
  425. + " is null , upload failed! ----------->");
  426. return false ;
  427. }
  428. return this.uploadFile(new File(uploadFile) , fileName ) ;
  429. }
  431. /**
  432. * batch upload files
  433. * @param uploadFileList
  434. * @return
  435. * @throws IOException
  436. */
  437. public boolean batchUploadFile(List uploadFileList ) throws IOException{
  438. if(uploadFileList == null || uploadFileList.isEmpty()){
  439. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : batchUploadFile failed! because the file list is empty ! ----------->");
  440. return false ;
  441. }
  443. for( Iterator it = uploadFileList.iterator() ; it.hasNext() ;){
  444. File uploadFile = (File)it.next() ;
  445. if( !uploadFile(uploadFile , uploadFile.getName() ) ){
  446. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : upload file【"+uploadFile.getName()+"】 failed! ----------->") ;
  447. return false ;
  448. }
  449. }
  450. return true ;
  451. }
  453. /**
  454. * upload file to ftp
  455. * @param uploadFile
  456. * @param fileName
  457. * @return
  458. * @throws IOException
  459. */
  460. public boolean uploadFile(File uploadFile, String fileName)
  461. throws IOException {
  462. if (!uploadFile.exists()) {
  463. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : an named " + fileName
  464. + " not exist, upload failed! ----------->");
  465. return false;
  466. }
  467. return this.uploadFile(new FileInputStream(uploadFile) , fileName ) ;
  468. }
  470. /**
  471. * upload file to ftp
  472. * @param is
  473. * @param fileName
  474. * @return
  475. * @throws IOException
  476. */
  477. public boolean uploadFile(InputStream is , String fileName ) throws IOException {
  478. boolean returnValue = false;
  479. // 上传文件
  480. BufferedInputStream buffIn = null;
  481. try {
  483. // 建立连接
  484. connectToServer();
  485. // 设置传输二进制文件
  486. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  487. // 获得文件
  488. buffIn = new BufferedInputStream(is);
  489. // 上传文件到ftp
  490. ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();
  491. returnValue = ftpClient.storeFile(gbkToIso8859(this.workDir + "/"
  492. + fileName), buffIn);
  493. // 输出操作结果信息
  494. if (returnValue) {
  495. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: upload file to ftp : succeed! ----------->");
  496. } else {
  497. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : upload file to ftp : failed! ----------->");
  498. }
  499. // 关闭连接
  500. closeConnect();
  502. } catch (Exception e) {
  503. e.printStackTrace();
  504. returnValue = false;
  505. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : upload file to ftp : failed! ----------->");
  506. } finally {
  507. try {
  508. if (buffIn != null) {
  509. buffIn.close();
  510. }
  511. if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
  512. closeConnect();
  513. }
  514. } catch (Exception e) {
  515. e.printStackTrace();
  516. }
  517. }
  518. return returnValue ;
  519. }
  521. public boolean changeDirectory(String path) throws IOException {
  522. return ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(path);
  523. }
  524. public boolean createDirectory(String pathName) throws IOException {
  525. return ftpClient.makeDirectory(pathName);
  526. }
  527. public boolean removeDirectory(String path) throws IOException {
  528. return ftpClient.removeDirectory(path);
  529. }
  530. // delete all subDirectory and files.
  531. public boolean removeDirectory(String path, boolean isAll)
  532. throws IOException {
  534. if (!isAll) {
  535. return removeDirectory(path);
  536. }
  538. FTPFile[] ftpFileArr = ftpClient.listFiles(path);
  539. if (ftpFileArr == null || ftpFileArr.length == 0) {
  540. return removeDirectory(path);
  541. }
  542. //
  543. for (int i=ftpFileArr.length ; i>0 ; i-- ) {
  544. FTPFile ftpFile = ftpFileArr[i-1] ;
  545. String name = ftpFile.getName();
  546. if (ftpFile.isDirectory()) {
  547. System.out.println("* [sD]Delete subPath ["+path + "/" + name+"]");
  548. removeDirectory(path + "/" + name, true);
  549. } else if (ftpFile.isFile()) {
  550. System.out.println("* [sF]Delete file ["+path + "/" + name+"]");
  551. deleteFile(path + "/" + name);
  552. }
  553. // else if (ftpFile.isSymbolicLink()) {
  554. //
  555. // } else if (ftpFile.isUnknown()) {
  556. //
  557. // }
  558. }
  559. return ftpClient.removeDirectory(path);
  560. }
  562. public boolean deleteFile(String pathName) throws IOException {
  563. return ftpClient.deleteFile(pathName);
  564. }
  566. public List getFileList(String path) throws IOException {
  567. FTPFile[] ftpFiles= ftpClient.listFiles(path);
  569. List retList = new ArrayList();
  570. if (ftpFiles == null || ftpFiles.length == 0) {
  571. return retList;
  572. }
  573. for (int i=ftpFiles.length ; i>0 ; i-- ) {
  574. FTPFile ftpFile = ftpFiles[i-1] ;
  575. if (ftpFile.isFile()) {
  576. retList.add(ftpFile.getName());
  577. }
  578. }
  580. return retList;
  581. }
  583. private void changeWordDir(String wd) throws IOException{
  584. if(wd != null && wd != ""){
  585. if(!ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(wd)){
  586. ftpClient.makeDirectory(wd);
  587. ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(wd);
  588. }
  589. }
  590. }
  592. /**
  593. * 上传文件到服务器上
  594. * @param is 文件流
  595. * @param filepath FTP服务器上文件路径
  596. * @param filename 文件名称
  597. * @return
  598. * @throws Exception
  599. */
  600. public boolean uploadFile(InputStream is,String filepath,String filename) throws Exception{
  601. if(!ftpClient.isConnected()){
  602. connectToServer();
  603. }
  604. changeWordDir(this.workDir);
  605. changeWordDir(filepath);
  606. ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  607. ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();
  608. boolean isSuccess = ftpClient.storeFile(filename, is);
  609. if(isSuccess){
  610. System.out.println("<-- INFO:upload "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: succeed -->");
  611. }else{
  612. System.out.println("<-- INFO:upload "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: failed -->");
  613. }
  614. is.close();
  615. closeConnect();
  616. return isSuccess;
  617. }
  619. /**
  620. * 从FTP服务器上下载文件
  621. * @param filepath FTP服务器文件路径
  622. * @param filename 文件名称
  623. * @param localPath 本机文件路径
  624. * @return
  625. * @throws IOException
  626. */
  627. public boolean downLoadFile(String filepath,String filename,String localPath) throws IOException{
  628. if(!ftpClient.isConnected()){
  629. connectToServer();
  630. }
  631. changeWordDir(this.workDir);
  632. changeWordDir(filepath);
  633. if(ftpClient.listNames(filename).length > 0){
  634. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  635. File localFile = new File(localPath+"/"+filename);
  636. OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
  637. boolean isSuccess = ftpClient.retrieveFile(filename, os);
  638. if(isSuccess){
  639. System.out.println("<-- INFO:download "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: succeed -->");
  640. }else{
  641. System.out.println("<-- INFO:download "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: failed -->");
  642. }
  643. os.close();
  644. closeConnect();
  645. return isSuccess;
  646. }else{
  647. System.out.println("<-- INFO:download "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: failed, file is not exist -->");
  648. }
  649. closeConnect();
  650. return false;
  651. }
  653. /**
  654. * 删除FTP服务器上的文件
  655. * @param filepath 文件路径
  656. * @param filename 文件名称
  657. * @throws IOException
  658. */
  659. public boolean deleteFile(String filepath,String filename) throws IOException{
  660. if(!ftpClient.isConnected()){
  661. connectToServer();
  662. }
  663. changeWordDir(this.workDir);
  664. changeWordDir(filepath);
  665. boolean isSuccess = false;
  666. if(ftpClient.listNames(filename).length > 0){
  667. isSuccess = ftpClient.deleteFile(filename);
  668. if(isSuccess){
  669. System.out.println("<-- INFO:delete "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: succeed -->");
  670. }else{
  671. System.out.println("<-- INFO:delete "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: failed -->");
  672. }
  673. }else{
  674. System.out.println("<-- INFO:delete "+workDir+"/"+filepath+"/"+filename+" from ftp: failed, file is not exist -->");
  675. }
  676. closeConnect();
  677. return isSuccess;
  678. }
  680. /**
  681. * download ftp .gz file as BufferedReader
  682. * @param remoteFileName
  683. * @return
  684. * @throws IOException
  685. */
  686. public BufferedReader downloadGZFile(
  687. String remoteFileName, String filePath) throws IOException {
  688. BufferedReader returnValue = null;
  689. //下载文件
  690. BufferedOutputStream buffOut = null;
  691. try {
  692. //连接ftp服务器
  693. connectToServer();
  694. if (!checkFileExist(filePath, remoteFileName)) {
  695. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : file " + filePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " does not exist, download failed!----------->");
  696. return null;
  697. } else {
  698. changeDir( filePath ) ;
  699. String[] fileNames = ftpClient.listNames();
  701. //设置传输二进制文件
  702. setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
  703. //获得服务器文件
  704. InputStream in = new GZIPInputStream(ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(remoteFileName));
  705. //输出操作结果信息
  706. if (in != null) {
  707. returnValue = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
  708. in.close();
  709. System.out.println("<----------- INFO: download "+ filePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : succeed! ----------->");
  710. } else {
  711. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download "+ filePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  712. }
  713. }
  714. //关闭连接
  715. closeConnect();
  716. } catch (Exception e) {
  717. e.printStackTrace();
  718. returnValue = null;
  719. //输出操作结果信息
  720. System.out.println("<----------- ERR : download " + filePath + "/" + remoteFileName+ " from ftp : failed! ----------->");
  721. } finally {
  722. try {
  723. if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
  724. closeConnect();
  725. }
  726. } catch (Exception e) {
  727. e.printStackTrace();
  728. }
  729. }
  730. return returnValue;
  731. }
  733. public String getWorkDir()
  734. {
  735. return this.workDir;
  736. }
  737. }
  1. reader.close();


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